History Channel’s ‘American Pickers’ To Feature Pensacola Tonight

July 25, 2011

Pensacola will be featured in segment on the popular History Channel show “American Pickers” tonight.

Stars Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz were in the Pensacola area earlier this year, with several “secret” stops, including The Fish House restaurant. Wolfe and Fritz travel the back roads of America looking for forgotten trash and treasures on the weekly television series.

According to the History Channel episode guide:

“Mike and Frank are picking their way through Florida when they get a lead on a potential gold mine — a five-acre property that’s an automotive graveyard. The guys also visit an off-the-grid hangar-sized geodesic dome home where they discover two gems: a very rare piece of rock ‘n’ roll history and an unusual motorcycle sidecar. Mike’s hunger for seafood lands them a chance pick through slot machines, vintage advertising, sci-fi movie props and taxidermy bears.”

The episode airs Monday night at 8:00 and repeats Friday night at 7:00 on the History Channel.


7 Responses to “History Channel’s ‘American Pickers’ To Feature Pensacola Tonight”

  1. FLA GIRL on July 25th, 2011 8:18 pm

    This is how anything concerning antiques work…the buyer pays only half or less of what he thinks he can sell it for. The buyer cannot pay full price for any piece and expect to make a profit. It is my understanding most everything in the retail world works this way. You pay a price, then double that to sell it. Most times you must lower that price in order to move it. No reason to be hatin folks for doing what is normal in this line of business!

  2. Rowdy on July 25th, 2011 7:49 pm

    To Mike : Quit being jealous buddy it’s okay

  3. mike on July 25th, 2011 1:19 pm

    they are a bunch of rip off robbing old people of there stuff and then turn around and sell it for twice the price then make pop comments about the people they meet after they have picked /robbed them they are just two guys in there 15 minutes of fame and advertise for Hersey i will not buy Hershey products or support what these two do in any way if they gave fair value to the people then maybe i would feel different

  4. Blessed on July 25th, 2011 12:07 pm

    wish I would have known they were in town. Great show!

  5. Unchaindogs on July 25th, 2011 10:20 am

    This is my favorite show and I’m very excited about tonight’s episode! I wish I had known they were in town for several days back in January.

  6. Kim on July 25th, 2011 7:00 am

    I love this show and it’s neat to know they were so close. I set my dvr also, can’t wait to watch it tonight!

  7. Racheal on July 25th, 2011 3:02 am

    Wow!!! Im gonna dvr this right now!!! Im so excited:))