Century To Begin Budget Process

July 18, 2011

The Town of Century is about to begin budget talks, and that is not such a bad thing this year.

““It looks better this year than it has in the last several years,” Robert Hudson, the town’s accountant, said. He said that expenses this year have been under what was expected while revenues have been a bit higher.

After department heads review their budgets, they will present their budget requests to the town council during a special workshop on August 5 at 2 p.m.

Century current 2010-2011 fiscal year budget is $3,337,231. The ad volorem tax was raised last year, from  .823 mils the previous year to .9048 mils. The new millage rate was estimated to generate $30,000 for the town during the 2010-2011 budget year, compared to $26,000 in the previous fiscal  year.

Century’s new 2011-2012 budget year begins October 1.


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