Packy Mitchell Becomes Fifth To Prefile For District 5 Commission Race

July 12, 2011

A fifth candidate announced Monday that he is running for the Escambia County Commission District 5 seat currently held by Kevin White of Molino.

Packy Mitchell of  Neal Road, Cantonment prefiled to run as a Republican. Mitchell ran unsuccessfully for the seat in 2008, finishing second among Republican candidates.

White has announced that he is running again as Republican. Republicans Sam Archer and Jim Taylor of Cantonment and Dennis Wiggins of Century, who is running with no party affiliation, have also prefiled.

The election is in 2012.


14 Responses to “Packy Mitchell Becomes Fifth To Prefile For District 5 Commission Race”

  1. Al Crun on July 18th, 2011 8:37 pm

    As a retiree and resident of district 5, my main concern is property taxes!
    Kevin White has tried to circumvent the will of the voters of district 5 by continuing to push for consolidated government……after it’s been repeatedly voted down!
    Could there be some hidden agenda?
    If the Maritime Park project turns out to be a bust (any bets on that happening?) and we have consolidated government, guess who gets to pay?
    I don’t know Packy, but I do know Jim Taylor so I’m supporting him as our best bet.

  2. Shadow on July 17th, 2011 11:22 am

    I agree 100% with Janna. Jim Taylor has my vote! I also know that he used to coach with Bill Fryman and Fred Waters. They both thought a lot of Jim, so he must be a good man. He’s an avid hunter and fisherman, and longtime member of the NRA. Just ask the people in the gunshops. He brings new blood to the County Commission. If Jim tells you something, you can take it to the bank. He’s tough enough and smart enough to do a better job for District 5.

  3. Janna on July 17th, 2011 10:03 am

    Please take a good look at Jim Taylor. He has a Master’s Degree in Leadership, 30+ years in the School System. He is a life-long non-smoker, non-drinker, non-drug user. Jim is a good Christian and he doesn’t owe anything to anybody. He will shake things up. I know you can find him in the early mornings at Hammer’s Store, or Fran’s. Just ask them about him.

  4. Liz on July 15th, 2011 4:41 pm

    Packy is a great guy, but he’s just not commissioner material.

  5. Barrineau Park on July 15th, 2011 7:23 am

    I have known Packy for quite a long time, he is one of the most giving and hard working people I know. His concern for the future of our community is second to none – I can honestly say that he is one politician that doesn’t have a personal agenda.

  6. Responsible Gossip on July 14th, 2011 8:12 pm

    Before you ask SUCH a loaded question why don’t you do some research yourself… copy and paste the address to the supervisor of elections web page and type in “roads” you’ll be surprised who has excepted financial backing from “Roads Inc” for this election cycle and in the past!!!
    NO PACKY MITCHELL… He looks clean to me so far!!!

  7. Name (required) on July 14th, 2011 5:20 pm

    Was Packy Mitchell the (or one of) the Roads Inc. sponsored candidates?

  8. Stephanie M on July 14th, 2011 10:41 am

    Packy you have my vote. Let’s all rally behind him and get him in that office. He has very close ties to this community and will be fair.

  9. Shirley & Tim Godwin on July 13th, 2011 9:12 pm

    Packy Mitchell definitely has our votes! We have worked with Packy for the last several years with Miracle League of Pensacola and his hard work, integrity, determination to help others, and endless dedication speak volumes. Thanks Packy for being willing to serve the residents of Escambia County.

  10. Community member on July 12th, 2011 7:42 pm

    Packy has my vote….we all need to get out and work to get him elected!!!

  11. me on July 12th, 2011 11:11 am

    Packy is a good man and he has my vote!!!!

  12. escambiamom on July 12th, 2011 9:47 am

    I hope there are several opportunities for us to hear about what the candidates stand for. Lots of competition is a good thing. Thanks for keeping us informed about this topic.

  13. bama54 on July 12th, 2011 9:17 am

    I don’t know Packy, since I am not from around here. If he wants the job, he better get out there and let people know who he is, or I’ll have to vote for the same old boy again.

  14. YELLARHAMMER on July 12th, 2011 7:36 am

    Packy I didn’t support you the first time and I am sorry for this so lets get the job done.