John Powell Joins Sheriff’s Race

July 2, 2011

Friday, John Powell became the third candidate to announce his intentions to seek the position of Escambia County Sheriff.  He is running as a Republican.

Powell conducted an unsuccessful run as a Democrat against Ron McNesby in 2004. He served as the police chief in Dothan, Alabama, until being appointed Director of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco in August 2009 by Gov. Charlie Crist.

Incumbent Sheriff David Morgan filed his paperwork in May announcing that he will run again as a Republican.

Bill Chavers, who was originally Morgan’s chief deputy before being demoted about year later, prefiled as an independent candidate back in February, 2010.


20 Responses to “John Powell Joins Sheriff’s Race”

  1. molino jim on July 24th, 2011 7:04 pm

    some of you may wish to go line to the Dothan Eagle and see what was going on in Dothan just before Powell left. It had to do with a Million dollars worth of radio gear. The city elected not to fire him because he had already left.

  2. shadowops on July 4th, 2011 10:50 pm

    I never worked for JP, but have worked around him. He and his family have always nice people. Yes, he has worked for several different agencies, but he can’t be put down for going to better things when it is out there. He was fair, but strict when he was the Chief in AL. Some people did not like it. I think that he will do the Escambia County citizens a Great job. GOOD LUCK JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. David Huie Green on July 4th, 2011 6:22 pm

    ” I don’t pin them on and parade them around on some made up uniform to make myself look better”

    It’s a personal choice. His uniform makes him happy and does no harm. Since he’s the only one wearing one exactly like it, or I think he is, it isn’t technically a uniform, rather a fashion statement or with the very worst possible interpretation, playing dress up.

    Regardless, not big enough a matter to worry over.

    David for freedom to dress up

  4. wondering on July 4th, 2011 1:40 pm

    Bob, It is the same Deputy, he is stalking you. haha Happy 4th

  5. Bob on July 4th, 2011 9:07 am

    After 12 noon July 3rd till dark I just happened to detect 8 sightings of a deputy on Hwy 4, Hwy 97, Hwy29 and hwy 99. all in North Escambia. Like Mr. Godwin previously posted, it is better than it has ever been. We do not care what he wears as long as he is properly dressed and and operates his watch in a professional manner.

  6. 429SCJ on July 4th, 2011 9:00 am

    Hello disappointed, I commend you on your service. I feel that I will let the people decide the issue of the best man for sheriff and the issue of best dressed man as well. Good punchs from and to all, Happy 4th July!

  7. wondering on July 4th, 2011 8:21 am

    Thank you for your Military service Disappointed. 429SCJ you have a right to your opinion. I respect that. But 1 deputy after 0200 hrs in an area that goes from Pine Barren Rd, south to West Roberts, over to the Santa Rosa line, over west to the Alabama line is unnaceptable. My taxes I pay are the same as the folks south of Nine Mile Rd. Just saying. A couple Narcotic arrests and stings here and there is normal. Every sheriff has done that. It is nothing he needs to toot his horn about.

  8. Disappointed in 429SCJ on July 4th, 2011 7:13 am


    You don’t know me or my background, so I’ll fill you in on your misconceptions about me. For your information, I did serve my country for more than 20 years and I awarded over 15 personal medals for military merit from good conduct to meritorious service medals. However, I don’t pin them on and parade them around on some made up uniform to make myself look better or to “out do” someone else as “wondering” put it.

  9. 429SCJ on July 4th, 2011 6:44 am

    Hello Wondering. I fail to see the problem with sheriff Morgan’s uniform. I suggest you check out the uniforms worn by many metropolitan police chiefs. I have seen many sheriffs that wear a suit or jacket tie and blue jeans, some wear a uniform. My focus is on how sheriff Morgan has performed his job and I feel he has performed well, I hear complaints about not seeing cruisers at 2am, well consider the hour. I would imagine they have to respond in areas with crimes in progress. I know Molino has always had a reputation as being home to some rowdy people, believe me there are far worse areas in our county. I support sheriff Morgan for competence in his profession, not his fashion sense. I assure you I am not mad, just wondering?

  10. wondering on July 3rd, 2011 7:22 pm

    Dear 429SCJ, any body with half a brain knows medals in the Military are earned. The truth is Morgan looks like an idiot wearing the military uniform with all the medals he earned 25 years ago. He is Sheriff now. He needs to wear what every other Deputy wears. He needs to quit trying to out do everybody else. Another thing 429SCJ, it appears you get real mad when somebody does not like your sheriff.

  11. 429SCJ on July 3rd, 2011 4:38 pm

    Dear disappointed, If you had served in the military, you would understand that medals are not awarded for being popular, they are awarded because they are earned. The wear of medals is authorized and encouraged. It is people like you and wondering, who never served a day, discussing something you know little or nothing about. Military members, receive ongoing training in management and leadership, and are as qualified as anyone. I suggest sheriff Morgan’s uniform is a reminder to you, of your own deficiencies. I would tell you not to feel as such, not everyone has what it takes for military service, you are far from alone.

  12. wondering on July 3rd, 2011 8:56 am

    Mr. Godwin, must just be in the right spot to see those Deputies in this area. They are short handed at Precinct 5 which is the Molino Precinct. You must be seeing deputies as they are driving home from their shift being over, there alot of them that live up here. I am pretty sure that there is one deputy up here in the Molino/ Cantonment area after 2:00 in the morning. Check it out for yourself. That egomaniac/ camera hungry Morgan needs to go. He has no law enforcement experience. An Air Force MP does not qualify for experience. I am voting for John Powell.

  13. Robet E Godwin on July 3rd, 2011 8:16 am

    North Escambia look around and you will see the presence of a deputy most anytime of the day or night. Things are better than we have ever experienced,room for improvement, yes, but never the less we have got it going our way. Morgan may not be perfect, but he is going to be hard to beat.

  14. David Huie Green on July 2nd, 2011 2:53 pm

    “Anyone would be better than Morgan, however I do not believe that John Powell is that person.”

    If anyone would be and Powell is someone, then by that logic he would be.

    I still got nothing against Morgan and don’t know the others, just considering the logic of the statement.

    David who would be worse

  15. Jerry A on July 2nd, 2011 2:35 pm

    Anyone would be better than Morgan, however I do not believe that John Powell is that person. How can we trust someone who waffles on which political party he belongs to. Sounds to me like he switched parties just so he can run in the primary against Morgan. He tried it as a Democrat against McNesby and ow he wants to run as a Republican since he is not aware that this area predominately votes Republican.

  16. molino jim on July 2nd, 2011 1:31 pm

    I had to laugh last week. The city P.D. did most of the work on the internet sex sting– the photo of all of the law enforcement groups involved had the camera hungry Morgan front and center. He even beat out the city mayor who love the camera his self. He ran and won so we must not be to smart.

  17. D.T.H. on July 2nd, 2011 12:35 pm

    Welcome back John, This is going to be a very interesting race, let the games begin!!!!

  18. gambello on July 2nd, 2011 10:39 am

    John Powell never stays at one job for long. Look at the guy’s history. Every time he gets a job, he’s out looking for another one, and never stays in one spot long. No thanks….I’d rather keep Morgan.

  19. Disappointed on July 2nd, 2011 9:15 am

    To be honest, John Powell would be a great choice with his proven multi agency experience, and he’d definitely be an improvement over Morgan especially after Morgan’s near miss with federal judges who could have locked him up for contempt, chaffing advice to the Governor, budget review of the county commission, throwing his fellow elected officials under the proverbial bus by grand standing on TV in front of Tate High School. And what’s up with that General Half Track and part Navy Admiral’s uniform where he wears his air force ribbons and medals? Isn’t that against military regulations? Besides, this is an insult for those who wore their country’s uniform and served with pride.

  20. citizen on July 2nd, 2011 1:21 am

    This would be a very good choice for Sheriff. This man has the experience as a leader and the knowledge of a real Law Enforcement Officer. He would not wear all the costumes that the current Sheriff wears and will not forget who put him in office. If you get the chance and you will before the election, talk with him and I think you will see he is the best person for the job.