Man Busted For Burglary One Day After Getting Probation For Previous Burglary

July 16, 2011

An 18-year old Pensacola man was charged with burglary for allegedly breaking into a Cantonment home on Thursday — just one day after being sentenced to probation for another burglary.

Antonio Demetris Grace has been charged with felony armed burglary, grand theft, grand theft of a firearm and criminal mischief. He remained in the Escambia County Jail early Saturday morning with bond set at $86,000.

A homeowner reported a burglary in progress about 3:30 p.m. Thursday on Stefani Road near Twilight Drive. Arriving deputies nabbed Grace as he tried to run to a nearby SUV parked in a driveway. He told deputies that he had an accomplice named “Slim”, but a search with a K-9 did not result in the arrest of any other suspects.

According to Escambia County Clerk of the Court records, Grace was sentenced on Wednesday to one year probation after being convicted on burglary and petty theft charges in another case from January of this year. He pleaded guilty to the charges and received the sentence of probation from Judge Nicholas Geeker.

Pictured above: Deputies investigate after a reported burglary in progress Thursday afternoon in Cantonment. Photo courtesy WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


26 Responses to “Man Busted For Burglary One Day After Getting Probation For Previous Burglary”

  1. Chuck on July 18th, 2011 2:21 pm

    I completely agree with PM. . . you cannot blame the Judges for letting this guy out on probation. . . His scoresheet probably does not raise to the magic 44 points needed for state prison time, absent any statutory mitigators (which I doubt he has). As for his being given a bond for the new law violation. . the constitution says he gets one – just like you, but he is not entitled to one for the violation of probation charge that it coming soon. . . so he ain’t going anywhere. As for Mike and Joe – if you demand that everyone be put in jail, who are you going to let out to make bed space for this guy, or would you prefer raising taxes for building more. I would rather have a stupid burlgar on the street than a crafty child molester. And my last point is just this. . . to solve the entire problem, all we have to do is give them all directions to JDG’s place in Molino, tell them to go there for probation check-in around midnight – I think this guy would bite that hook.

  2. mike on July 17th, 2011 9:15 am

    For those apologizing for the judges. Sorry judges have more leeway than he used in this case AND they can do more if they want to correct these types of mistakes.

    Did the judge really have no choice but to give probation?

    This is NOT a case of poor mistaken kid – first mistake he made. Maybe the first time it might have worked but it didn’t so why give him probation now. THIS IS A CAREER IN THE MAKING. A hard punishment is the only thing that could have gotten this kids attention. “Oh just don’t do that again” and we know about you and will be watching isn’t enough.

  3. JDG Molino on July 17th, 2011 7:40 am

    Break into my house. They want have to worry about probation or bond.

  4. joe on July 16th, 2011 11:47 pm

    Lock up this loser! he obviously does not know how to live in regular society so perhaps prison life will be more to his liking

  5. pm on July 16th, 2011 8:52 pm

    The problem is not with the Judges in most cases. The State Legislature is responsible for Sentencing guidelines and absent considerable aggravating circumstances they are bound by those guidelines. so if the community wants this to change they need to contact their representatives and senators and see about getting the law changed. If the probation officer is on his/her toes there will be a no bond warrant signed by Judge Geeker and served Monday. Further, Judge Geeker, Shackelford, and Nobles are very fine judges and follow the letter of the law. I really hate to see them maligned on this website because people do not understand how the Criminal Justice system functions.

  6. omrbh on July 16th, 2011 8:45 pm

    Probation was a fair punishment. Probation again would be fair. Maybe next time he will break in on someone who is not afraid to defend themselves, their family and their property. BINGO! One less thug in the gene pool.

  7. mick jergenhason on July 16th, 2011 8:37 pm

    This guy like so many others, is a cancer and it needs to be removed…all the bleeding hearts think times are bad now…you haven’t seen anything yet.

  8. whitepunknotondope on July 16th, 2011 7:01 pm

    Antonio is not a very smart individual, is he?

  9. EJ on July 16th, 2011 4:27 pm

    He apparently is not fit for society so get the fly swatter and end it or just send him my way, I dial 357 not 911.

  10. David Huie Green on July 16th, 2011 2:44 pm

    ” all of his older crimes was in just the last year or so ”

    Could be, but don’t forget, crimes ere he hit 18 (October 19 of last year) won’t be listed. I’m surprised the seat belt and motorcycle and speeding through small children areas charges are listed.

    David the suspiscious

  11. Molino Man on July 16th, 2011 2:37 pm

    It’s just the case of the “revolving door” in our court system. This punk will get what he needs soon. His luck will run out & taxpayers will bury him or give him a jail term that gives him a thug education 101. Just vote out all of the judges that make this happen because they’re affraid of making headlines & saving their jobs. No incumbants !! You might be the next on this punks list when he gets out.

  12. Just Me on July 16th, 2011 1:23 pm

    Just think – he is only 18 years old and all of his older crimes was in just the last year or so. He will have a lot longer rap sheet in a few years.

  13. David Huie Green on July 16th, 2011 11:54 am

    ” received the sentence of probation from Judge Nicholas Geeker. ”

    Would it be safe to assume he has violated his probation?

    Probation is a good thing. Probation in exchange for an admission of guilt saves the people the cost of proving guilt in the first place. It lets criminals know they are known to the justice system as criminals, gives them an unmerited chance to straighten up and fly right, doesn’t cost the tax payers as much to handle, quickly shows who are fools.

    Last name of Grace, meaning unmerited favor, sounds right.

    David thinking the time of grace runs out,
    shouldn’t be wasted

  14. Atmore G on July 16th, 2011 10:41 am

    It would not surprise me at all if this moron gets probation again.. It is obvious that he does not fear the courts, but one day he may break in on an armed homeowner who does not call 911..

  15. barrineau on July 16th, 2011 9:48 am

    I’m begining to see a pattern …..

  16. Ifish4 on July 16th, 2011 9:43 am

    He has 18 charges in the past year according the the clerk of court website. People the only way to stop this is the next election where you see, should judge John Doe be retained in office, instead of voting yes just because you recognize the name, how about voting NO. If we vote some of these judges out of office maybe the others will start paying attention to their job and do better.

  17. Demarcarius Leshawn Washington on July 16th, 2011 9:14 am

    The judges did right. Keep letting him out so that he might break into the wrong home at some point in time and get taken out of the gene pool.

  18. mike on July 16th, 2011 8:59 am

    What IDIOT gives probation to someone who breaks into homes? What does it take to get ANY time behind bars? I bet if he had gone into the wrong house (read politically connected) this guy would still be behind bars.

    I’m a little confused about the story from his public record he has committed 3 robbery’s – 12/22/2010, 01/25/2011, and this one on 07/14/2011.

    Our judicial system is BROKEN! Judges need to get a clue! They just confirm to these people that this is a good career choice for them.

    Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, get caught and get out, rob, ….

  19. Bobby on July 16th, 2011 8:29 am

    Shouldn’t have gotten probation the first time.

  20. Kay on July 16th, 2011 8:03 am

    Why not try probation one more time, I’m sure that teaches them a good lesson.

    Lucky he didn’t shoot the neighbor with the stolen fire arm.

    Put him away judge.

  21. littlerainy on July 16th, 2011 7:57 am

    Shame we don’t have a vaccine for stupid. Bet going to jail want help him. People like him seem to never learn, He got probation and abused it. Yep we need a vaccine alright.

  22. TJ on July 16th, 2011 7:46 am

    you can take them out ,,,,but you can’t let them go…. keep him

  23. safebear on July 16th, 2011 7:39 am

    I can’t believe he is in jail on an $86,000 bond. If he was on probation they should just keep him there. He’ll be out of jail and breaking into someone’s house again the day after he gets out.

    Good job LEO, bad job court system.

  24. Eral on July 16th, 2011 6:58 am

    Well he had to pay for his probation some how!!!!! What do you think he knew how to work? If he had been tought how to a job he may not be out stealing!!!!!

  25. Everett on July 16th, 2011 5:08 am

    Bet he want get probation this time. How stupid can someone be.
    Nuff Said.

  26. mary on July 16th, 2011 4:58 am