Mom Charged With Beating Sex Abuse Suspect Son

July 27, 2011

A Century mom has been charged with beating her 17-year son with an extension cord after learning he allegedly sexually abused a young boy.

Kassedra Dubose, 38, was charged with cruelty towards a child. She was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $25,000 bond.

She is accused of “whipping” her son after learning that he allegedly had sexual relations with a young boy over a one year period at two different units at Century Woods Apartments.

The 17-year old son, Michael Alexander Dubose, suffered numerous cuts and bruises all over his body, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report. Michael Dubose is currently awaiting trial as an adult on two felony counts of sexual battery on victim under 12.


69 Responses to “Mom Charged With Beating Sex Abuse Suspect Son”

  1. CDJ on July 29th, 2011 10:09 pm

    Kudos to the mom that done what she thought was right…..If my child had molested an innocent child I would have beat the crap out of him too with anything that was near….in this case it just happened to be an extension cord.

  2. MKC on July 28th, 2011 7:27 pm

    To Thinker,
    What in the hell is wrong with you? No sexual experimentation with the same sex is not normal during childhood. This also was not a child, it was a grown young man that molested a child. It is your exact disillusioned mindset that has our prisons full and our streets unsafe.

  3. JimD on July 28th, 2011 10:52 am

    Why to go MOM!!! Although she should have been going this earlier, and possibly the son would not be in the position he is in now. Totally support your actions in this case.

    Someone must have let the son out on BOND and released back into her custody. He might of thought I would be safer in jail. I told mine two, if you call me at night from jail, I might see you the next morning, and if it is the weekend, see you on Monday.

    The law needs to caught up with society. 17 is no longer a child, due to the exposure of what is availabe on TV, movies and games. The age of and adult should be around 16, when the parents no longer know exactually where their “off-spring” are all of the time. I know that a drivers license does not constitute wisdom, but If you do not know right from wrong by then, you deserve to be treated as an adult.

  4. Becky on July 28th, 2011 9:46 am

    Isn’t it ironic that his mother was charged with cruelty towards a child yet, he was charged as an adult for the crime he may have committed?? I seriously hope mercy is shown on his mother because if my child were charged with this type of crime I would lose my cool too….this type of crime aside from murder has to be the worst there is.

  5. William on July 28th, 2011 6:52 am

    >>Why post a pictureof the victim? I thought the state of Florida protected against this.

    The identity of sex abuse victims is protected. The articles does not identify the young sex abuse victim. The 17-year is charged identified because he is charged with a felony and charged as an adult.

  6. Robert Baldwin on July 28th, 2011 6:42 am

    Why post a pictureof the victim? I thought the state of Florida protected against this.

  7. Mike on July 28th, 2011 6:34 am

    Maybe I’m old school, but I don’t have a problem with what the dude’s mom did. I trust parents to mete out justice a lot more than I trust the state.

    Besides, if this guy goes to prison, he’ll be begging to be back home with momma after Bubba gets through with him.

  8. EMD on July 28th, 2011 12:49 am

    A woman is charged with cruelty towards a child. A child who is being tried as an adult. Makes as much sense as most things that are happening in this country of late.

  9. Concerned Parent on July 27th, 2011 11:58 pm

    This may be a stupid question and I may regret asking it, but when I went back to the first story that reported the boy’s arrest, the commenters made the statement several times that the boy was a “ward of the state”. Can someone please show me where either article states that? I simply don’t see it.


    Your “take” on this situation is a little skewed. In case you didn’t read it carefully enough to see this the first time, the victim was 11 or younger, could be 5 for all we know. This was not sexual confusion or naughtiness. This was flat out rape.

  10. Concerned Parent on July 27th, 2011 11:48 pm


    Again, (and pay attention this time please) it is NOT, I repeat NOT, illegal to whip your child in the state of Florida as long as you do not leave marks that last for more than 24 hours after the whipping.

    If my child were accused of such as this, I would not believe it unless he/she confessed it to me. If he/she confessed it, I too would beat that kid, probably within an inch of his/her life. Having been molested as a child, I know exactly what the victim endures and the perpetrator is deserving of every bit of whatever beating the parent inflicts.

  11. Really!!! on July 27th, 2011 9:34 pm

    If she can not physically or mentally raise a person that sshe birth, how should she have disciplined him then!!

    @ debooger, i agree with you 100%.

    This is just something a parent has to understand, listen, watch,hear,accompany your childrens in their daily life.You are responsible for their action, ashamed or not.You never know if he learned this from watching the wrong things on T.V. or he experience this.I feel like she whooped him because not only was she upset but, here in a small town, she will live with this embarassment for the rest of her life.So, she should not be punished, we don’t what is going on in their life, and in the heat of the moment he did something that outrage her heart and soul.Trust me she is regreting that she handle it that way, especially having to put out 2500.00 for her bail.

    THIS IS HER CHILD!!!!! To The People Who Think She Was Wrong


  12. whitepunknotondope on July 27th, 2011 7:38 pm

    Ok, this is a perfect example of seeing the world in black and white. The law is the law! Zero tolerance baby! There are no gray areas!

    Yeah right except, that doesn’t WORK too well.

    Personally I think the sheriff’s department should give this woman a MEDAL for beating that abusive cretin.

    Oh and another thing: CHILD? 17 years old? Who do the police think they’re kidding?

    Oh yeah, once again, a 17 year old is a CHILD in the ignorant eyes of the law, so therefore she did child abuse. The law and the system makes me SICK!

  13. bullwinkle on July 27th, 2011 7:25 pm

    To REF : I agree with you .. get him momma

  14. TT on July 27th, 2011 6:56 pm

    I have a daughter that makes a lot of bad decisions. Can’t say I have ever beat her with an extension cord, but when she was 17 I sure enough whooped her behind when needed. I bet this mom was mortified when she found out what her child was accused of and although I am not condoning it….we surely can not even act like we know what she was feeling.

  15. retired po po on July 27th, 2011 5:45 pm

    The State Attorney should not prosecute the Mother on this charge. This is one of the reasons this country is in the shape it is.
    You go Mom!

  16. NotAgain on July 27th, 2011 5:43 pm

    Let’s not forget the music teacher that was “guilty” of molesting a girl before the real truth came out and she admitted that the whole thing was made up.

  17. Hi5 on July 27th, 2011 5:34 pm

    Like I see it dat wat he get. They should change that law back n let us whop our kids that wrong with tha world 2day we cant whop our kids an that y they doin the stuff they do now

  18. David on July 27th, 2011 5:09 pm

    He got off light in my opinion. Sexual assault on a child under 12 deserves a bullet to the brain. Quick and cheap.

  19. Joe House on July 27th, 2011 4:48 pm

    I would say she did the right thing, but in the wrong way. The proper way to handle this situation is with a 3 foot piece of 5/16″ chain on and about the head and shoulders. I do admire the way she improvised by using an extension chord.

  20. not today on July 27th, 2011 4:38 pm

    Yes, the boy should have punished; however, going as far as she did (cuts and bruises) and the choice of extension cords was overkill. Find another way to punish him.

  21. hawghead on July 27th, 2011 4:33 pm

    She should have castrated him also……….Just my opinion…………

  22. Mother of 2 on July 27th, 2011 4:16 pm

    Well, mom may not have went about it the right way with an extension cord, but at least he got a butt whoopin he won’t forget for a while… My opinion? Let mom go!

  23. MadMoma on July 27th, 2011 4:08 pm

    to someone who knows.
    Yes the DCF recommends you spank with your hand and that’s crap. A hand can bruise internally and not show on the skin. If you spank with a whip, rod or stick then you damage the flesh outside skin and that’s the point. Hurt that tail and u make boundries for your children. Children dont rape other children because their parents whip their butt but because of the evil in the childs own heart. God expects parents to be the one to correct the child…not the BIG GOVERNMENT correct the Parent!!
    DCF should be standing behind families that care enough to dicipline their children. DCF has forgotton who they serve. Save the children who are cruely punished without reason, save the raped children, feed the hungry and homeless, focus on finding n saving the ones who are sold into slavery.

  24. WHAT? on July 27th, 2011 4:06 pm

    “Sexual experimentation with others of the same sex happens and is considered normal”

    WHAT? That was definitely not considered normal when I grew up….. and that wasn’t all that long ago.

  25. Miltonboy on July 27th, 2011 3:53 pm

    Well, you wouldn’t want me on HER jury. I’d set her free in a heartbeat. Sounds like he got what he needed and what our current system probably won’t give him.

  26. MadMoma on July 27th, 2011 3:50 pm

    YaaaaMoma!! You go..I pray the Judge finds you not guilty due to the circumstances of his outrageous behavior… the same happened to us and judge scolded us and told us to keep it on the butt next time.
    I’ll bet he will remember not to fool around again!
    You did all you could Mama, raise him like you should and beat him when he dont do right. God will honor your obedience to his literal WORD…beating with the rod of correction, and God will stand by you.

  27. Bryan Bethea on July 27th, 2011 3:34 pm

    Here we all sit passing judgment on a situation we know very little about. Did we not learn our lesson very recently when a teacher was accused of molesting a child and it turned out not to be true? That teacher was still vilified in the comments on this very site. How about innocent until proven guilty? As for the mother beating her son… again, innocent until proven guilty.

    If the 17 year old did molest a child then he should spend most, if not the rest, of his life in prison. If the mother did beat him with an extension cord then she should be locked up right beside him. But, we owe our society the assumption of innocence until guilt is proven. Reading a news article does not entitle any of us to know what really happened. That is what the police and courts are for.

  28. William on July 27th, 2011 3:07 pm

    >>Why don’t you report the abuse the son did instead of the punishment he deserved?

    The story reports that as well, as we ran as story about the son’s arrest the morning of July 14, the day after he was charged as an adult.

  29. mom on July 27th, 2011 2:59 pm

    Why don’t you report the abuse the son did instead of the punishment he deserved?

  30. MYOPINIONIS on July 27th, 2011 2:53 pm

    To begin with, Way to go Mom! As for “she should’ve started earlier” she probably did. I have a difficult child who I have tried to discipline in more ways than one. My 20 year old child STILL does not listen! Some kids just don’t learn from anything except by butting with their own heads. My dad whipped by butt when I was young and I learned a heck of a lot from it! If I screwed up, I got a whipping! SO GUESS WHAT? I stopped screwing up! This boy deserved someone beating the crap out of him! THe poor little kid he molested gets no sympathy out of this whole story! If this guys going to molest children then he’s a menace to society! Our society is sooo screwed up!!!!!!!!

  31. Thinker on July 27th, 2011 1:32 pm

    A boy’s first love is his mother. Chances are good that his mother beat him previously, for whatever, in the same or a similar way. Sexual experimentation with others of the same sex happens and is considered normal, but usually earlier in adolescence. We normally move on to love a member of the opposite sex and that’s based on our acquired ability to love the parent of the opposite sex. How do you love someone who beats you with a weapon?

    Also…good point k2rfell. Astute observation, you should be an attorney.

  32. Football Mom on July 27th, 2011 1:20 pm

    I say WAY TO GO MOM! For those that say she shouldnt have waited until he was grown, I would think it’s safe to say she probably didnt.

    For those that think hitting teached hitting, I can personally say that I was spanked as a child. My mom would grab whatever she could get her hands on, hairbrush, paddle, wooden spoon, spatchula, flip flop you name it. I can also say I was BEAT (yes physically abused) by my father. The abuse didnt teach me that I need to abuse my children, it showed me the exact opposit and the “spankings” taught me that “spanking” my children is ok.

    Maybe she shouldnt have used the extension cord but I guess we all have poor judgement from time to time.

  33. Concerned Parent on July 27th, 2011 12:55 pm

    OK, let’s get this straight right off the bat. It is NOT illegal to whip your child. Florida statutes give you the right to use corporal punishment. What it does NOT give you the right to do is whip your child with things such as clothes hangers, extension cords, etc. You may, however, use your hand, a belt, a paddle, a switch, etc. You may whip your child as long as you do not leave marks that last more than 24 hours AFTER the whipping.

    Too many people have let DCF scare them into not being parents to their children. You DO have the right to discipline your child and I would suggest that more parents exercise that right. Our society is going to hell mighty fast because too many people want to be friends instead of parents. I’ll be damned if anybody is going to tell me that I can’t give my child a whipping if he/she needs one. It’s not the answer to every little thing they do, no, but the more serious the offense, the more serious the punishment.

    Use common sense, folks and your kids won’t be running over you in the future.

  34. Flomaton Mom on July 27th, 2011 12:50 pm

    Way to go mom!!!

  35. Doug Newton on July 27th, 2011 11:56 am

    Mom’s only crime is she waited until he was too old to spank that bottom. If she had done so 15 years ago, and been consistent in disciplining him over the years THEY may not be in this position. She won’t do any time… even the self righteous Republicans that run our state don’ care too much for child molesters. They can’t wait to get him in the system and beat the crap out of him theirselves.

  36. Atmore G on July 27th, 2011 11:53 am

    If this mess makes it to court, I doubt there is a jury anywhere that would convict this mom.. That guy deserved every lick he got and then some!

  37. My2cents on July 27th, 2011 11:27 am

    First off, if it is against the law to beat your kid, why can they when they’re in their custody and 2nd of all. To the one that said we dont know if it’s true: Well it was his mom’s nephew and the mother of the victim walked in on it. Can u image your nephew molesting your child. He’s lucky he was family.

  38. k2rfell on July 27th, 2011 11:15 am

    How can she be charged with cruelty towards a child when he is awaiting trial as an adult?

  39. littlerainy on July 27th, 2011 10:34 am

    You go mom, keep doing what you know is right. Spare the rod, spoil the child. He sure isn’t a child. Hat’s of to mom.

  40. WOW! on July 27th, 2011 10:31 am

    Did you all miss the REAL issue here?
    This monster sexually abused a “young boy”!
    I commend this mother for beating his butt, I would have too! Our society now has a little boy who is probably psychologically damaged for life..and could potentially grow up to repeat the same crime. And then it goes on and on and on. Did he get arrested for this? Is there an investigation going on to charge this guy? UNBELIEVABLE!! And some of you have the nerve to publicly defend this “beating”. He’ll get alot worse in prison when he finally gets there. This mother is probably one of the few who took matters into her own hands (since it is HER child) to try and teach this boy right from wrong…this is not a situation where putting him on restriction for a week would have taught him a lesson of any kind. Children these days are not disciplined and thats why the majority (not all) turn out to be a bunch of gun toting, robbing murderers! Bring back parental rights without DCF getting involved and this world would be a much safer and kinder place to live in. The government has taken all right away from the parents so this is what they get in return..a bunch of out of control criminals. Was it worth it? I think NOT!
    Ms Dubose..good for you! You tried to do the right thing. You stood up to your son and punished him appropriately in most of our eyes..too bad we don’t have more moms like you around to try and keep these kids under control! The owlrd would be a much better and safer place to live in!

  41. jcellop on July 27th, 2011 10:28 am

    to debugger- you make some interesting points- however, your summation that it “sounds like a couple of confused young men being naughty”…..come on now- at the time of the incident, he was around 16-17 and the victim was less than 12…..what if the child was 8, as an example?..hardly two YOUNG MEN being naughty….i do wholeheartedly agree that he should be presumed innocent, until the court determines his guilt (or innocence)….as far as the mothers case, well….putting myself in her shoes, i would have surely had a moment (or two) of overwhelming, out of control rage- she may have to plead “temporary” insanity….the judge cant condone the abuse on the son- but, he can use prudent judicial sentencing, if shes found guilty.

  42. Hmm... on July 27th, 2011 10:22 am

    I’m just curious as to why he can be tried as an adult if she’s being charged for abusing a child. Sounds like a very odd double standard…

  43. Bama on July 27th, 2011 10:17 am

    I think it was right to whip that boy! Maybe not with an extension cord…but she was right to punish him!

  44. interesting on July 27th, 2011 10:03 am

    what kind of “cuts and bruises” do you think the other boy has suffered? What he did is a rotten shame!!! I’m sorry that our system is so corrupt, that a mother cant discipline her child for an outrageous act, without the authorities getting involved. Those of you who think she done wrong, how would you feel if her son had violated your boy? Think about it……

  45. bwayne on July 27th, 2011 10:00 am

    That’s what’s wrong with the youth today. Parents are banned from disciplining the kids as they are growing up with the fear of DCF being called for each little paddling.
    I told my kids early on……you will get a whipping if you break the rules, and if you call DCF, they can take you and raise you til you’re 18. I have four grown kids today who are productive members of society and have never been in trouble with the law.
    It’s a shame that parents are made to fear disciplining their kids until rage takes over.

  46. Oldmarine on July 27th, 2011 9:52 am

    She deserves a community service award , not punishment

  47. give me a break on July 27th, 2011 9:49 am

    Ok is he an adult ot a child ? He is awaiting trial as an “adult” but mom is being charged with cruelty to a child. Let mom go !!!

  48. Molino-Anon on July 27th, 2011 9:41 am

    It makes me laugh to see people post on here how “it’s wrong” for mom to do what she did.

    This is EXACTLY what’s wrong with the world, once parents lost the right to punish their children because its no longer the right thing to do.

    Let me tell ya something, growing up I got my ass kicked all the time by my folks, for doing something wrong! I’m thankful I had parents who loved me enough to discipline me, there’s nothing wrong with corrective punishment, belts, switches, and paddles. All you Bible thumpers who want to quote the Bible on your own terms, it is in the Bible that parents should use corporal punishment to discipline their children.

    This society makes me sick how wishy washy it is, had this been my kid, they wouldn’t have taken him to jail for raping little boys, they would have taken him to the hospital to put him on life support and maybe if he lived through that he would think twice about raping a defenseless child again.

  49. rukiddingme on July 27th, 2011 9:40 am

    To Some Who Knows

    I TOTALLY agree with you when you said acts such as he did could be from acts that were done to him. “Not said in the same way as you” You people sit there and say way to go Mom. You have no earthly idea what this young man might have gone through in his life. Abused himself in different ways. Not that this condones what he did by any means. But as someone who knows as well, when you have been abused in any kind of way, as you get older, teen years, you act out those frustrations from your attacks in ways that you really don’t understand how or why you did what you did. And until you can face the fact yourself that you were a victim, and reach out for the help that you need, it is hard for you to be a productive person in anyway shape or form. Again, I DO NOT condone what this 17 hear old did. Who is to say that he has not been doing this for years, and just now got caught? Yes, you are not to spare the rod. But you are suppose to have some common sense to go along with it. Is beating a child the way Jesus disiplined the people in his time, or us now for that matter?

  50. Tina on July 27th, 2011 9:26 am

    Pooooor Baby!
    Did that mean ole mommy disapprove of the way you play?

  51. Michelle on July 27th, 2011 8:35 am

    Well done Mom!! he is not a child when he commits an adult crime. Just imagine what the victims parents would have done to him instead. A whipping from his Mom is the least of his problems

    Good gor her, she should not be charged, but awarded for standing up!!

  52. DOC on July 27th, 2011 7:49 am

    I remember when I was growing up hell I got it with what ever my daddy could get his hands on…. but I did desirve every one I got…. That punk desirved it ……..

  53. Stephen on July 27th, 2011 7:44 am

    What’s the problem?

  54. Someone who knows on July 27th, 2011 7:18 am

    To debugger,
    As someone who knows, a belt or a paddle can, and on numerous occasions has, broken skin. That’s why DCF recommends that you don’t use ANY objects when physically disciplining your child because you cannot control the force of an object as well as you can your hand.

    As far as everyone saying that mom did the right thing. Punishments like that may very well be the cause of this child’s acting out in a manner that gains him power and control (since he apparently grew up in an environment where he was made to feel hopeless and possibly scared).

  55. bout time on July 27th, 2011 6:56 am

    17 is nearly a grown man….let her go

  56. dad on July 27th, 2011 6:33 am

    The mom was arrested for doing her job? How sad. Now the “kid” knows she can’t ever discipline him again. He will be much worse now.

    ps: They sure do look alike.

  57. just my words on July 27th, 2011 6:25 am

    good job mom. I can’t say what I would have done with my child had told me he had done this, but it would be probably about what you done the rage would take over first before thinking of what should i do, this is going to have a large impact on the little boy,hope he is in couseling. I hope your son gets help too and it isn’t too late for him. praying for all parties involved.

  58. nudo on July 27th, 2011 6:10 am

    Good for mom!!

  59. mary on July 27th, 2011 6:07 am

    I want to say “good Job Mom” but she raised him so maybe she should get a “whipping” too!! If convicted..he will get a lot more than just a “whipping”. Men in prison dont play!! He will wish he never ever touched anyone!!! Hope he knows not to bend over to pick up his soap!!

  60. ldk on July 27th, 2011 5:51 am

    she did a good thing bet he thinks next time

  61. Didleysquat on July 27th, 2011 5:43 am

    I want to be on her jury!!

  62. t2 on July 27th, 2011 5:06 am

    He might have learned not to do it againt n spared more younger children getting sexually abused but now he thinks he can get away with it cause mom can’t get onto him any more. And he more than likely won’t be punished by the law about what he has done.If more parents were stricter the world wouldn’t be as bad as it is now.

  63. Advocate for Small Switches on July 27th, 2011 3:30 am

    Me thinks it means not to spare the rod ‘before’ they’re criminals……..ergo, they better be building much bigger prisons. Whip ‘em before they’re old enough to tattle on you and you won’t have to later on….

    No one believes in teaching children to respect others now-a-days and they end up not respecting their mother the most. I think they are especially ‘taught’ to disrespect teachers and policemen. Most kids feel they are entitled and if they aren’t given what they want, they decide to take it. So sad.

  64. deBugger on July 27th, 2011 3:21 am

    My first gut instinct is that I don’t blame her @ all, but my rational mind tells me this isn’t the sort of “correction” or “punishment” that we can condone as a society. The boy hasn’t even been tried, much less convicted.

    Just recently, we had a teacher arrested, vilified in the media, his reputation trashed, and thousands of dollars wasted because of an “alleged” case of abuse against a young girl, who, as it turned out, made the false accusation because, well, let’s face it, she was an angry spoiled brat.

    What’s next? Bring back the Dunking Stool for suspected witches? Branding anyone arrested for any supposed crime with hot iron? Horsewhip the starving when they steal a crust of bread?

    (Having made my point, I’ll say this: Mom should have used a paddle, or a belt that wouldn’t break the skin, if he admitted to her that he abused that little boy. I hope she can overcome her shame & humiliation from this incident. But, “over a one year period”? Sounds like a couple of confused young men being naughty to me. You may now feel free to rave against my comments, call me names, & fan the flames of your outrage because I have a different “take” on this story.)

  65. joe on July 27th, 2011 3:07 am

    the punishment might have come too late as the deed was already done.

  66. well on July 27th, 2011 2:38 am

    its against the law to beat your kids no matter what they did…you people are so two faced …get a clue.

  67. REF on July 27th, 2011 1:15 am

    Why in the world arrest her that’s what’s wrong with the world today, I say bravo mom give him some more for what he’s done he deserves it…..she give him more punishment i’n 5 minutes than the court system is gonna give him… Spare the rod (cord) spoil the child …

  68. Molino-Anon on July 27th, 2011 12:52 am

    Good for mom! I’d beat his butt too…

  69. Riversunshine on July 27th, 2011 12:13 am

    Way to go, mom!