Two Women Robbed At Gunpoint Outside Pensacola Walmart

July 12, 2011

Two women were robbed at gunpoint Monday afternoon in an Pensacola Walmart parking lot, and a transient is now facing multiple charges in connection with the crime.

The suspect – Karl Hill, 21, no permanent address – was charged with armed robbery, grand theft, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and possession of a weapon by a convicted felon.

The incident occurred around 2:45 p.m. outside Walmart at 2650 Creighton Road.

Pensacola Police Officer David Huhn said the two women were in a parking lot outside Wal-Mart when Hill approached them.

Huhn said Hill, who lives on a wooded trail leading to the business, pointed a handgun at the women, ordered both of them to get onto their knees, and held the gun to the back of their heads while he demanded their possessions.

After getting a purse and wallet from the women, Hill fled toward a church. Hill was taken into custody a short time later behind a nearby car wash and booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $68,000.


15 Responses to “Two Women Robbed At Gunpoint Outside Pensacola Walmart”

  1. Everett on July 15th, 2011 9:08 pm

    There is a gun show every few months in pensacola or milton. They offer a gun permit class. Take the class and send in the state fee. Get the permit and buy a gun you can comfortable handle. Use it if you need to.

    Also don’t be one of the typical wal mart shopperswho you see walking in the parking lot texting or with your hands full with a cell phone in your ear not paying attention. Robbers look for folks distracted or not paying attention to rob.

    These soup kitchens and churches need better regualtions as to who they help. If a person gets food or help and it is found out they are illegal or a fugutive, the church/kichen/mission should be held accountable for harboring an illegal or fugutive. Alabama has just passed that law. Why can’t we in florida do the same.

    We just spent a ton of our tax money doing a study on the number of homeless folks in th area so area agency can receive our tax money to help these folks. The ACLU has tie the hands of local LEO’s on the rights homeless folks have.

    My solution for the homeless. Take a county that is least populated. Move all the regular folks out. Fence the perimeter of the county. Then drop the homeless folks off, give them the basics of survival in the middle of the county. My mistake. I think we are aready doing that in parts of this county.

  2. Karen A Beretta on July 14th, 2011 8:00 pm

    My Husband has for years instilled in me to “ALWAYS BE PREPARED”….Not paronoid……Not Freaked out…….Just always be prepared….
    I have ridden my bike to Walmart through that area by the Tippin Post Office…..Never again…..

    The Officers of Escambia County and the City Police Officers are working very hard to keep us safe….but I am with the above post by Kay…..Clean out this city….get them all the hell out of our town…..We are all working hard to stay alive….we don’t need these problems !!!

    Be Safe
    Karen A Beretta

  3. jennifer on July 13th, 2011 7:54 am

    Everyone just watch your backs. Know who is around you at all time, and have something to protect yourselves. But like my husband always says to me if you get in a situation do pull the gun to quick, but if you have to protect yourself plan on using it or you’ll get shot with your own weapon. Hope it never comes to that dont want it on my conscience, but dont want to lose my family and what we have worked for. Everyone stay ALLERT and be ready at all time beause looking at some of the pics in the news lately you never know who has a weapon and is going to do something stupid. Faces can be decieving. STAY SAFE EVERYONE.

  4. Wharf Rat on July 12th, 2011 6:59 pm

    JA, from what I understand, this assault did not occur out in the concrete parking lot. Rather in a secluded area where people can take a break, and smoke as to not offend anyone. The bottom line is a term law enforcement and military combat personnel will recognize…situational awareness. Don’t turn your back to an entry point, whether it is a door or a trail in the woods. If you choose to not carry a firearm for personal protection, it is entirely up to you. One day you may have to ” get involved.”

  5. JayResident on July 12th, 2011 5:54 pm

    Reason why I got a concealed weapon permit. Might be a good idea for other women to do also. You can never be to careful.

  6. JA on July 12th, 2011 3:32 pm

    I’ve been to that Walmart many times during that time of day and it’s packed full of people, am I the only one who sees something wrong with all of those people in that parking lot, going in and out to their cars and driving around, and not ONE person saw this and did anything to help?
    Yes, Hill was in the wrong and my heart goes out to those women who went thru this. But what about the people that walked by and didn’t notice 2 women sitting on their knees in a parking lot with a gun pointed at the back of their heads? Are we too busy that we can’t take notice of something like that happening? Or are we too worried about retaliation or ‘getting involved’?

  7. pm on July 12th, 2011 2:41 pm

    Gun = 10 – 20 – life. Life in prison is too good of a punishment for him. Believe me, the 2 women victims in this case will also live in a prison (mentally) – He has planted a seed of fear in these 2 ladies and hopefully they have a good support system to help them recover from their terrible experience because they will need it. What a terrible waste of this thugs young life and how soon will he be out on the streets to do this again. He will be smarter and stronger so I certainly agree with Rod Pumas if you haven’t done so yet get your permit and carry your LEGAL weapon everywhere you go.

  8. art on July 12th, 2011 2:29 pm

    go to the walmart in brewton. it is bigger and cleaner and for a lot of folks in the north end, closer than pensacola. avoid pensacola unless absolutely necessary

  9. Kay on July 12th, 2011 9:21 am

    At least they got him. Now how about all the other scum in all the woods
    drinking and drugging and won’t hold a job.

    There are ad’s in Craig’s list for people who want to rent a room.
    They could get two little jobs and support that. They could get a
    shower and clean clothes from the mission. They could go to
    library and use a computer. They have options.
    They don’t care…….
    They want to stick a gun in the back of two women’s heads and take
    anything they want.

    SHERIFF clean out our town of these people with no work, prospects,
    or desire to live a decent life. The women of this town deserve better.
    Police I emplore you to run them out of town or put them in jail. With
    no money, it is just a matter of time before they ALL take a swat at
    some unlucky victim, next time it may be YOUR WIFE or DAUGHTER.


  10. NotAgain on July 12th, 2011 8:17 am

    “Karl Hill, 21, no permanent address”

    “Hill, who lives on a wooded trail leading to the business”

    Sounds like a transient bum panhandler to me. When is law enforcement going to crack down on this type of scum?

  11. JimD on July 12th, 2011 7:15 am

    At 21, no permanent address – charged with armed robbery, grand theft, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, this individual has a promissing career as someone that will have a revolving door at prison.

  12. Oversight on July 12th, 2011 7:10 am

    At least now he has a new address on Leonard Street for awhile before being shipped off to state prison. By the way, did the police recover the handgun?

  13. sam on July 12th, 2011 6:48 am

    i guessing he has a long history of criminal activity and has been caught and released numerous times.

  14. Rod Pumas on July 12th, 2011 5:20 am

    Folks, we live in perilous times.
    This is why me and my wife have our concealed weapons permits.
    We all need to be prepared to encounter dirtbags like this guy in our daily lives. You never know where they will pop up and try to do harm to us or our families.

  15. try me on July 12th, 2011 4:57 am

    the thugs in pensacola are getting more brave when they do this in the middle of the day you used to only here about this happening at nite its time to arm yourself for your own protection lawenforcement does a good job but they cant be everywhere dont become a statistic fight back