District 5 Commissioner White Schedules Town Hall Meeting

July 16, 2011

Escambia County District 5 Commissioner Kevin White will hold a town hall meeting on Tuesday, August 2

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the Escambia County Extension Office Auditorium at 3740 Stefani Road.

The meeting will begin with comments from the commissioner and proceed into an open forum. The public is encouraged to attend for the opportunity to ask questions and share comments.


14 Responses to “District 5 Commissioner White Schedules Town Hall Meeting”

  1. BubbaRay on July 19th, 2011 12:02 pm

    He’s holding it there so the good folks of Scenic Hills can make the meeting, even though they probably won’t be in his district once the new lines are drawn. Is the extension office even in his district after the new lines are drawn? Not sure on that one. Heck after the lines are redrawn he might actually have to introduce himself to those who live on the north end of the county, those of us he was supposed to be representing all along…

  2. dishearted on July 19th, 2011 6:24 am

    per Jane, I wish we could get rid of all the LEADERS in dist 1-5 and get the county back, and get good people in office that care about the county. we the people in the county sould be able to VOTE for or against any Dist Leader.but the leaders have made it very hard to effect the leaders in other districts,because of the laws and rules they have in place. they can effect you with there vote but you cant effect them because you cant vote against them.SOME SYSTEM WE HAVE, and the the people are suppose to be incharge..( down with Kevin White) to start!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Al Crun on July 18th, 2011 9:15 pm

    It will be interesting to hear him explain why he wanted to circumvent multiple votes on consolidated government.
    A vote for Kevin sounds like a vote for increased taxes for district 5.

  4. bmr on July 17th, 2011 10:08 pm

    why not in walnuthill?

  5. Bill on July 17th, 2011 4:00 pm

    Sam Archer has our family’s vote in 2012 Great Man.

  6. Janna on July 17th, 2011 11:16 am

    Jim Taylor will definitely have my vote. He is the only man for the job. He will make all the necessary changes for everyone in District 5, because he truly cares for his community and everyone in it. Unlike all the other candidates, he is not a business owner, was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and doesn’t “owe” anything to anybody. He has already gone to Tallahassee and Washington D.C. to fight for working people (teachers, firefighters, police officers, etc.) and even now, people in District 5 call on him to solve problems, such as the 40-acre Escambia River log jam. Jim is well-respected here, Tallahassee and Washington, D.C. He will bring a new respect for District 5 when he is elected to the County Commission. He will be a strong advocate for the small business owner, farmers, and the working people of District 5.

  7. Jane on July 17th, 2011 8:12 am

    I don’t think all this is Kevin’s fault. Until youget rid of the “good old boys” on the commission, nothing will ever be done. They have no idea how to implement new ideas or businesses here. Get the permit time shortened. Offer some tax breaks to new businesses. Toot the horn regarding all the people in the labor force that have good training and education that are here. And for heavens sake get some traffic signals in on Hwy. 29!!!

  8. judy on July 17th, 2011 2:39 am

    futureD5Commissioner…depends on who you are…if you know my name you know I will help oust who we have and have the experience to help….plus I am pure bred district 5…

  9. futureD5Commish on July 16th, 2011 10:32 pm

    1. What has been accomplished in the last four years for the “North End” ?
    2. Has there been an attempt to meet with State Reps to lower property taxes and attempt to utilize a sales tax that would effect all; rich, poor, black, white, homeowner, renter.
    3. Has their been an improvement to infrastructure; not just paving roads and clearing ditches?
    4. Any aspirations of bringing industry or commercial business to the “Central Commerce Park” or whatever the name of that huge property between Cantonment and Molino is supposed to be?
    5. Have you looked into any cost-saving measures within the County departments?
    6. Held any other town hall meetings during his to address the needs of Dist. 5 other than close to re-election season?

    It infuriates me that when these officials get elected they disappear. It may be a good thing I suppose because they aren’t getting into trouble. We have great schools, great pieces of property to build parks, public venues and other things. Why can we not partner with local businesses and make this end of the County a more prosperous and enjoyable place to play ball, picnic, work, and raise our children? Lower my (employed home owner) taxes and help spread the wealth to the other citizens that are using these resources without helping to foot the bill. I would gladly pay sales tax if my property taxes and “fees” weren’t escalating. Some “fees” are necessary however, some can be negated by some simple brainstorming with our local colleges that have excellent Accounting and Business programs. So, who can I get to be my campaign manager? Call me…

  10. BigDog on July 16th, 2011 5:29 pm

    Would someone please show Mr. White a map so he can find a central location in his district?

    How about having a “town hall” where his constituents dont have to drive 20 miles.

    There are fire stations all over his district that could be used.

    Oh wait a minute, he would have to have more than one meeting. Nevermind.

    What a joke!!! Come on 2012 election.

  11. tallyho on July 16th, 2011 9:54 am

    I want to pass a law to where every street has a red light, you cannot drive without testing and playing with your phone, reading news paper, putting on makeup, and you must get up late for work so you can drive fast and not obey the law. You must drive in the fast lane at all times. And bumber sticker on all cars saying i have the right to try to kill you on the rode.

  12. tallyho on July 16th, 2011 9:47 am

    Yes and they wonder why no one goes to the meeting. And they cannot figure out why they cannot sell the civic center. But if i was going to have a meeting to where i did not have to answer many questions then i would have it there. Like we say give him a map so he can find the other end of the county.

  13. Kay on July 16th, 2011 8:42 am

    Sure go in and talk to him like you haven’t tried already. Then you walk
    out and your car is vandalized by the fruit cakes who want him in.

    No thanks White….I’ll just be voting against you this time.

  14. jane on July 16th, 2011 7:43 am

    Anyone out there interested in discussing traffic signals for Molino at the meeting? I asked Kevin about this in the past, maybe i need to do this again……………