Still Wait And See On Century Lumber Industry, Jobs

July 10, 2011

Things have been pretty quiet around the old Alger Sullivan Lumber Company property in Century since a ribbon cutting back in October 2010 for a group of new businesses including Century Lumber and Land. According to the town’s mayor, financing delays stalled a real opening date.

But there’s still a glimmer of hope that Century Lumber and Land will bring new jobs to the Century area, according to Mayor Freddie McCall, who said he met with the company’s leaders last week.

“It all sounded very encouraging,” McCall said, “but it was nothing I can take to the bank at this time. It’s still wait and see.”

Century Lumber and Land unofficially announced a venture with several other companies at a September 2, 2010, meeting of the Century Chamber of Commerce. Century Lumber and Land Manager Jim Craft said at that meeting that the operations would eventually employee 300 to 500 people within a 36 to 42 month period.

A ribbon was cut for the companies in October — before the company actually owned the Alger-Sullivan property.

In early April 2011, Craft told a meeting of the Century Chamber of Commerce that “we now own the property”. But as of this week, records indicate that the property was last sold in 2006 to DMT Holdings, Inc. of Navarre and still belongs to that investment group.

As of April, over 3,000 people had already applied for one of just a few hundred jobs expected to be available initially at Century Lumber and Land, according to Catharine Jeter of Workforce Escarosa.

Pictured top: A group hoping to apply for a job gathered during the ribbon cutting for Century Lumber and Land last October. Pictured below: The old Alger Sullivan Lumber Company, and the planned future home of Century Lumber and Land, sits idle. file photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Still Wait And See On Century Lumber Industry, Jobs”

  1. Molino Man on July 11th, 2011 9:13 am

    If Workforce Escarosa is buying into this company that doesn’t exsist… I think it’s time for this to be looked at by the state. Looks like fraud was commited & the state should’ve known better. Lets hope all those applicants do not have their personal info sold. It happens all the time. Safeguards should protect applicants from this. I hope the “financing” goes through….just like buying a home, this company should have credit approved before hand. Good luck to all involved.

  2. nudo on July 11th, 2011 6:15 am

    Probably got tax breaks and maybe money from our government to start a bussiness, then make up some excuses and get out.

  3. Yancy on July 10th, 2011 8:58 pm

    Kinda funny how 3000 people have gave this company that doesn’t exist their ss numbers and all their private info, hope they don’t have some crooks somewhere along the line with the company( if you can call it that ). Or there will be alot of folks even more down and out than they were to begin with. Just saying

  4. Baebae on July 10th, 2011 4:19 pm

    Just another flybynite operation….another bunch crooks probably anyway …lumber business huh…the multi million dollar one at McDavid aint coming back either…If it does that means the lumber business is coming back…wating on financing huh…kinda like me telling you I got a new car…but they wont finance it for me yet….huh?

  5. 429SCJ on July 10th, 2011 1:05 pm

    Amen cygie.

  6. cygie on July 10th, 2011 9:09 am

    Unfortunately the somewhat flat economy has struck this venture as well. I imagine the idea was good, but is lacking funding. It may never come to pass. I pray for something to break loose in this region to help those who are doing without.

  7. concerned citizen on July 10th, 2011 9:04 am

    they own it but they don’t own it…..does this sound right??

  8. Layla on July 10th, 2011 7:47 am

    ” But as of this week, the property was last sold in 2006 to DMT Holdings, Inc. of Navarre and still belongs to that investment group.

    As of April, over 3,000 people had already applied for one of just a few hundred jobs expected to be available initially at Century Lumber and Land, according to Catharine Jeter of Workforce Escarosa”

    So ‘Workforce Escarosa’ is collecting applications and information on applicants for jobs that have never, and do not, will not, cannot, exist?

    very interesting……

    I do personally wish that this would come to fruition. Unfortunately, looks like another scammer right now though. How can you have a ribbon cutting ceremony on a property that you don’t even own? Why did city officials really let this happen?

    enlighten, Please and Thank You!