Sen. Evers Town Hall Tonight

July 29, 2011

Senator Greg Evers will host the last of his district town hall tour meetings Friday night in Pensacola.

The meeting will take place from 6-8 p.m. at the Hadji Shrine Temple at 800 West Nine Mile Road.

The purpose of the town hall meetings is to provide the district with information on recent legislative changes, and discuss key issues facing Northwest Florida communities and the state going into the 2012 Legislative Session.

A similar meeting was held earlier this month in Jay.


2 Responses to “Sen. Evers Town Hall Tonight”

  1. Jane on July 29th, 2011 7:25 am

    Everyone who signed the septic tank repeal requests….please remind Mr. evers that we still are waiting for a repeal of HB550…the septic tank law! Maybe if enough of us remind him we can put enough pressure on lawmakers to make a difference. Remember, you are the one who will be hit with the fees and replacement of lines and septic tanks if this goes into action! And I don’t know anyone who can afford thousands of dollars, the option being having your home condemned, and not being allowed to live in it!!!

  2. Kathy on July 29th, 2011 7:06 am

    Must be Ever’s latest NRA recruiting efforts!! No thanks!!