Molino Couple In Court In Alleged Cancer Scam Case

July 21, 2011

ride-for-sonja-10.jpg Molino couple accused of faking her cancer diagnosis to scam people out of thousands of dollars were back in court Wednesday morning.

Both Chris and Sonja Luker appeared before Judge Joel Boles  for a docket hearing before their scheduled trial date of August 1. But  Boles granted a postponement request by Sonja Luker’s attorney, and the state requested that Chris Luker’s trial date also be delayed to coincide.  Both Lukers will be back in court for a docket hearing on September 14, and their jury trial was reset  for September 29.

Felony grand theft charges were dropped against the couple back in May, but they both still face felony fraud charges in the alleged scheme.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, numerous fundraisers were held between May 2004 and October 2010 that raised over $19,000. Evidence shows that about $14,000 was used in 2009 to avoid foreclosure on their home in the 4700 block of Pine Circle Drive and about $4,000 in cash was used by Chris Luker to purchase a 1997 Harley motorcycle.

The Sheriff’s Office investigation found that Chris and Sonja Luker personally received money from friends, family, church members and co-workers under a “scheme” that Sonja Luker was being treated for cancer. Investigators believe both Chris and Sonja Luker are guilty of fraud in the scheme; witnesses said the couple was observed together at fundraisers talking about her cancer treatments.

They have each pleaded not guilty to the charge against them.

Pictured above: Sonja and Chris Luker (in black shirts) are seen in a 2009 photo from a motorcycle ride fundraiser that benefited her alleged fight against cancer. file photos, click to enlarge.


25 Responses to “Molino Couple In Court In Alleged Cancer Scam Case”

  1. o on July 25th, 2011 8:20 am

    To those who keep asking if there was a paper trail. Yes there is. Most donations were made at specific fundraisers. This was tallied and a check was then given to the Lukers. You yourself might not have a reciept for your donation but there is cancelled checks for the large fundraisers and thats the totals they’re being charged with.

  2. Tiger on July 24th, 2011 3:41 pm

    Some say these two are the same as begger’s on the side of the road. I do not agree with this. These two swindlers played on peoples emotion’s and loyalty. People donated their time and sweat to work these event’s. Taking time away from their own
    family to help who they thought were friend’s in need. They will not get any time out of it, and will probably get a short probation. The biggest question to me is “Why?” Most don’t know it but Chris probably makes between 70 and 80 thousand a year at his job. The place where he also took money from his coworker’s. Not a bad living for this area. They have swindled our community out of more than money. They have swindled everyone they know out of trust and sincerety. Should they do time?? I say yes, a common thief has to do time. I assure you, they took in more than the $19,000 reported. If a thief stole that amount from a store and got caught, wouldn’t they serve time? Sonja and Chris should both fess up and save the tax payer’s from having to pay for what will be a waste of court time.

  3. Baebae on July 24th, 2011 7:00 am


    Well said….very well said

  4. Seriously...... on July 23rd, 2011 9:04 am

    I have know Chris and Sonja for most of my life. I participated in some of the fundraisers (not knowing that she did not have cancer), but here’s where I stand. I have been hurt, heart broken, angry, and now I guess you can say that I am numb! When I think about how the community pulled together and how proud we all were of the turn out and overwhelming support, what I now think of is how will people act if we have another “friend” that has a true need. I do not want to see this disception cause our community to pull away from what are “roots” are founded on, which is helping, family and friends. There is a lot of anger, there is a lot of “lies” that still continue, but here’s my questions / thoughts– 1.) How do you change the past — you can’t. It happened, they were and are wrong — no debate, no excuse, no way to explain your way out of that one. That doesn’t mean that they won’t get away with it (in the legal system), but in all of our hearts we know that they were very wrong for what they have done! 2.) How do you handle the present and future? — well folks, this is where it gets tricky. I am a beliver in Our Lord and I know without a shaddow of doubt that HE is the only true Judge of our lives, actions, lack of actions, etc. But we as people and a community have to turn it over to Him! I am not saying that we do not have a right to voice our opinnions, because we were given the right and freedom of speech by our great country and the men and women that died for us. But it does not benefit anyone to “bash” or “stir the pot” on the facts that we all already know. We as individuals and as a community have to be the “better person” and step up and show how we should act, not reduce ourselves to a level that people put others down for!

    I hope and pray that OUR community continues to be who we are, help the ones in need, but have also learned that no matter how well you think you know someone, for a fundraiser, you need real documentation and proof of illness!

    To Chris and Sonja ~ I pray for you, I don’t understand why, I don’t understand how and unless you have asked in your heart for forgiveness from the Lord I don’t know how you face the mirror and others each day! I do not wish you harm, but I do hope you can understand and know that people do see the truth of what you did, and that you realize that no matter who you are, people expect our legal system to demand and enforce justification. The law is the law, and a lot of what you did and why it has hurt so many is outside of the law, it’s God’s Law! You did Lie, You did hurt, and no matter if anyone see’s your punishment, you will have to answer, but so will everyone else that has done wrong and Sin’d in our lives. It’s just that you involved and hurt so many other people and continue to by saying that you are not guilty, when it really is simple enough to all of us to say, (as another person commented) Did Sonja have cancer – NO, Did you take money knowing Sonja did NOT have Cancer — Yes.

    I hope and pray that each and every person that has read this story, be directly involved, or indirectly, and all of our community can find it in their hearts to forgive (but that’s between you individually and Our Lord), but I can say with no question that it will not be forgotten.

    Just my thoughts!

  5. josie on July 22nd, 2011 11:02 pm

    no cmment…. very dissapointed!

  6. Baebae on July 22nd, 2011 7:17 pm

    TO PM…
    Thats what I was saying in my comment….how did they feel when they gave…I am sure it was a wonderful feeling doing a good deed..I am sure that GOD will deal with the Lukers acts of greed…Their character is destroyed…I bet you can find a story in the BIBLE that relates to their evil deeds…but its the forgiveness of those that trespass against us that releases us from the bondage of hatred.

    TO HUH…Their sins have been revealed…no need to cast stones…shall we reveal YOUR sins brother ?….then read about you on NOESC.COM

  7. pm on July 22nd, 2011 11:02 am

    so, a lot of you got conned and are rightfully angered by it. Court dates being continued are quite common and eventually you will be found right.
    they will get probation and will never make restitution..
    as for the faceoook thing – they are virtually prisoners in their own home and without your money coming in anymore they may lose that too.
    Your anger at this point is only hurting you and will ear you up if you let it.
    at least they only hurt your feelings and pocketbooks – you gave to hem with a good heart and in good faith – and believe it or not you will be rewarded for it sooner or later.

  8. poohbear on July 22nd, 2011 9:49 am

    When their court date comes up and they go to trial, everyone needs to attend court that day and show the judge and jury that you don’t like what these people did to the community and all for the love of money. Money is not bad but the love of it is. These people showed they had a deep love for money and no respect for their Church or the people that were trying to help them. If I remember right they also let their children believe that she was dying of cancer..Now how sick can you be to do something like that? Pretty sick indeed!!!!!

  9. Jane on July 22nd, 2011 9:25 am

    God said we should forgive. He also said not to hang around with bad people. So regardless of what the law does to them, they are not welcome in this community or anywhere else where they scammed people. I feel sorry for their parents, and relatives who have to admit to being related to them. To the relatives,I remind them that you can pick your friends but not your family. You have my sympathy.

  10. huh? on July 22nd, 2011 8:40 am

    To Conservative: ummm…there IS a difference! The Lukers USED their family, friends and organizations to scam the money…and for years continuously!

    And to Baebae: I DISAGREE! People have the right the choose who they want in their life and who is better off OUT of their life. If I forgave these people and let them back in my life, you can bet it would not be for the better! These folks have lied ALL THEIR LIFE! And the last six years they lied about Sonja DYING for attention! SO SICK!! I cannot, for the sake of my family, forgive these pieces of scum! I would say the same about a murderer, child molester or sex offender…you don’t cure these people, they just find a way to make it look like their cured, mostly hidden in comments about how GOD changed them…whatever! There are bad people in the world. Not everyone is good, and the Lukers are NOT good people.

  11. Conservative on July 22nd, 2011 7:03 am

    Uhmm.. Not sure why any of you can’t see this. But this situation is no different than someone standing on the side of the road with a sign that reads, “I am starving and will do anything for food”. The sign could have read, “I am scamming you all and need money”. We freely gave them money without any reservation. Just like many of you do on the side of the road! The only difference is that the amount of money is far greater.

    We all were foolish enough to believe what a friend in supposed need was telling us!Fool me once – shame on you. Fool me twice….

  12. Everett on July 22nd, 2011 12:53 am

    These two will walk away free. No paper trail, no conviction. Did anyone get a receipt for the money thay donated to this Jezabel? If not you have nothing to go on. Who is the the bigger fool, the fool or the fools who follow them.

    If it looks like a duck, walks like duck, and quacks like a duck…………………’s a duck.

  13. we are all people on July 22nd, 2011 12:18 am

    To: baebae. AGREED!!!

  14. Baebae on July 21st, 2011 10:04 pm

    Wow…I read all the comments..I understand that everyone is angry and hurt. But the BIBLE SAID TO FORGIVE …HARD TO DO I know…but rest assured that GOD will balance all the books…Jesus himself said on the cross…FORGIVE THEM….forgiveness is the beginning of healing…if everyone holds this bitterness in their hearts…then YOU are the one hurting yourself…not their act of selfishness and greed….those feelings we have sometimes start within us…not others…But I understand

  15. 2centsworth on July 21st, 2011 4:01 pm

    They have swindled, they have lied, and they have stole. Will they get away with it? Possibly, we know what happened with a recent jury trial. I bet they followed that closely and are hoping for the same treatment. We may never know the full extent of their lies and how many people they have hurt. Especially Sonja. It angers me to think about it. I bet she thinks everyone should just forgive her and move on. I would not be surprised if she thinks they all eventually will. Amazingly she keeps her Facebook page up for everyone to see. Almost like she is flaunting how many Facebook Friends she still has. I bet most of them remain friends so they can see what she has to say, how she is acting, and just in general curiosity. I have never been FB Friends with her and would drop her like a hot potato if I was and make sure my account was private. But some people are arrogant and others are feeding their arrogance. If I was innocent like Sonja professes she is, I would drop FB friends that said I was not whether it was said on FB or to officials. I am just saying……. but you know…..people are crazeeeeeeee.

  16. Just Me on July 21st, 2011 3:49 pm

    To “Embarrassed”

    You have no idea of the outrageous lies they are telling now. Wait until you hear the “crap” they are going to try and pull in court. Total lies!!! And they chose a jury of their peers??? Are you idiots?! (oh, never mind don’t answer that question) You had a better chance with a judge deciding your fate! There is noone within a 500 mile radius that hasn’t seen or heard this despicable story.
    I don’t know of anyone, family or friends, who want anything to do with these 2 lying individuals ever again. If the courts let you walk, you need to pack up and get out of our community because noone wants you here and noone will ever take ANY of you back into their lives. Move to Texas where noone knows the REAL Sonya and Chris. That way you can continue to swindle and lie to the Luker family a little more, thats been pretty productive for you so far.
    Not guilty…give me a break!

  17. Atmore G on July 21st, 2011 3:26 pm

    I had a good friend who recently died from cancer and another who is fighting it now and could really use some help with the medical bills.. The Lukers have swindled their friends and neighbors and made it much more difficult for those truly in need to get help from the community and they should both do time for it.. I agree with Tina P.. Plead guilty and take your punishment and then make restitution..

  18. Embarrassed to have called them good friends on July 21st, 2011 1:36 pm

    Since their arrest more and more people are coming forward sharing stories of how these 2 swindled them. It is upsetting that they swindled money from their so called friends but to try and get money from a grieving mother….beyond pathetic. What about all the children in our community that looked up to Coach Chris & Mrs. Sonja? It is pretty upsetting to see your children devastated because they had spent many hours worrying about Sonja’s sickness just to find out she lied the entire time. They are truly the lowest of the low and I hope the judge makes an example of them and gives them excessive jail time.
    Clearly, they think this community is made up of a bunch of idiots because they are still going around town spewing lies to anyone who will listen. At this point I can’t imagine anyone would believe anything they say.

  19. LB Cantonment on July 21st, 2011 1:05 pm

    I know there is no way to pinpoint the amount what each person gave but the resitution can go the some type of cancer charity. Every bit of that money should be paid back even if it take years. If they file a tax return it should all go to the repayment and someone should manage their money until it is paid. They should not be able to go out to eat or do anything other than the what is needed to survive until all is paid back. I know some might think this is a bit harsh but it is nothing compared to what they have done to friends and the pain they have caused to their family.

  20. Brandy on July 21st, 2011 11:17 am

    They can postpone the inevitable as long as the lawyers and judge let them.. However because of the the crime committed, hard to prove exact amount of donation collected and Im sure no one was asking for receipts, they will not get the harsh punishment deserved in this case. Anyone and everyone that has had, or known family that has or had cancer, and all the innocent victims that actually DO suffer from this horrible illness, would have greatly benefited from the amount donated to them, will get their peace in the end. Because GOD is the ultimate Judge in this case, and those who truly have suffered from cancer, will be standing at the gates of Heaven and the wrath will be greater than any judgement Esc Co can throw at them. Hopefully each and everyday of their lives they will be reminded of the pain and suffering that REAL cancer patients go thru..

  21. WORRIED RESIDENT on July 21st, 2011 10:04 am

    @Molino-Anon, I said the same thing! There will be no jail time, but how/who will they pay the restitution to? How will the people prove they donated? Well anyway, I’m sure everyone will be glad when this is all over with, and I’ll bet that’s exactly what the Lukers are counting on. Everyone wanting to move on!

  22. Molino-Anon on July 21st, 2011 7:56 am

    They can keep pushing the date, I said it months ago. In the end they’ll get probation and restitution, and just wasted more than they scammed, in tax payers money.

  23. Steve Prichard on July 21st, 2011 7:47 am

    Each pleaded not guilty? Did you take money? Yes. Did you have cancer? No. I am sure the Ronald McDonald house by Sacred Heart would have appreciated the $19,000. Truely unacceptable behavior.

  24. Christy Yuhasz on July 21st, 2011 7:45 am

    @ Tina P: AGREED!!

  25. Tina P on July 21st, 2011 1:22 am

    Ugggghhhhhh. Just plead guilty, take your punishment, and get it over with.