Plan Includes $51 Million For North Escambia Roads And Bridge Projects

July 14, 2011 five-year transportation improvement plan for NorthHighway Escambia includes five new bridges, a major resurfacing project, widened shoulders and a safety study— over $51 million in projects.

The most significant project is the $8,476,181 maintenance resurfacing of Highway 29 from north of Pine Barren Road to the Alabama line during the next fiscal year, followed by a more permanent  resurfacing of the roadway in 2015-2016 for $25,058,597.

The 2011 Florida Department of Transportation Rural Work Program report for Escambia County identifies the projects to be completed, estimated costs and funding sources. The report is much like a wish list — inclusion in does not guarantee that a project will be funded.

Totaling $51,418,956, the North Escambia area projects included in the five-year plan include:

  • Highway 29 — Maintenance resurfacing from north of Pine Barren Road through Century to the Alabama state line (15.5 miles) in 2011-2012. Total cost: $8,476,181.
  • Highway 29 — Resurfacing from north of Pine Barren Road through Century to the Alabama state line in 2015-2016. Total cost: $25,058,597.
  • Highway 97 — Bridge replacement over Little Pine Barren Creek (near Wiggins Lake Road) by 2014-2015. Total cost: $3,202,283.
  • CR 99 South — Safety study on South Highway 99 from Barrineau Park Road north to Highway 97 during 2013-2014. Total cost: $302,500.
  • Brickyard Road — Bridge replacement over unnamed branch by 2013-2014. Total cost: $2,501,428.
  • Fannie Road — Bridge replacement northeast of Century by 2013-2014. Total cost: $3,167,912.
  • CR 97A — Bridge replacement west of Bay Springs over western fork of Boggy Creek, 2012-2013. Total cost: $4,217,728.
  • South Pineville Road — Bridge replacement over Brushy Creek by 2013-2014. Total Cost: $2,966,259.
  • Crabtree Church Road — Pave shoulders from Sunshine Hill Road to Highway 97 by 2014-2015. Total cost: $1,527,068.

The plan was presented to the Century Town Council Monday night and will be presented on Thursday to the Escambia County Commission. A final report is due to the Florida Department of Transportation by September 1.

Pictured top: The Little Pine Barren Creek Bridge on Highway 97 (near Wiggins Lake Road) is tentatively set for replacement in fiscal year 2014-2015. Pictured inset: The bridge was constructed in 1941. file photos, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Plan Includes $51 Million For North Escambia Roads And Bridge Projects”

  1. Polythenepam on July 18th, 2011 8:58 pm

    How about putting pavement on roads that have absolutely none THEN go back and worry with resurfacing. Why do people that live on dirt roads pay their taxes and get nothing and ones who have a road get better roads? Looks pretty stupid to me. the county needs to tend to the dirt roads, those people need for fire trucks and ambulances and police services to be able to reach them just as much as the ones who live on a slightly bumpy street…..

  2. Michael on July 15th, 2011 5:45 pm

    @Jane, please!!!!! A traffic light at Molino Road and 97? How will that help with projects in our area? What would really be a help is for ALL drivers to understand the different rules regarding driving on our roads, and that in itself would help to curb some of our accidents at the Tom Thumb intersection, and Molino Road. I apologize in advance if I did not understand your comment, but traffic lights are not the answer to resurfacing projects in the North end of the county.

  3. Camp 5 Boyz on July 15th, 2011 8:55 am

    Mary, we are finished with Sunshine Hill Road. It is a shame that you choose to bash us here instead of stopping and asking what was going on and how long it would take. Believe it or not we had reasons for what was going on and some were not within our control.


    Hopefully the people that use Kansas road will have some appreciation of the work getting done and talk to us on site instead of poor mouthing us here !!!

  4. ok on July 14th, 2011 7:07 pm

    gee you would think county rd 164 would be on the list

  5. Kay on July 14th, 2011 2:35 pm

    While our Government ponders to raise our borrowing capacity, when
    all we can do NOW is pay the interest, WE are planning this kind of
    RE-Surfacing budget wish list here in florida. WHY!

    Does anyone really understand the word BROKE!
    We don’t want to raise our credit limit in the U.S. with our outside
    lenders….DO WE?????

    If we would switch from oil to natural gas for our cars alone, it
    would save $1 BILLION dollars A DAY from going out of the U.S
    and never returning ….EACH AND EVERY DAY. We have plenty
    of natural gas, and we don’t have to have any more oil spills.

    A penny saved is a penny earned. Has nobody ever heard those
    words. How about don’t fix it if it ain’t broken.

    Make sure everything we spend today is absolutely necessary
    because nobody may have a job TOMORROW if you don’t.

    My wish list is for a Lamborghini… I’m just not stupid enough
    to put it on a charge card!!!!

  6. Justa on July 14th, 2011 12:23 pm

    I’m sure there is a work that needs to be done to several roads in our area. Highway 99 between highway 97 and the Alabama line even continuing on to hwy 31 has to be the most unsafe. I don’t even see it mentioned above. Hwy 99 has been brought up many times to no avail. I challenge anyone who doubts this to drive the road and see for yourself.

  7. Donna on July 14th, 2011 9:39 am

    Are they ever going to finish widening 97A to 297A??

  8. William on July 14th, 2011 8:52 am

    >>>dont see fairground rd. in molino,listed here WHY??

    These are Florida Dept. of Transportation (state) “wish list” funding projects even though some are on country roads.

    Fairground Road is a county project that is already funded by the county:

  9. belinda lowery on July 14th, 2011 8:15 am

    dont see fairground rd. in molino,listed here WHY??

  10. tallyho on July 14th, 2011 6:28 am

    Where can you apply to get the job for the safety study? $ 302.500. Why do we have to have hwy.’s like 29 surveyed again at the cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars, Has hwy 29 moved?are is it still in the same place? And we wounder why our pockets have less take home money ever week. Pay me ten dollars and i will give you a safety study on hwy 99 from 97 to the Alabama line. The same hwy that all the school buses run daily along with the log and gravel trucks cutting threw to save miles. Maybe we can get the same company that paved hwy 29 the last time, It should be cheaper this time around.

  11. Oversight on July 14th, 2011 6:09 am

    These all look like great projects, but why isn’t there a one for County Road 4’s twin bridges over canoe creek? They are old and extremely narrow as evidenced in the damage to the safety rails from being struck by vehicles. I’d go out on a limb and say that there is more traffic on CR 4 (major east/west route) than on Fannie Rd.

  12. Jane on July 14th, 2011 5:57 am

    How about traffic lights at Hwy 29 and 97, and Hwy 29 and Molino Rd.? Might slow down the speeders and have less traffic accidents. Anyone out there agree or diagree? We could manage with a smaller road improvement somewhere if we had less accidents!

  13. James Broel on July 14th, 2011 5:26 am

    Well they picked some places that need improvement for sure…if Florida government can afford to do this I fully support this. However imagine all the counties in Florida who feel they have equally demanding projects…who will decide what happens? I hope we don’t ask for government monies..the government can’t afford to do it…it’s bankrupt!!

  14. mary on July 14th, 2011 5:09 am

    when wii Sunshine Hill Rd be fininished? they start & stop ..some is resurfaced & then they skipped around & resurface another’s a bother having the “Camp 5 Boyz” @ the end of the driveway.