Santa Rosa Man Convicted On Child Sex Abuse Charges

July 19, 2011

A Santa Rosa man faces up to 20 years in prison after being convicted on child abuse charges.

State Attorney Bill Eddins said Monday that Frank Andre Mosley was convicted by a Santa Rosa County jury of lewd and lascivious molestation and aggravated stalking of a child.

In March 2007, Mosley, age 51, had met the victim while he was looking for a mobile home to rent. He began to follow the 13-year old girl and attempted to pursue a relationship with her, according to testimony.

On one occasion, Mosley tried to lure the girl into his car by offering to buy her a cell phone and to give her money. While the girl and several of her friends were swimming at the river, Mosley showed up, stripped to his underwear and went into the water where he grabbed the victim’s buttocks, according to court records. The girl reported what Mosley had been doing after receiving a letter from him in which Mosley repeatedly referred to her as “baby” and said he only had eyes for her. Mosley was arrested following an investigation by the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office.

Sentencing is scheduled for August 16, 2011 before Circuit Judge David Rimmer. Mosley faces 20 years in prison for the crimes, including a 15 year minimum mandatory sentence as a prison releasee reoffender on count one and a five year minimum mandatory sentence on the second count.


14 Responses to “Santa Rosa Man Convicted On Child Sex Abuse Charges”

  1. Kay on July 21st, 2011 12:13 pm


    Great Big ole thumbs up from me,
    Sounds real FAIR!

  2. Concerned Parent on July 21st, 2011 6:29 am

    They should be sentenced to however many years the victims are expected to live. If the victim’s life expectancy is another 70 years, then that should be the sentence.

    Sound fair to you guys?

  3. me on July 20th, 2011 10:09 pm

    are u kidding me wat a perv i would have ran screaming if i saw his face how could her and her friends ignore him in his underwear

  4. Kay on July 20th, 2011 12:01 pm

    There could never be enough time given for something like this, how
    will a child ever forget. They will walk though life remembering the
    shame that THEY feel, no matter how it happened, or the fact it was
    not their fault. Some will call them liars, some will look at them funny,
    some will shun them. The shame will never leave them.
    Many grown children know this to be true……..

    WHY do the pedophiles not feel it ! Because they have no shame and
    should be locked away for ever, lest ruin another child’s life.

  5. joe on July 20th, 2011 12:57 am

    this is an illness, and prison has a cure for it!

  6. Really on July 19th, 2011 8:07 pm

    I heard a story about zip ties onetime and always wondered if it was true…I would so tie one around his neck if this was my child…well I guess that would make me bad then hahaha I dont care though. It is our fault for letting people get away with this stuff

  7. JIM W on July 19th, 2011 3:08 pm

    A nasty perverted excuse of a human being. Sick. Preying on young people they should lock his sorry rear end up for about 60 years and no good behavior time. That way he would die in prison or be so old when he did get out he could not do it again. Sick!

  8. Molino Mom on July 19th, 2011 9:21 am

    This does not surprise me in the least. At least this one will get some sort of sentence for his crimes. In most cases the defending attorney will intimidate the child and make them out to be the villain (I know this from personal experience) so by the time a trial date is set they are so scared they can barely speak. Not to mention, the victim MUST testify in front of the offender. (Yeah I too thought a minor could do this by video…nope, not any more) Think about what that does to a child, like they haven’t been thru enough already. There are some serious flaws in our justice system when it comes to sex offenders, which is why there are so many walking the streets. How does a child prove to the world they have been molested, other than their word? There is no way..and thats what the defense attorney jumps on. They ask you 1) did anyone see this happening? 2) Are there any pictures? 3) Tape recordings?
    We teach our children to always tell mommy and daddy if someone touches you “here…or there”..but then when it happens and mommy and daddy DO try to protect the child by calling law enforcement and reporting it…the child is then badgered and intimidated and made to tell their disgusting embarassing experience to strangers over and over until they are ready to just give up. This, of course, is what the defense attny wants (remember by this time he has already been paid at least a portion of his fees, but looking for more) so he’s going to drag this out as long as he can.
    Unless the child (God forbid) gets pregnant, took pictures while the abuse was occuring or recorded the offender during the abuse-according to the justice system- there is no solid proof that it happened. THIS is why our children DO NOT tell when things happen to them because the state laws DO NOT protect them anymore. In my case there will be a jury trial…so with 3 victims testifying against this scum family member I hope and pray he gets what he deserves like this dirtbag did, but I won’t hold my breath. Justice will be served ONE WAY OR ANOTHER…………….

  9. wondering on July 19th, 2011 8:03 am

    What’s going on with all these men after young girls. Can’t they handle an adult woman?

  10. I agree on July 19th, 2011 7:07 am

    I agree with Concerned Parent, why should he be allowed back on the street
    (I seriously doubt he stays there the whole 20) so our next generation will have to worry about him.

  11. Janet on July 19th, 2011 6:50 am

    And that’s 20 without any good behavior– which means he’ll be back on the streets sooner! If we’re lucky he won’t be a model prisoner!

  12. Mickey Powell on July 19th, 2011 5:44 am

    Where is the A.C.L.U. when we need them. This chump did not get enough time

    Mickey Powell

  13. mary on July 19th, 2011 5:40 am

    SICK SICK SICK!!! Bring back “public hangings”..or just let the parents be alone w/this POS for 5 minutes!!

  14. Concerned Parent on July 19th, 2011 3:35 am

    It’s a shame that 20 is all he’s facing. Should be for the rest of his life.