Local Boy With Cystic Fibrosis Gets To Be A Pilot For A Day

July 14, 2011

Like many 12-year olds, Patton Goetter of Christian Home wants to be a military pilot, a “dream come true”, he says.

But there’s a huge obstacle standing in his way — cystic fibrosis, an inherited disease that affects the lungs and digestive tract.  It’s a relatively rare condition that claimed the life of Patton’s older brother Tyler about 10 years ago.

Patton had the chance this week, thanks to Naval Air Station Whiting Field and Sacred Heart Hospital, to be a “pilot for a day”.

“I got some badges for my shirt and stuff, and I got my name tag, and I got boots and a whole suit and a helmet – an awesome helmet. It’s just been really cool,”  Patton. He had the chance to climb into the cockpit of a training aircraft, take a helicopter simulator for a high tech spin and use night vision goggles.

Patton’s case of cystic fibrosis is not as severe as his brothers, and mom Abby Goetter says she hopes that a new drug on the horizon will be a cure. In the meantime, she’s not going to hold her son back.

“I’m not going to say he can’t do anything. I’m not going to set any limits,” Abby Goetter said.

For Patton — who will be a fifth grader this year at Byrneville Elementary School — the sky’s the limit despite cystic fibrosis.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Patton Goetter said.

WALA FOX 10 contributed to this report. The FOX 10 video is below.

Pictured top: Patton Goetter gets a hug from his mother Abby during his “pilot for a day” experience at Naval Air Station Whiting Field. Pictured inset. Patton Goetter. Images courtesy WALA FOX 10 for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Local Boy With Cystic Fibrosis Gets To Be A Pilot For A Day”

  1. tracy on July 18th, 2011 9:19 pm

    Way to go patton ! Your such a good young man …
    your Always in our prayers

  2. DELMER TEW on July 15th, 2011 6:39 am

    Patton: reading your story brought back a lot of memories from years gone by when Tyler did the plane ride. Love youall. God bless the drug adm. as they speed up the medication process for you and a lot of other people.

  3. Nunya! on July 15th, 2011 4:29 am

    This must have been very fun! i bet he was excited too and im glad he is gettin better btw i know him!

  4. Hicks on July 15th, 2011 12:59 am

    Hey, Patton!! You don’t know me but I had the honors of keeping you for a day when you were a baby. I almost let you eat a whole box of crackers that day. You were so fun. Wish you and your family well. God bless


  5. Beegee on July 14th, 2011 10:21 pm

    Oh my lil man,Patton!!!!! I love this kid and his family!!!!! They have such a great family!!!!! I love you,Patton and the entire Goetter family!!!! I am glad you had a blast!!!!!

  6. Peighton Dortch on July 14th, 2011 8:51 pm

    Congratulations Patton!! There are NO limits for you!! Love you and your family!

  7. Tori on July 14th, 2011 7:52 pm

    Way to go Patton!!!
    Im so glad to hear that you’re doing so well!!
    Alots changed since you were that crazy kid I used to babysit ;)

    Love you and all the rest of the Goetter crew!!

  8. sharon faircloth on July 14th, 2011 10:47 am

    You are a special person, Patton! :)

  9. Super Cool on July 14th, 2011 10:21 am

    What a great story…so positive! What a great kid and family. I wish the best for him in the future and I do hope the medical society can find a cure. Wish we had more kids like Patton. He has a great attitude and spirit.

    P.S. Did not hear this story from WEAR TV 3, typical news coverage form them.

    Thanks Northescambia.com. We love your ability to be on top of news in OUR area! Thanks for bringing us the news we love to hear about.

  10. Vicki Baggett on July 14th, 2011 8:21 am

    What a great kid from a great family!

  11. Buddy on July 14th, 2011 7:38 am

    Alright Patton! You go guy! Even if God has other things planned for you in life besides flying you already are a great example just like the folks who shared this great day with you.Thanks for being so brave and strong and God bless you always.God bless the wonderful people at Whiting and at Sacred Heart.

  12. xpeecee on July 14th, 2011 7:18 am

    Good deed, indeed!!!

  13. Randon on July 14th, 2011 1:09 am

    Thats awesome! Way to go Whiting Field and Sacred Heart!