CCI Inmate Pleads Not Guilty In Murder Of Another Inmate

July 24, 2011

An inmate at the Century Correctional Institution has pleaded  not guilty of the late 2010 murder of another inmate.

John Scaife, 58, was charged in May with manslaughter and battery for the death of 54-year old Donald J. Bart. Officials said Scaife allegedly punched Bart at CCI on December 22, 2010. After being punched, Bart fell and hit his head on the prison floor. He died three days later.

Scaife is due to back in court in September . He is being held in the Escambia County Jail without bond.

Scaife was serving a 12 year sentence from Polk County for a 2001 conviction on charges of burglary, grand theft auto and fleeing/eluding law enforcement. According to the Florida Department of Corrections, he has been in and out of prison since 1979 for a list of offenses that include burglary, robbery, aggravated battery, sexual battery and petty theft.

Bart was sentenced in 2009 in St. Lucie County to eight years for arson, torturing animals and burglary, and a five year sentence for a 2008 St. Lucie County conviction on marijuana charges.


4 Responses to “CCI Inmate Pleads Not Guilty In Murder Of Another Inmate”

  1. Citizen on July 26th, 2011 11:12 am

    @ RJay: Hallelujah>>>>someone actually ‘read’ the article before commenting!!!
    @ EscGuy: Do you really want this trash back out on the street? He did this
    crime. (insider info or whatever you want to call it)

    Neither of these inmates are pillars of any community, but Bart is now dead at the hands of Scaife. Wrong is Wrong!!!! Maybe this time he will get habitual offender & enough time to keep him locked up for good.
    Of course, if we didn’t have so many bleeding-heart liberals, he could ride “Old Sparky” & we’d be done with him …. once & for all . That would be my choice.

  2. RJay on July 24th, 2011 7:16 pm

    12 years for a 2001 conviction. He’s not going to be “behind bars” much longer. He is directly responsible for the death of inmate Bart. He needs to be held accountable.

  3. EscGuy on July 24th, 2011 10:48 am

    OK, so what does it really matter, the dude is already in prison, we are already taking care of him daily. If he does or if he doesn’t plead guilty, he is gonna be behind bars anyway. Lets focus on the ones on the outside, and put them in there with him.

  4. Kay on July 24th, 2011 8:48 am

    Scaife Be a MAN and plead guilty and take your punishment.