Man Faces 5 Years For Burger King Robbery

July 23, 2011

An Escambia County man has been convicted of robbing a Pensacola Boulevard Burger King and now faces at least five years in prison.

Anthony Ladell Wright, 26, was convicted of attempted robbery and battery by an Escambia County jury for the January 2, 2011, robbery of the restaurant. Wright entered the Burger King and attacked the manger, holding her down while he rummaged through the office looking for money, according to State Attorney Bill Eddins. Another employee intervened pulling Wright off of the manager, and Wright fled the restaurant after the alarm was pressed. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded and was unable to locate Wright that day; however, the manager was able to pick him out of a photo lineup and he was later arrested.

At the time of the robbery, Wright was on bond for burglary of a dwelling. He has since been convicted on that charge and is currently serving a prison sentence of 18 months.

A sentencing date for Wright has not yet been set. He faces a minimum mandatory sentence of five years.


2 Responses to “Man Faces 5 Years For Burger King Robbery”

  1. Kay on July 24th, 2011 9:23 am

    SEE this punk robber who willing to hurt people for things that don’t belong to
    him only got 5 years.
    Good thing I didn’t decide or this punk would have gotten 15 years at hard
    labor. They don’t need Cable T.V. They need a JOB so they learn the
    work ethic that MOM didn’t teach them.


  2. Everett on July 23rd, 2011 10:05 pm

    Guess he didn’t get it his way at the Burger King.