Highland VBS Takes Kids On Big Apple Adventure In Molino

July 13, 2011

Big Apple Adventure Vacation Bible School is underway this week at Highland Baptist Church on Highway 95A in Molino.

The VBS, for ages three through completion of fifth grade continues each evening from 5:30 until 8:30 through Friday. There will also be a Family Night “Pizza In The Park”  Sunday at 5 p.m.

By Sunday night, either Pastor Brian Calhoun or his wife Sara will be walking around with pink or purple hair. There is a friendly little competition between the boys and girls at Highland’s VBS to make the largest offering to the Children’s Malnutrition Center of San Juan, Guatemala, via the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes. If the girls win, the pastor’s hair will be purple on Sunday; if the boys win, the pastor’s wife’s hair will be pink.

Almost 250 took part in the first night of the VBS at Highland Baptist Church.

For more photos from the Highland Baptist Church VBS, click here.

Pictured above and below: VBS at Highland Baptist Church in Molino. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge..

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