9 Locals Sentenced Up To 20 Years In Federal Drug Case

July 25, 2011

Nine North Escambia area residents have been sentenced to federal prison and three others are awaiting sentencing on federal drug charges stemming from an undercover operation that ended earlier this year.

The longest sentences were handed down to Matthew Ramsey of Duxbury Avenue in Molino, James N. Brown of Molino Road in Molino and Terry D. Wolfe of Robertsdale, Alabama. Ramsey will spend the next 20 years in federal prison, while Brown was sentenced to nearly 16 years and Wolfe received 10 years.

The 12 were indicted and arrested in February for conspiring to obtain pseudoephedrine in order to manufacture methamphetamine. They were arrested in a day-long law enforcement sweep on February 22 as part of a federal effort dubbed “Operation Blister Pack”. Ramsey and Wolfe were also charged with obtaining pseudoephedrine in order to manufacture methamphetamine and conspiring to manufacture the methamphetamine itself.

All of the dozen defendants entered into plea agreements with federal prosecutors over the past few months.

Those sentenced so far are:

  • James N. Brown, of Molino Road, Molino– 188 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Tonya L. Foster, of Vaughn Street, Cantonment– 72 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Aarron V. Hendrickson, of Hwy. 95A, Cantonment — 36 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Raymond E. Love, of Highway 29, Molino — 54 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • William T. Neal, of  Williams Ditch Road, Cantonment –  40 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Terra C. Palmer, of Daylily Road, Cantonment — 60 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Matthew M. Ramsey, of  Duxbury Avenue, Molino — 240 months federal prison, 10 years supervised release.
  • Nicholas D. Scott, of Rumford Road, Molino – 87 months federal prison, three years supervised release.
  • Terry D. Wolfe, of Robertsdale, Ala. — 120 months federal prison, five years supervised release.

Three people other people are awaiting sentencing. They are:

  • Rebecca Jernigan, of  Still Road, Century.
  • Particia Love, of Eastman Lane, Cantonment.
  • William Robbins, of Duxbury Avenue, Molino.

The case resulted from a long-term investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration


29 Responses to “9 Locals Sentenced Up To 20 Years In Federal Drug Case”

  1. Susan C on August 1st, 2011 10:54 pm

    Addiction is a disease. Sometimes the only way to arrest the disease is to arrest the addict. When each person was arrested the 1st time, it was an opportunity to take stock in their lives, and ask for help, which is available if one wants it. Of all 12 people who were arrested, only 2 took the opportunity to get clean and change their lives. It is the inability to cope which make people turn to drugs to numb feelings. As far as the functional family unit, it hasn’t been the norm in along time. How many people have died as a result of doing what these people did, and how many people have died as a result of alcohol? But for the grace of God there go I? Everyone deserves a second chance. It’s what they do with it that counts. Two people got 6-8 months house arrest and probation,not because they ratted but because they got clean and went to treatment instead of going back to the same lifestyle before they were arrested. Those who snitched didn’t go to jail!

  2. ?!? on July 29th, 2011 7:08 am

    To mdg: Shaun Qualls and Mitch Dunsford.
    The story was on here July 11, titled “Two sentenced in lake meth lab case”

  3. Justice? on July 28th, 2011 1:27 am

    The justice system is screwed!!! Not that I agree with what they have done but is it really called justice when we let a woman walk away Scott free for murdering her child and then turn around spend our tax dollars taking care of drug dealers/users in our over crowded prison system for the next 20 years. COME ON!

  4. Big D on July 27th, 2011 2:57 pm

    a true friend wrote:

    who ever know’s bobby raines know is aint a snitch .and as far as matt goes what the hell does the donkey have to do with this case he did his time for that …….

    I have known Bobby Raines for over 20 years and i know for a fact if he knew it would get him out of trouble he was no doubt rat anyone out

  5. illinois on July 27th, 2011 6:28 am

    i wish everyone would just pray for all of them, remember they are someones child,sister, brother, mother, father or FRIEND. just because they have made some terrible mistakes in thier lives does not mean that they were not good people at one time and could be again with the right help, I know most of them and hope and pray that they finally get the help they need. and if ANYONE DENOUNCING THEM IS “PERFECT” LET THEM CAST THE FIRST STONE! as far as I am concerned the only perfect human being ever was JESUS, right?

  6. Trish on July 26th, 2011 4:25 pm

    To: Just A Thought – - – I agree, anyone who says they have the “perfect” family is lying to everyone, especially themselves. Those glass houses will come down really fast and if someone from your family ends up like this you would not want vicious unfeeling people to attack you or them.

    Regardless, I am sure most of these people started off with loving, caring parents who tried to raise them with morals and understanding of what is right and what is wrong. At some point our children start to make their own decisions and sometimes it is the wrong decision. You certainly can’t force them to make the right choice and you don’t stop loving family because they make the wrong choice.

    Drugs are horrible but as with anything, you just can’t stop. Smokers can’t just stop, over eaters, people with OCD, just can’t stop. If you, the perfect person, thinks that they can then you are living in a unrealistic fantasy world.

    There is no easy answer, so how about seriously thinking about your comments before you hit that submit comment button. Remember that you are comfortable saying a comment here but you would never dare say it outloud to someones face. It is really easy to spout off when you are angry or passionate about something but you need to be careful with your words. I would really like to think that most people who make comments are caring, concerned, and intelligent so please don’t make me re-think my opinion about any of you.

  7. Just wondering on July 26th, 2011 3:54 pm


    Most people don’t know this, but for those who are bipolar, schizophrenic, depressed, have OCD or ADD/ADHD and such, meth works like the medication they SHOULD be able to get is supposed to do. When they smoke it, they finally feel “normal”. It depresses the impulsivity that goes with ADD/ADHD, the compulsivity that goes with OCD, the voices of schizophrenia and cheers up and energizes those who are depressed and actually stabilizes the moods of the bipolar. If it didn’t have so many horrible other effects on your body, it would be touted as the new wonder drug for mental illness.

    Most people who smoke it will not display the awful looking symptoms such as sores, rotten teeth, excessive weight loss, etc. They will actually appear healthier than usual. It’s those who become obsessed with it who display these things.

    I’m not defending the drug by any means. Please don’t misunderstand me. I am only explaining why so many turn to meth and that meth and mental illness tend to go hand in hand. Our mental health system is a joke. If you need help, you’re not very likely to get it. IF you manage to get an appointment with a dr, more than likely all he’s going to do is prescribe Xanax and Seroquel, both things that will make you a walking zombie. They do nothing to try to solve the underlying problems.

    THAT is what I meant about society failing him and others in the same situation. If we would only help them in the beginning, they would not have a need or desire to turn to drugs such as this to help them to feel better.

    I do NOT do drugs but I have a brother who is bipolar and have watched him do the very same thing. I’ve been amazed at how many there are just like him doing the same thing. It’s sad.

  8. Mike P on July 26th, 2011 1:36 pm

    I think it is amazing they are imprisoned for obtaining an over the counter drug. Even if they were planning on making their own prescription medication.

    “Just wondering” hit the nail on the head about the self-medicating. Mental health professionals and others with experience with mentally ill know that self medication is the norm rather than the exception. Most of these people, no offense to anyone, don’t look like they can afford to go to a doctor. They were probably all self medicating.

    What a shame that we as a society would rather spend out tax dollars locking people up rather than paying the small amount of money it would cost for their needed meds.

    Just look at them. Don’t they look like they suffer enough already?

  9. JIM W on July 26th, 2011 1:24 pm

    David Green your spot on man. It amazes me as well.

  10. David Huie Green on July 26th, 2011 11:48 am

    “Instead of helping get to a point where he will no longer need to self medicate himself, we just throw him in jail where he’ll be ignored for the next 15 years”

    Self medication involves manufacturing drugs to sell to others?

    Please note that I’m still not throwing any stones (or rocks).

    As soon as I get to be President, I’ll let these folks have all the “self-medication” they want — just so they stay off the streets while in a “self-medicated“ state. It should be cheaper on the tax-payers than caring for them for 15 year stints and just as effective and cheaper than the losses of what they steal to support their “self-medication, with fewer innocent people murdered in the commission of related crimes.

    I just remain amazed at the idea that WE, the rest of us, are responsible for their choices in life. If we tell them not to do drugs, they insist it’s none of our business. If they are harmed by disregarding our instructions, they insist we should have helped them more.

    David learning how it’s always OUR fault

  11. Brown on July 26th, 2011 11:48 am

    Thank you for understanding , not many people do .
    but dont worry , i will , & always do , that’s something i learned from my dad personally ; keep your head held high , no matter what life throw’s at you .

  12. a true friend on July 26th, 2011 11:36 am

    who ever know’s bobby raines know is aint a snitch .and as far as matt goes what the hell does the donkey have to do with this case he did his time for that …….

  13. Just wondering on July 26th, 2011 11:04 am


    I care a lot about your dad. He’s a wonderful person who has had a lot of problems that he can’t help. I’ve known him, your grandparents and your aunt and uncle for a number of years now and I’ve watched Jim struggle to control his mental illness. I’ve spent many an hour talking to your grandma about him and about the deplorable state of Florida’s mental health system.

    Your father deserved better and our state let him down and this is what they do to “fix” it:: throw him in jail where he’ll get no help….again. Wow, we’re really helping him, aren’t we? Instead of helping get to a point where he will no longer need to self medicate himself, we just throw him in jail where he’ll be ignored for the next 15 years. It’s a horrible, vicious cycle and I, for one, am ashamed that we as a society allow our mentally ill to be tossed to the side in this cold and unfeeling way.

    Good luck, honey. I know it’s hard on you but keep your chin up for your dad.

  14. Brown on July 26th, 2011 10:36 am

    Okay , all of you people dogging on these people , needa take a step back .
    You only know them because of what you ‘heard’ or what you ’see’ .
    But i do have to say THANK YOU to the Just wondering person , for understanding my dad’s condition .
    Yeah , but like Just a thought said , if yall’s famillies never do wrong , then woohoo , lucky ya’ll ., but ya’ll gotta realize these people aren’t the only one’s suffereing , their families are too .
    But , Mr./Mrs. Cantoment Resident , Yes my dad was ALWAYS known as the chicken man , and yes he use to be going down the wrong road , but within the past year or two , he has been going down the right road , and i know this because i was by his side every step of the way, i was my dad’s bestfriend and he was mine. but now all of this bullcrap happens and i havent talked to him in like 3 months , so thank all of you guys that have these PERFECT lives and families . some people have problems , but they learn from them , aswell as their famiies do , so like i said ; take a step back .

  15. Cantonment Resident on July 26th, 2011 5:44 am

    I know about 4 of these people really well unfortunately … My kids always wanted to hangout with Tonya’s kids and I always put my foot down, I even got Tonya on working a real job with me a few years ago, which didn’t last long.

    Todd I’ve known for years , when he was just a kid he use to ride his horse all over the neighbor hood. But Todd was also always in trouble as a teenager too.

    Becky I’ve known for many years also but she hasn’t always been like this.

    Now Jim, I had an acquaintance who only referred to Jim as “Chicken Man Jim”… And he was only known for one thing, DRUGS! If u wanted them , he was the connection !

    Just glad that they where caught now maybe some of them can receive the help they need to be released back into society without making the same stupid mistakes because several of these people have teenagers who are watching and learning from them! Let’s hope the apples are falling far from the trees these days!

  16. mdg on July 25th, 2011 7:58 pm

    Who were the two on old flomaton road that only got probation?

  17. William on July 25th, 2011 3:47 pm

    “Big D” wrote:

    >> You see all these people that were caught and sentenced, but what happened to Bobby Raines, he got busted in all this, but, suddenely he has disappeared from the spot light, or is he the snitch that ratted them out

    The gentleman you mentioned is still awaiting trial in September. He was arrested on *state* charges. He is not mentioned in this article because this article is about persons arrested on *federal* charges.

  18. Big D on July 25th, 2011 3:33 pm

    You see all these people that were caught and sentenced, but what happened to Bobby Raines, he got busted in all this, but, suddenely he has disappeared from the spot light, or is he the snitch that ratted them out

  19. Jim W on July 25th, 2011 2:44 pm

    You play you pay. Looks like there is going to be a lot of pay back. Greed, and addiction will get you in serious trouble every time as it has these people. I hope they get cleaned uo and stay that way from now on.

  20. Just wondering on July 25th, 2011 12:56 pm


    I’m a little confused because you say that anybody who knew these people knew what they were doing. I know most of them, not from drugs, but from my former employment or through family members. I did NOT know that Aaron was doing anything like that. I knew he had lost weight, but I never even thought of meth.

    I knew Trysha and Ray were. EVERYBODY had known that for quite some time.

    I knew Terra was because the whole neighborhood knew she had a lab down there on Elna, reported it and were waiting for something to be done.

    Tonya, well, Tonya’s Tonya. Enough said.

    Jim, I desperately hoped was not involved. He’s had nothing but trouble since he first started having mental issues at least 20 years ago. Since he’s gotten no help from our so called “free” mental health agencies, he self medicated the only way he knew how. His is the only situation I can understand.

    Todd and Becky, well, after getting busted a few years ago and serving time, you’d think Todd would have known better. When the cops were sitting across the street and watching them, you’d think they would have known it was time to get out, but nooo, they kept on and got busted not just once, but twice.

    However, people who ran into most of these here and there would NOT have known what was going on in their personal lives. To even think that is asinine.

  21. GirlnGreen on July 25th, 2011 12:13 pm

    Anyone that knew these folks knew what they were doing! Great job on the justice, but what about the handful that are telling on the rest? Theres a few names here that havent been mentioned. They should get the same!!!!!

  22. Just a thought on July 25th, 2011 11:02 am

    It is so nice to know that everyone on here has a family that does no wrong, that is so “Leave It To Beaver” perfect. YES they did wrong, YES they are paying for it now, but Please try to be considerate of the families of these people that DID NOT know this was happening and now they are being bashed for what these family members have done. These people ARE being punished for what they have done, let it go, remember : He who lives in glass houses should not throw stones. So until YOU or YOUR family have done NOTHING wrong, please don’t be ugly to the families to those who have. Remember what they say about opinions…….

  23. ?!? on July 25th, 2011 10:25 am

    Where was this judge a few weeks ago when those two on Old Flomaton Road only got probation for actually manufacturing meth? Sure wish this judge had been theirs too.

  24. mymy on July 25th, 2011 9:11 am

    my my, what a bunch of loosers…look at those mugs…you have RUINED ur lives…druggies, wake up and get a life, A REAL ONE, which includes a fulltime job, something you can be proud of!

  25. molinoresident on July 25th, 2011 8:19 am

    Kathy: If that’s who you’d find at Fran’s or the gas station, I’d stay away from those places!

    As for Nick Scott, he was always worthless… 87 months isn’t enough, but it’ll do!

  26. Jane on July 25th, 2011 7:43 am

    For those of you who keep leaving your cars unlocked, garage doors open, and your house doors unlocked…because you think we don’t have crime here in Molino, Please realize that where you have drugs, you have theives and crime!! Be aware and LOCK UP!

  27. Kathy on July 25th, 2011 7:40 am

    They look like anyone you would find at Frans or up at the gas station.

  28. sam on July 25th, 2011 7:08 am

    i know you can’t profile people, the civil liberties people set their hair on fire; but look at this group. come on!

  29. Joshbaker on July 25th, 2011 2:15 am

    Ramsey gets 20 yrs. JUSTICE! Thank you Justice System you came through this time.