Ex-Santa Rosa Deputy Gets Two Life Sentences

July 20, 2011

tomilson10.jpgA former Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office lieutenant has received two life sentences after being convicted of  two counts of capital sexual battery upon a child less than 12 years old.

A jury convicted John Tomlinson of sexually molesting a 9-year old girl in 1996. The victim’s allegations were corroborated by the testimony of another woman who was also molested by Tomlinson in 2000 when she was 10 years old while visiting Tomlinson at his residence, according to State Attorney Bill Eddins.

Tomlinson was sentenced by the Judge Michael Flowers to two consecutive life sentences to be served consecutively to the 30-year state prison sentence Tomlinson is currently serving after his conviction in November of 2010 for sexual battery upon another minor in his care.


13 Responses to “Ex-Santa Rosa Deputy Gets Two Life Sentences”

  1. Joe on July 23rd, 2011 9:02 am

    It is tragic that a person who is placed in a position of trust can do something like this. As a law enforcement officer myself, I feel that this man should have been judged harsher than others who would have committed a crime. I think Judge Flowers has done that. Two life sentences are appropriate. It is my opinion that abuse of a child should be a capitol crime and the death sentence applied. I hope no one will group all police, correctional officers or deputies in the same boat as this piece of crap. Most of us are law abiding, protectors of society.

  2. waytogo on July 22nd, 2011 8:01 pm

    YEAH!!! One down, thousands to go but we have to start somewhere right?

    Molino Mom: Be strong and stand up for what you know to be right. Hope everything works out for you and your family.

  3. jon brown on July 22nd, 2011 8:13 am

    trust no-one unconditionally. many predators seek positions of power or familiarity to accomplish their agenda. it’s a no-brainer. this fellow must have been a wonder of a policeman to attain officer rank while obfuscating his criminal, perverted nature to his superiors and subordinates. Judge Flowers has served justice. I see he is still alive so i have to guess he is in a protected custody status.

  4. Molino Mom on July 22nd, 2011 8:00 am

    Thank you Kay, I hope so too.

  5. joe on July 21st, 2011 3:48 pm

    “To Protect and Serve” does not mean ones self!
    perhaps there should be more / more intensive screening of potential law enforcement officers! I have known several that should not have been on the job. this does not mean that most are bad, quite the opposite. Most Law Enforcement are top notch and really do “Protect and Serve”!
    I am just saying there are always some that fall throught the cracks and get overlooked or just not noticed at all.
    Molestation is a progressive crime, The behavior signs and symptoms start very early in life. I am 99% sure there are more victims and would guess with about 75% certainty they are realtives or friends of this man and have been to affarid to come forward.

  6. Kay on July 21st, 2011 11:55 am

    Molino Mom, I’m glad witliam did not pull your rant. I had tears while reading

    Good luck to you and especially the victims in your family. May they stand up
    and speak the truth and get the justice that so many have not.
    I hope they recover and live full happy lives without restless nights from their
    dreams of these ugly things, just as I do the victims of this sub-human in this

  7. Molino Mom on July 21st, 2011 10:59 am

    As a victim myself, I can assure you this is not the norm. Most of these perverts never serve a day of jail time. I was actually surprised. I don’t know the specifics of this case but it seems similiar to the current case happening in my family. I hope since there are 3 victims to testify in our case that something gets done. I can only pray the jury sees thru my family members (not exactly my choice of words) BS and manipulation to see what he really is and what he’s done to 3 different lives. There was no personal vendetta of any kind going on to bring this to light, just a 15 yr old who had the guts to speak up and tell what was happening to her. One of the victims in this case was 8 yrs old the first time he molested her. They should put them all in a cage and never let them out to even shower. Oh, but thats not humane is it? Was it humane what they did to our daughters, nieces, sisters, etc? The law is so lenient on these perverts because molestation is SO hard to prove because there is no concrete evidence. I understand some people are falsely accused which is unspeakably cruel and unforgiveable in my book, but I hope jurors start looking thru these “good ole boys” and start seeing what they really are so we don’t have even more victims down the road…and trust me, with this one-I have no doubt there are more who have not come forward because they were scared or too embarrassed to report it. Plus, of course, it is tearing our family apart in the meantime. I just hope we get some sort of justice….we’ll see.

  8. Kay on July 21st, 2011 10:42 am

    Grave digger I was making an attempt to not offend every single cop
    on the force. NOT every single person is a PERVERT or CRIMINAL.

    While things are looking horrible anymore, and we are so shocked
    everytime something like this happens, WE absolutely CAN NOT paint EVERYONE with the same brush. I get so upset I have to remind
    myself of that fact daily.

    There ARE some lines that MANY of us would never cross, this
    being one of them, however, it happens in every walk of life because
    EVERYONE IS HUMAN, some are just SUB-HUMAN and don’t even
    try to walk like a MAN.

    I hope this guy rots in hell…..

  9. Been There on July 21st, 2011 6:25 am

    Sadly, as many as 84% of rapes and molestations are by a family member or someone the victim knows. To say that you can only trust them if you know them is ludicrous. Heck, you’re less likely to be raped by one you DON’T know than one you DO.

  10. Grave Digger on July 20th, 2011 7:07 pm

    @Kay on July 20th, 2011 12:53 pm,

    Sad……..but NO ONE can be trusted. Even those who you think you know personally. Even those close to you, even those who you whom you may consider too be above reproach.

    Cops, priests, correctional officers, ministers, fathers, mothers, teachers, brothers, uncles, etc….are all capable of crossing the line if the motivation is strong enough.

  11. ellenb on July 20th, 2011 1:44 pm

    Thank you Father. One down, how many hundreds of thousands to go?

  12. mary on July 20th, 2011 1:15 pm

    I hope he gets put in “General Population”!!!!!

  13. Kay on July 20th, 2011 12:53 pm

    You can’t trust anyone these days, not even the cops unless you know them
    personally, they are after all just people. A badge and a gun does not make
    them a saint, you hope it just makes them WALK TALL and always present
    a good try.