Warrant Issued For Former Cantonment Resident For Infant’s Murder

July 20, 2011

A warrant has been issued for a former Cantonment resident who killed a young child and injured an adult last Friday by shooting into an apartment.

Dwayne “Money” Pinestraw, 19, is wanted on an open count of murder for the shooting death of Ty’Quarius Moultrie, 19 months old; aggravated battery for the shooting of Vincent Dennis, 23; and firing a weapon into an occupied building.

Pinestraw’s current address is not known, but in 2010 he resided on Lake Drive in Cantonment.

Chief Chip W. Simmons said the investigation has been the top priority among officers since Friday.

“Personnel have been working around-the-clock, and we have been able to identify the person responsible for the death of young Ty’Quarius Moultrie,” Simmons said. “Our investigation is continuing, and we hope to have other suspects in custody in the near future.”

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward III had given his full support for officers to use whatever resources were necessary to investigate and identify the person responsible for the shooting.

Hayward also praised officers for their diligence and persistence on this investigation.

Lt. Doug Baldwin, a supervisor in the department’s Criminal Investigations Division, said Pinestraw should be considered armed and dangerous. He added that police know other suspects were involved and are continuing their investigation.

The shooting occurred just before 2 p.m. July 15 at Pensacola Village, 500 E. Fairfield Dr., shortly after several people were involved in a drug transaction near the apartment complex.

Multiple shots were fired into Apartment O-2 and struck Moultrie, 19 months, and Dennis, 23. Their addresses are unavailable. Moultrie was taken to Sacred Heart Hospital where he died a short time later. Dennis also was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

Baldwin said no additional information is being released on the shooting or drug investigations at this time.

Pinestraw is a black male, approximately 5 feet 6 and approximately 130 pounds. He is believed to be driving a white 2000 4-door Buick Century with a Louisiana license tag of TPX061.

Anyone having information on the Pinestraw’s location or the shooting is asked to contact Lt. Doug Baldwin at (850) 435-1908, Detective James Reese at (850) 435-1976, or the Desk Sergeant’s Office at (850) 435-1900.


18 Responses to “Warrant Issued For Former Cantonment Resident For Infant’s Murder”

  1. troy on July 27th, 2011 10:28 pm

    all i can say is wow,hang in there family,leave it in gods hand,beautiful child,i know d-money very well as a matter of fact im related to him,i cant beleive he did this,anyone who knows d-money will tell u the same thing,d-money is not a killer,i hope that justice is served,but i also hope that they get the right person,d-money is not the only one involved in this,anyone can say he did it,but can anyone prove it ? lot of innocent people in jail right now, not taking up for d-money,i just want them to be 100percent sure,and not listen to someone trying to get a plea bargain.

  2. brinana on July 25th, 2011 1:57 pm

    i knew dwayne pinestraw personally and im shocked and disappointed at what he did. its not his character he’s not that type of guy but who are we to judge which one of us is god none of us yeah he is wrong for what he did yeah justice should be served all i can say is dwayne GOD STILL HEARS A SINNERS PRAYER… and if you do see this do the right thing and turn your self in… no hard feelings i still care..

  3. Fairlane63 on July 21st, 2011 6:45 pm

    Lake Drive? Why that’s just hard to believe….

  4. David on July 21st, 2011 5:47 pm

    Pinestraw? Looks more like Erkel.

  5. Atmore G on July 21st, 2011 5:36 pm

    Great job by the Pensacola PD!! I hope that you will now bring this reprobate baby killer to justice by whatever means necessary.. He is presumed to be armed, and he has already killed an innocent child.. Obviously he has no regard for society or law enforcement, so we need to get him off the street ASAP before he kills someone else..

  6. CSA on July 21st, 2011 12:21 pm

    I say it’s time to string people up again in the middle of town and make an example out of all these pieces of crap and quit with all the poor baby didn’t have a good childhood. Who cares about your childhood you just took one from an innocent kid. Do away with these kinds of people, we shouldn’t have to support them for the rest of his and our life!

  7. Kay on July 21st, 2011 10:33 am

    If his teeth WERE pulled and melted down and given any where it should
    be to pay for a beautiful funeral for this baby and a nice head stone.
    JERK! I hope he ROTS~

  8. what????? on July 21st, 2011 7:25 am

    PINESTRAW????? Is this for real?

  9. Walnut Hill Roy on July 21st, 2011 7:20 am

    I’ll take exception to the knock on the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department, I’m a fairly recent transplant from up north and have no ties at all to the Sheriff’s Dept. They have been doing a great job as far as I’m concerned and have brought most of the criminals in this county to justice. I for one am a fan of our Sheriff’s Dept.; if you want to see bad, look at Baltimore City one time where a large percentage of the force is either in jail or heading there.

  10. NWFLA Linda on July 21st, 2011 7:14 am

    A picture is worth a thousand words, isn’t it? Maybe when he’s caught, he’ll get to share a cell with the deceased baby ’s daddy (at least someone identified as such by the baby mama) who is soon to go on trial for a murder he committed last year, I believe it was. What a happy little community.

  11. mr,be good on July 20th, 2011 11:16 pm

    Wow what great work by the p.cola city police dept for their quick work .Escambia county shame on you guys i haven’t heard your dectective solve any thing this fast nothing but the Billings case i guess the other cases not important these guys really beat the pavement ( city police that is ) and solve this quickly maybe we need them in escambia county or they show them how to do their job .Great job again maybe we should get you guys a episode on the first 48

  12. Molino Res on July 20th, 2011 8:17 pm

    Way to go Pensacola Police Department! Good know know a fine Investigator like James Reese is on the case. I hope this guy is caught fast!

  13. Me on July 20th, 2011 6:40 pm

    Melt those teeth down and hire Casey Anthony’s bottom feeding lawyer, and he can walk. Plus get a sweethart deal on all of the talk shows, plus movie deals.

  14. trina on July 20th, 2011 5:30 pm

    how long before the jails and the prisons are overcrowded with these senseless criminals? Who have no regards for humanity (themselves) or the rest of society! I know,i know it starts with the parents or maybe its a generational curse ……..let us pray. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  15. mary on July 20th, 2011 4:50 pm

    Before someone says “AWW the kid had a bad childhood”..I dont give a flip flying flap..(so did I)..This was sooo uncalled for!!!!! He will spend the rest of his LONG life(he is only 19 yrs old) in prison!!! The others involved will be caught(GOOD JOB ESCAMBIA’S FINEST) & they too will join him there..The life in “the system” is not good enough for taking that little innocent baby life..she didnt even get to make to 19! Which brings me to the involvement of drugs..was the uncle or mom of this child involved in drugs? I hope you keep us informed on this!

  16. used to live in Bratt on July 20th, 2011 4:45 pm

    Are those gold teeth? Maybe they can melt them down, so he can pay for some of his prison sentence.

  17. sam on July 20th, 2011 4:41 pm

    a wasted life. i hope we don’t have to support this one.

  18. T on July 20th, 2011 3:35 pm

    NOT even worth the money it will cost to bring this trash to justice!