Century Applying For Grants To Help Homeowners, Business Planning

July 21, 2011

Century is applying for two grants — one to improve housing for low income residents and the other to develop an economic plan for the town.

In Century, about 24 percent of all residents are below the poverty level with a per capita income of $14,629, according to the town, and almost half of all homes are classified as substandard. The town is applying for a USDA Rural Development housing preservation grant to assist some of those very-low and low-income homeowners in repairing or rehabilitating their homes. The funds, if approved, will be in addition to a current Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program.

The town also plans to create an economic development strategy plan if awarded a USDA Rural Business Opportunity Grant. The grant would be used to train and provide technical assistance for business development.


2 Responses to “Century Applying For Grants To Help Homeowners, Business Planning”

  1. inda moore on July 22nd, 2011 3:56 pm

    Can people who live on aire property get help? LM.

  2. me on July 22nd, 2011 2:35 pm

    Century keep applying for grant,but when you apply for the help you don’t here anything about them,like the cooling unit.