Century Turns Out To Give Blood

July 29, 2011

Several Century area residents turned out at a town-sponsored blood drive Thursday afternoon.

“We always give,” said Paula Hammond as she arrived with friend Cheryl Stacey as the Northwest Florida Blood Services Bloodmobile opened for donors at the Century Town Hall.

Century Street Superintendent Larry Murphy was among those that turned out, donating in honor of his brother.

The blood drive netted 15 donors, according organizers, toward a critical need for blood in the area.

Pictured top: Kelvin “Batman” Hyman (left) and Cesar Gonzalez during a blood drive Thursday afternoon in Century. Pictured inset: Cheryl Stacey (left) and Paula Hammond were among the donors. Pictured below: Street Superintendent Larry Murphy donated in honor of his brother. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Century Turns Out To Give Blood”

  1. Angi B. on July 30th, 2011 9:42 am

    I am so glad to see people wanting to help with the blood donations, I probably would have been there myself as well to donate; but I have been running like crazy. Here lately I wonder why is my families being doomed and all of this bad stuff happening, it’s really been terrible folks. I use to donate all of the time, hopefully I can catch them next time… Thanks to all of you wonderful people who have donated…

  2. Ally on July 30th, 2011 8:17 am

    Way to go Century!!! Good people there….