Victim’s Mom Charged With Beating Sex Abuse Suspect With Extension Cord

July 29, 2011

The mother of a young child sex abuse victim has become the second person charged with allegedly beating the 17-year old suspect with an extension cord.

Juliette H. Dubose, 42, was arrested late Wednesday night for felony cruelty towards a child and later released on$1,000 bond.

She is accused of “whipping” Michael Alexander Dubose after learning that he allegedly had sexual relations with her 6-year son over a one year period at two different units at Century Woods Apartments.

After the beating, Juliette Dubose allegedly instructed the mother of Michael Dubose, Kassedra Dubose, to also beat him with the extension cord. Kassedra Dubose, 38, was previously arrested for felony cruelty towards a child and released from the Escambia County Jail on a $25,000 bond.

The 17-year old Michael Dubose suffered numerous cuts and bruises all over his body, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report. Michael Dubose is currently awaiting trial as an adult on two felony counts of sexual battery on victim under 12.


39 Responses to “Victim’s Mom Charged With Beating Sex Abuse Suspect With Extension Cord”

  1. ............. on August 2nd, 2011 7:18 pm

    he got what he had coming, hit him again! Wire coat hangers work pretty well to, or a frying pan! Whatever floats your boat!

  2. Bobby on August 1st, 2011 9:50 am

    Maybe, just maybe, he got what he had coming to him.

  3. Jeannine Walston on July 31st, 2011 7:48 pm

    Here I go, using my real name again….oh well. I have to disagree with you Whoaaaaa. There are so many people who do NOT abuse their kids or others simply because THEY were abused as kids. People want to spout statistics about people who’ve been abused as children being abusers themselves as adults. Ya know what the problem is with that? They go at it bass ackwards. Instead of asking ALL who were abused if they’ve abused others, they asked all those who abuse if they were abused as kids. That’s comparing apples to oranges. Of course you’re going to find a high percent of those who are abusing who were abused as children. But if you were to poll everybody, not just abusers, and ask if they abuse anyone else, the answer will usually be NO!!!

    Too many people running their mouths who know not of what they speak.

  4. whoaaaaaa! on July 31st, 2011 1:25 pm

    as a former child abuse investigator, i can assure you that the percentage of children who were victims will ALMOST ALWAYS repeat what happened to them. when an adult abuses a child, the child is damaged. then the child just thinks it is normal. very few will not abuse again. the real problem is when a child is abused in the 9-14 age group. this is the group when the children are learning about their own sexuality. they will identify with whatever “turned them on” and repeat it. so, many kids who are offenders in this age group, who find it attractive to offend a small child, will then grow up STILL wanting to offend a small child. Thus, a pedophile is born. A true pedophile is more rare than the public knows. most abusers are sick, but do not quite fit the pedophile profile. the moms in this case did exactly what many people always say they want to do. will the abuser remember this? always. will it stop him from abusing again? not likely.

  5. Jeannine Walston on July 31st, 2011 1:20 pm

    I’ll use my real name and have no problem with doing so.

    If either of these had been my child, you’d better believe the 17 year old would have been getting a beating like he’d never had before. I don’t care if my child is 7, 17 or 70, if I’m still physically able to administer that whipping, my kid’s gonna get it.

    And I would gladly stand in court and tell what happened and why and pretty much DARE a judge or jury to convict me for trying to teach my kid to do what is right.

  6. Concerned Parent on July 31st, 2011 1:18 pm

    I would like to say that all the posts stating they are authored by “Concerned Parent” have not been written by the same person. It’s not that I disagree with what the other person or persons has said, only that I want to make it clear that more than one person can use the same “name” and cause problems for others.

  7. Lisa Whitmire on July 30th, 2011 10:48 pm

    Concerned Parent and all others in support of the women who defended the poor, innocent (not anymore) child who was sexually assaulted, you are right on with your moral and ethical opinions. I don’t know this boy’s history or why he might have done such a horrific act on a 6 yr old but it is, for sure, wrong….in the most extreme sense of the word. A very good point was brought up in that the perpetrator is being charged as an adult and the women are being charged with cruelty towards a child. A good lawyer should be able to use this in the women’s defense. Kudos for everyone for supporting the women, even if wrong in the eyes of the law, but I would love it if everyone would get the credit they deserve by using their real names. Peace, LW

  8. walnut hill girl on July 30th, 2011 3:18 pm

    Please let the record show that if this were my son i would be sitting in jail right now. There would be no police, no dhr, and no one would be able to help this 17 year old boy. And i would be perfectly fine with being in jail because i know my child would be taken care of and when my family brough him to see me i could tell him that i was in jail because i was protecting him.

  9. *applauding* on July 30th, 2011 3:15 pm

    these two mothers did the only thing everyone else would do in this situation short of killing them in a moment of pure anger…in other countries you can be set on FIRE for stealing…this act is far more serious than theft, not even on the same level…the mothers at most (because of our wonderful justice system) should get a misdomeanor assault or battery…way to go moms for taking care of business!!!!!!!

  10. Concerned Parent on July 30th, 2011 2:24 pm

    “Michael Dubose is currently awaiting trial as an adult on two felony counts of sexual battery on victim under 12 (, 2011).”

    So just where is this 17 year-old adult “currently?” Yes, he’s innocent until proven guilty when he gets his day in court. But actually going to court can be a long wait before it happens. Rember school starts back in less than a month and he could be sitting in class with your or my kids in middle school unless he finally made it to hgh school while he awaits justice. I don’t know about you all, but this is a concern for those of us who still have kids in school. So will he show back up at Ernest Ward or Northview on August 22nd?

  11. dixie chick on July 30th, 2011 9:07 am

    Why did the mom have a $25,000 bond and the aunt only got $1,000. Neither should have any! I would’ve done the same thing!!

  12. Seeing it like it really is------ on July 30th, 2011 8:52 am

    Use a soft tone of voice—Don’t ever spank! Let the guys decide whether to play with dolls or trucks—let the little fellow play in Mom’s high heels. Heaven forbid–they get “beat” with a switch for anything.

    Prosecute our teachers for paddling their behinds. Express anger and disgust if the schools try to discipline the children.

    and——watch them grow up to not respect authority of any kind and go to prison for drug abuse, sexually molesting kids and everything else. ——

  13. Concerned Parent on July 30th, 2011 12:39 am

    WHY does anybody think that being beaten as a child will cause one to become a child molester when they grow up? Where do you get that connection? Because I’m having a really hard time seeing it.

  14. REF on July 29th, 2011 11:22 pm

    The only problem with this story is the parent got in trouble for Trying to correct a horrible thing that this ADULT has done .. He knew better an despite that he still ruined this family an kids life by taking advantage.. So I say to the parents bravo for the punishment so when ya get out an decide another whipping is in order for him call me I be glad to hold the little punk down while you strap him real good…

  15. whitepunknotondope on July 29th, 2011 10:11 pm

    First off, WAY TO GO MOM!!! I hope you got some good licks on that little punk.

    Someone said “…chemical castration…this will not stop future sexual attacks. Sexual molestation is about control and power over the victim. Being unable to ‘have’ sex will not keep the offender from further attacks.”

    Ok, then let’s amputate one arm up to the shoulder. That should stop it. If they repeat, lets amputate the other arm.

  16. AL on July 29th, 2011 9:36 pm

    sick and tired said “She probably had beat him B4. The perp may have been a victim in the past. Many of them are. It is a sad circle. I would feel like beating him, too, but it won’t do any good. Hope the victim in this case does not do it to anyone else.”

    Actually it is pretty rare for sex abuse victims to continue the cycle. It’s been awhile but last stat I heard was something like 1 in 8?

  17. Just wait on July 29th, 2011 7:05 pm

    Just wait until he get put in lock down with other men….. I bet he will beg for
    the 2 moms to whip him. I believe this should be the NEW law give the
    victims family the persons that hurt, killed or caused heartache… Eye for a eye…

  18. LA redneck on July 29th, 2011 7:02 pm

    I sure wish I could sit on these Ladies jury !

  19. Swamp Willow on July 29th, 2011 6:34 pm

    Someone mentioned chemical castration…this will not stop future sexual attacks. Sexual molestation is about control and power over the victim. Being unable to ‘have’ sex will not keep the offender from further attacks.

  20. Way to go on July 29th, 2011 4:36 pm

    Way to go ladies! I would’ve done the same thing for my child.

  21. Concerned Parent on July 29th, 2011 3:54 pm


    I’m sorry that these two women were arrested for doing what any caring parent would do. I’m sorry they took them to jail for defending the 6 year old victim in this whole situation. I’m sorry that our society is screwed up that the sisters were arrested at all. I’m sorry for everything that the victim will endure as he grows up and tries to deal with what was done to him. I’m sorry for everything the two women will go through as they fight their way through our so called “justice” system.

    And I am especially sorry that this poor innocent 6 year old baby went through any of this in the first place.

    Heap all the blame upon the head of the 17 year old who started this whole damned chain of dominoes to falling. He is the cause of every last bit of this. He’s plenty old enough to know better and he did it anyway. I say that he should receive the punishment for getting his butt whipped too. If he hadn’t done the crime, none of the rest would have happened.

  22. dad on July 29th, 2011 2:58 pm

    Thanks mom”s for standing up for the little six year old. I’m sorry you both got arrested. Hope you get light sentences. You did the right thing.

  23. sick and tired on July 29th, 2011 2:45 pm

    She probably had beat him B4. The perp may have been a victim in the past. Many of them are. It is a sad circle. I would feel like beating him, too, but it won’t do any good. Hope the victim in this case does not do it to anyone else.

  24. JUST SAYING! on July 29th, 2011 2:14 pm

    to mike carter if the father was alive that might have option #1. Then someone would’ve been mad caused a man killed a 17 yr old. but it needs to stop somewhere. I say this should be it.

  25. 24/7 on July 29th, 2011 12:37 pm

    They should have used a 2×4…

  26. Becky on July 29th, 2011 11:56 am

    I hope mercy is shown on these two…..a sexual crime is right up there with murder in my opinion! Watch out for this guy later on….they never change their ways.

  27. Hooray for Mom and Auntie Juliette on July 29th, 2011 11:35 am

    So can the state make up its mind about charging the kid as an adult? or charging the Mom and Auntie for cruelty to a “child”. Hopefully the 2 criminals (Mom and Auntie) will get a decent lawyer and an understanding judge.. Wait never mind that’s not possible around here. They don’t have enough money. And no I don’t think the Mom and Auntie are criminals. I applaud them for their actions! Too bad idiots are running the show.

  28. Thinker on July 29th, 2011 10:57 am

    Violence as a “cure” for behavior?

    Okay…….So what’s the cure for manslaughter? For that matter….what’s the cure for assault? Assault? Does anyone disagree with this mob?

    To Kill a Mockingbird. Good movie. Go watch it.

  29. Kay on July 29th, 2011 9:40 am

    I don’t believe in using belts or cords on kids, but at 17 this kid is either mentally
    deficient or a heinous criminal.

    Good job mom and auntie, someone had to do something. Like a lot of them
    said, “if one of them had shot him we would still be applauding”.

    The 6 year old victim in this case will know everyone cared, mom, auntie,
    the state, and everyone in town, and that this was not his fault.

  30. Jack on July 29th, 2011 9:31 am

    Concerned Parent…What are you sorry about?

  31. ROLL TIDE !!! DD on July 29th, 2011 9:22 am

    Two years from now the same kid will be charged with a crime, and then the question will asked “where was the mom? “. good job mom!!!!!! take care of it now.

  32. Question Mark on July 29th, 2011 8:33 am

    Give mom a medal and a baseball bat!!!!!!

  33. Molino-Anon on July 29th, 2011 8:30 am

    If it were my 6 year old kid he sexually assaulted and I was fortunate to get my hands on him, he wouldn’t be worrying about cuts and bruises. I’d be sitting in jail for murder, but, that would be alright knowing this thug wouldn’t be raping any more children, especially my child again.

    Let the moms go, and chemically castrate the 17 year old, as well as life in prison.

  34. Concerned on July 29th, 2011 7:04 am

    At some level I am sure what these two women did is wrong. However, I applaud what they did. After all Michael is 17 not 10. How many times do parents defend their children when they do something wrong? As a veteran educator I assure you it is way too many. If the 6 year old was my child, you bet I would want to beat the sexual pervert. Too many times these people get a tap on the hand for this type of behavior. I believe Michael might think twice before he does this again.

  35. MIKE CARTER on July 29th, 2011 6:47 am

    Hummmmm! Looks like the state is sheriff is pulling out all the options. First, you have a 17 year old being charged as an ADULT, but you have two mothers being charged with cruelty to a CHILD. Is he a child or an adult? He is lucky that the father of the victim didn’t just shoot him!

  36. mary on July 29th, 2011 6:10 am

    as a victim of sexual abuse as a child..This story has hit my heart..WHY is the question..& NOW we know the victim in this case is 6 yrs old..PLZ get him mental help ASAP!! I didnt get the help I needed till I was grown. Why would some1/any1 do this to little kids?? As I stated before..this guy better hold on to his soap in prison..those men LOVE guyz that do these kind of crimes..He better get jail time in a PRISON!!!!

  37. David farish on July 29th, 2011 3:42 am

    I think he deserves this kind of treatement if he did sexually abuse a six year old. I can’t blame the mother one bit. I think that petifiles aught to be put to death.

  38. Concerned Parent on July 29th, 2011 2:21 am

    Ok, i’m sorry, but if I found out that my sister’s 17 year old son had sex with my 6 year old son, you’d better believe I’d be beating the hell out of him!!!! He’s be lucky if he walked away with his LIFE when I was done.

    I bet there were some officers who were upset over having to arrest these two. I know I would have been. How many of the LEOs do you imagine were thinking about wanting to beat him themselves?

  39. AL on July 29th, 2011 1:57 am

    Way to go mom!!!! The hassle of court will be well worth your child knowing you fought for him. Again – kudos to yoU!!