Atmore Man In Custody In Connection With Brewton Shooting

July 14, 2011

An Atmore man is now in custody, charged with a shooting earlier this week in Brewton.

Ricki Tolbert, age 18, has been charged with first degree assault in connection with shooting an 18-year old Brewton resident at a party at the Brewton Masonic Lodge. The victim was transported to an area hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

Pictured: Shooting suspect Ricki Tolbert of Atmore. Photo provided the Brewton Police Department, click to enlarge.


24 Responses to “Atmore Man In Custody In Connection With Brewton Shooting”

  1. Atmore Person on July 18th, 2011 12:07 am

    @ PensacolaEd:I totally agree with you. I just saying if they want to fight and they don’t have a record they may want to join but I wasn’t saying he needs to join just a figure of speech and yes he belongs in jail but everyone deserve a 2nd chance. Because I know he will not pass a background check anyway and he most likely a highschool drop out.

    @ PM: It’s not where you from or where you have lived because I know some people that lived in the projects that are doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. It’s up to that person what you want to make of yourself. Yes we as taxpayers will be paying for his stay in jail or prison as we paying for all the other one that are locked up.

    @Faithful thank you

    @ JW I agree with you. The way this world is going now we just need to pray for our young people. I have kids that is growing up in this world and I try my best to teach them right and have them going to church. See when I was growing up we had to attend sunday school, church service, and summer time VBS. Young people these days only thinking about partying and drinking.

    There was a party in Atmore last night and they was fighting and shooting at the party. The word on the street states that “GANG” Bloods was the one involved in this that took place last night. It just a shame that our young gereration is so lost. As I said earlier we have to continue to pray for these youngesters. Also, Atmore don’t have any activities for this young kids. It just sad.

  2. lol @ ignorance on July 17th, 2011 1:04 pm

    ■lol neva dat on July 15th, 2011 3:59 pm

    Yes, I see. Anytime someone almost kills someone, they should have the option of taking professional pictures or picking out their picture for the media so that they look their best when presented as an attempted murderer. Well, you see, they do take professional pictures. It’s called a mug shot. Also, if you want to be taken seriously please use correct grammar. I just can’t take anyone seriously who uses “dat” in place of “that” or who doesn’t know how to use the correct past tense of words. And the fact of the matter is we don’t need to know what happened. The boy shot another boy in the head. He had a gun. He is obviously in a “gang” (still laughing about this one, wannabe is more like it). So these things just aren’t making his case look so good.

  3. pm on July 16th, 2011 9:25 am

    @PenscolaEd —– How right you are about not sending this little piece of trash to the military. 2 of my sons are currently serving in the military and one will soon be sent to combat. In no way do i want someone like this thug in front, sideways or especially in back of him. The military is about trusting your buddy or shipmate — Who in their mind could ever trust this little wanna be.

  4. PensacolaEd on July 16th, 2011 8:59 am

    Why on earth would you want to inflict trash like this on our Military? He probably couldn’t pass the required drug screening, and almost certainly wouldn’t survive Boot Camp, where you have to do what you are told and respect authority. Send him to prison where he belongs.

  5. pm on July 15th, 2011 6:45 pm

    So, just guessing, he lived in the projects but had access to a computer (for facebook), fairly nice clothes, plenty to eat, and an opportunity to an education. All paid for by the taxpayers but still he needed and wanted a gun and then decided to use it. Now again, we the taxpayers will probably pay for the victims medical treatment and if the perp is convicted will pay to feed, house, and keep him entertained (by lifting weights at the prison) . If and when he gets to prison he will learn many lessons very quickly and ultimately, we again, will have to pay the price for his criminal behavior when he is released. as for the gang thing – obviously he is a wanna be. Hoping that you, like I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of jerks like this.

  6. Faihfully on July 15th, 2011 5:40 pm

    @ atmore person I agree with u totally!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Jim W on July 15th, 2011 5:35 pm

    This is @ Atmore person. You hit the nail on the head. If they want to be in a gang then join the military there they will be trained properly and do something positive in life. When thy get out they will be able to take care of themselves and will not be sitting behind bars because of some negative thing they did. Not saying the military is the only way but I can assure you they will get you directed or you will be gone. And if you go to battle your brothers and sisters are right there with you supporting you because it takes a team to make it all happen. Your military family and experencies are memories that you keep and take with you thru out life for as long as you live. I know I spent many years in the military and served proudly and have many memories from it. It put me on my path to success.
    So, for those young men and women who are lost and looking maybe it’s time for you to step up and check it out. You may be suprised at what your capable of doing in life. Most of your are smart you just have to figure out what to do with it.

  8. Atmore Person on July 15th, 2011 4:43 pm

    First of all they got his picture off his facebook page and yes they should have blocked out his hands because that seem like they wants other kids to see this. this is just sad because if parents put in more time with there kids the younger kids will not result to gangs. He comes from a pretty ruff family and thats on both sides they where always started mess with others, fighting, stabbing, shooting this from the adults down to the babies. You as a parent should lead by examples and not like history repeated itself. He always involved in situation with fighting and guns. They talking about they in a gang (Blood) please. These boys here in Atmore is weak because if you send them to CA, MI, GA and enter the gangs there they family will be laying them to rest the next week. I’m just saying. This is just plain out stupid. But if they want to join a gang and they need to join the gang called Amry, Navy, and take somebody life for a good cause or loose there. It’s people wishing they can get there 18,19,20,21, etc home again because they was put on front line. The way the world going now we are living in the last days and we need to stay prayed up. I hope this is a lesson learned for him. They need to make an example out of him and let him spend the next 10-15 yrs behinds bars and see how it feels to be told to get up, when to eat, when to go to bed, when you can have vistors, when you can make a phone calls, and when you can go outside.

  9. lol neva dat on July 15th, 2011 3:59 pm


  10. JIM W on July 15th, 2011 1:38 pm

    Yep he is signing but I find it interesting he has blue on when it is the bloods sign. Or at least as I have been told. Could he just be a wanna be? Correct me if I’m wrong. He is sitting here trying to be all cool and smug. Let’s see how cool it’s going to be when he gets found guilty if he did it and finds himself in prison possibly for life or most of it anyway. He thinks it cool to just try a blow someones head off thats not cool at all. He should have his butt if guilty thrown in combat and find out what it’s really like to have someone coming after your life every minute of the day day after day and month after month. He might have a different attitude!

  11. Burt from Atmore on July 15th, 2011 12:50 pm

    LOL at the “THUG”. See ya punk.

  12. Brewtonfinest on July 15th, 2011 4:50 am

    first degree assault!!! thats attempted murder. He shot the boy on the head. And this guy suppose to be a blood and he got on blue. Where they do that at. FAKE THUG!

  13. Yung Dude on July 14th, 2011 4:54 pm

    Yeah the sign is blood. Freaking stupid people don’t know how to act anymore. Kids around my age acting stupid. It’s sicking

  14. HarleyMan on July 14th, 2011 9:53 am

    There are Good young persons out here. I spent time with a group of them yesterday afternoon. Youth from different home lifes and different steps yet to take in life. But good kids with a good chance to make it. Make it not be cause of parents ( yes parenting matters ) but because of the God in them and the Love they have in them too. I
    I once looked at young people with eyes of the news , then I got four children and nine grandchildren to look at. And you know what , they are good , I didn’t say without issue I said good. The battle is here and we have a choice. Give up what we love or Stand for your rights. Rights and freedom and earned, not sent at the first of the month.

  15. tigger6046 on July 14th, 2011 8:31 am

    Yes…that thug is flashing a gang sign and this paper should block that out of the picture…any exposure with those signs is considered in the gang world as good exposure for the gangs…….just ask the gang task force. I would photo shop the gang sign out of the picture.

  16. Wakeup on July 14th, 2011 8:29 am

    Wakeup people. He will not be turned in , that’s the state for mind of the world around these losers. Talked to a guy this morning this morning that says he’s kin to this punk in some way. He says what he would do if this boy came up on him , so what about the ones who have no plan.
    I myself have seen a rise in panhandlers. Does anybody work? And I’m not talking about people who have lost jobs , we have a generation that will never never work. Whats the answer ?

  17. safebear on July 14th, 2011 7:27 am

    I’ll bet he wears his pants around his knees and will use the excuse he couldn’t shoot nobody because he had to hold his pants up with both hands..

  18. DJ on July 14th, 2011 6:24 am

    What a dork tag on hat trying to be all hard. Another coward with a gun.

  19. Carl on July 13th, 2011 11:29 pm

    I guess he got his fashion tips from Minnie Pearl.

  20. polythenepam on July 13th, 2011 10:56 pm

    >sam no thats 13 I think its a gang sign…….

  21. It's a go on July 13th, 2011 9:17 pm

    Is that a gang symbol?

  22. Fairlane63 on July 13th, 2011 7:37 pm

    Hard to believe that guy would be involved with criminal activities….

  23. Tracy on July 13th, 2011 6:38 pm

    Imagine that……..

  24. sam on July 13th, 2011 5:47 pm

    the total is 4, somebody tell him he could have done that on one hand.