Woman Sentenced To House Arrest In 85-Count Drug Case

July 30, 2011

A former Cantonment resident has been sentenced in an 85-count count drug case in which she purchased large amounts of pseudoephedrine destined for a clandestine meth lab.

Prosecutors dropped 60 of the felony drug distribution counts against Tammy Marie Sheffield before she was sentenced by Judge Nicholas Geeker. She was found guilty on the remaining 25 counts and sentenced to 12 months community control followed by 36 months probation.

As part of her sentence, Sheffield agreed to testify truthfully against other suspects in any state or federal cases in which she has any information.

According to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, Sheffield purchased an excessive and illegal quantity of pseudoephedrine over about a one year period.

The investigation also revealed that several persons conspired be traveling to together to area pharmacies to purchase large quantities of pseudoephedrine. And, according to the Sheriff’s office, Sheffield should have known that the pseudoephedrine products she purchased were being used to manufacture methamphetamines in a clandestine laboratory.

According to court and Escambia County Jail records, Sheffield is a former resident of Eden Lane in Cantonment.


20 Responses to “Woman Sentenced To House Arrest In 85-Count Drug Case”

  1. someone that knows them on August 20th, 2011 7:50 pm

    his dad got 7 years for less charges then what she had and it was his first time he ever got in trouble so no she should have her kids taking away and do time i mean years behind bars

  2. dont forget on August 20th, 2011 7:43 pm

    dont forget the one that had you sons all this time

  3. Tammy Sheffield-Rothe on August 18th, 2011 10:19 am

    Just for your info I did what I had to do for MY CHILDREN! I admit I made some VERY BAD decisions. And I am not proud of them! My youngest son has one parent in prison and doesn’t deserve to loose his mother and father! And just to add I have been clean off of meth for over a year and have the drug tests to prove it! NOBODY IS PERFECT! All I can do now is better myself for my children. Thats what I am doing! THANK YOU TO ALL MY FAMILY FOR ALL THEIR LOVE AND SUPPORT THROUGH ALL OF THIS! Especially my loving husband!

  4. David Huie Green on August 2nd, 2011 2:02 pm

    ” she gonna be a snitch ”

    She’s also a criminal, it seems.

    David pondering which is worse
    and why Lauren favors one over the other

  5. Lauren on August 1st, 2011 2:06 am

    well can i get off like that? she better hide out cause she gonna be a snitch

  6. jack ruby on July 31st, 2011 11:25 pm

    The tracking software for drug sales like this is available and the state passed the legislation for it two years ago but Governor Scott has specifically said he will veto any attempt to fund the program to that dope can be tracked in Florida. Thank you Governor Scott. Oh…we are republican territory so we will vote for you next time anyway.

  7. mad on July 31st, 2011 8:29 am

    when she went to jail last month she went throw detox she has till on it then when she get out she will be right back on it so when she does she right back to jail she still has court in santa rosa on the 2 for vop she looking at 4 years so maybe she will get it

  8. deBugger on July 31st, 2011 7:11 am

    1) Were any of them involved in violent crime?
    2) Do you folks LIKE paying the bill on high-dollar prison stays for people that aren’t?
    3) She made the best deal she could. THAT’s the way the Justice System runs these days.

    She looks like she coulda been a little clueless to begin with, anyway…

  9. R.Gates on July 30th, 2011 10:06 pm

    I just think it’s kind of ironic she was sentenced for a meth charge by judge “Geeker”. But I do not agree with the snitching agreement that she gets a little time so they can make more arrests. She needs to do all her time. Why do we say we don’t make deals with terrorists and do this? Don’t drug addicts terrorize our society? Why do we owe them any kind of deal? What kind of message are we really sending here? Snitch your friends because you got caught and save your own hide? I think she will be buying more as soon as she is released,just a stupid cycle that shouldn’t be.

  10. Somebody who knows on July 30th, 2011 9:28 pm

    Just wanted to piont out that the court house and court rooms are is open to the public. If you think are upset by what this is doing to your community and the punishment is unfair then maybe you should find out when these people are beeing sentenced

  11. No Justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on July 30th, 2011 7:59 pm

    RE to HUH

    This girl is a well know “METH” addict and was involved with all the other people in the meth bust recently but is getting off scott free by telling on everyone else.
    Most everyone is going to FEDERAL PRISON, all except HER and everyone in Cantonment and Molino knows she is just as involved as the rest.
    Her step father RONNIE LAMBETH also got busted. Look at his sentence compared to hers and she has way more than him but almost the same sentence.

  12. WHY on July 30th, 2011 7:49 pm

    It just seems so unfair that his girl will walk when she was involved with most everyone of the people who will spend YEARS in federal prison.
    My MY MY she must really have a good friend in the narcotics department because look what all the others got…..20 years…..7 years….18 years……
    I have NO HOPE in the justice system ever ever ever AGAIN!

  13. huh on July 30th, 2011 7:16 pm

    I thought that laws were passed where a person could only buy 1 box or so of these a month. I thought they checked somehow and if you were trying to buy more they would prevent you from doing so.

    But should it be against the law completely just because you bought a lot of a completely legal item ? It seems to much, sure in this case it was a meth lab but what about someone thats sick a lot or buying meds for children/grand children and more? Will they have random charges come up for buying more than a few packs of cold meds ?

  14. Mayor Chapstick on July 30th, 2011 3:00 pm

    Wow Really?? That’s all she got? This really sets an example for all the others out there doing this.

  15. bamachick on July 30th, 2011 1:02 pm

    This is not a shock to me but its a shame cuz of her kids.So she has no room to talk about anyone else or put anyone else down.She use to be a good person and a good mom.But that has changed so to me on what they sentenced her for was not good enough.

  16. bamachick on July 30th, 2011 12:18 pm

    Well i know Tammy used to be a good person but its a crying shamed of what she has and who she has turned out to be.And she has no more room to talk about anyone else that was once real close to her.So people like her is the cause of people that really is in need of their medications and cant get them.So all i can say about this its a slap on the risk and the state of florida lets people like her get away with it and tells them that its ok and lets them back on the streets again knowing damn well they will repeat the crime over and over again.

  17. ME on July 30th, 2011 9:52 am


  18. Finally on July 30th, 2011 9:26 am

    Bout time she made it on here. People want to talk about fair and equal justice. She has prior charges in Escambia and Santa Rosa. She is in Santa Rosa now on VOP and all she got was 12 months community control and some probation.

  19. David Huie Green on July 30th, 2011 9:19 am

    “people will turn on anyone including a step daddy LAMBETH when they need to.”

    Good thing too, otherwise criminals would always get away with their crimes. This way nobody can trust others in a conspiracy to commit crimes.

    I can even imagine them saying, “He told me nothing would happen, that everything’d be okay. He lied to me. Why should I stick up for somebody who talked me into doing what just got me a criminal record?

    David for squealers

  20. DISAPPOINTED WITH THE JUSTICE SYSTEM on July 30th, 2011 7:22 am

    Aint it something, people will turn on anyone including a step daddy LAMBETH when they need to.
    Looks like she fooled everyone including the judge. Says here she got married in March. Tammy Rothe?


    http://www.escambiaclerk.com/xml_marriage_1b.asp?ucase=2011 ML 000621