Annie Savage Appointed To Century Council; Late Nadine McCaw Honored

July 19, 2011

The Century Town Council paused Monday night to remember late Councilwoman Nadine McCaw and to appoint a successor to fill her seat.

The council unanimously voted to appoint Annie Carter Savage to fill the vacant Seat 2 until the end of McCaw’s term which ends in early January of 2012. Last year, Savage ran an unsuccessful campaign for Seat 5, defeated by current council member Sandra McMurray Jackson.

According to town council President Ann Brooks, Savage was the only person that expressed an interest in filling the seat. Savage will be sworn in at the council’s next regular meeting on August 1.

The Seat 2 position will appear on Century’s October ballot. As of Monday, no one had prefiled to run for the seat.

The Century Town Council also adopted a resolution honoring McCaw, who passed away July 7, and accepted a letter of condolences from the Town of Jay.

Pictured top: Anne Carter Savage sits in the audience at Monday night’s Century Town Council meeting. She will be sworn in as a council member on August 1. Pictured below: A resolution adopted by the Century Town Council honoring the late Nadine McCaw. photos, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Annie Savage Appointed To Century Council; Late Nadine McCaw Honored”

  1. Cesar Gonzalez on July 20th, 2011 9:56 pm

    Congratulations Mrs Savage, we know you will be a good Council member for the Town of Century. Welcome!!!

  2. Angela on July 20th, 2011 4:08 pm

    If you think Mrs. Savage can’t do this—-then you must not know her. That woman is very opinionated and doesn’t just go along with something for the sake of doing so. She is exactly what we need.

  3. MY-MY on July 20th, 2011 12:24 pm


  4. concerned citizen on July 20th, 2011 9:52 am

    I think my comment has been misunderstood. This is not in any way about Mr Hawkins. I don’t know where Mr Hawkins is from but I assume he lives in Century. I never condoned Mr Hawkins actions while he was a member of the council he voted no on most everything that came across the table and I think that was because he did not like certain people at the table and this is not right. My comment was about Council Members voting their own opinion and not those of some one else. If the Mayor has a good idea and it is for the betterment of the Town and its citizens or if any other member of the council has an idea that is good then you should vote yes but be yourself and vote what you think is right and don’t be a yes person for any one. I just don’t think ms.savage can do this. My prayer is that God will keep his hand on Century.

  5. a harsh judge on July 19th, 2011 9:32 pm

    concerned citizen:

    Sure hope there is more agreement on the Council – if that means another vote to go along with the mayor, so be it. The mayor means well even if you don’t think so. He wants his home town to do well and that means the people in it. Oh – by the way, where is Mr. Hawkins from?

    It’s too bad if you think differently.

  6. Michele on July 19th, 2011 6:12 pm

    Congratulations, Mrs. Savage!!

  7. Angela on July 19th, 2011 11:21 am

    Let’s also remember how much TROUBLE and embarrassment that Hawkins brought upon our town when they go to the polls to vote for Mayor too. I do not agree with a lot that has went on, but at least Mr. Mccall and most of this council wants to IMPROVE our town. They don’t want to pat their own backs and see their names in the news, they only want what’s going to make the town a better place, which is more than I can say for some of the bashers on here and the arrogant people that have graced the council in the past!

    If you want to be a concerned citizen, you better make sure you vote for someone that isn’t in it to have his name in the headlines every week……

  8. sylvia godwin on July 19th, 2011 11:08 am

    Annie, I am so happy you will be taking Nadine’s place. Nadine thought the world of you.I think she would be so happy that you are sitting in her seat and carrying on town business. Do her proud as I know you will, you know that is a tough job so stand up for what you think is right reguardless of what anyone says.

  9. Willene Bryan on July 19th, 2011 8:56 am

    Annie I really think you can fill this job well. Nadine spoke highly of you. May the good Lord be with you in all of your decisions and know Nadine is sitting at that table with you. She wanted so much for the Town of Century. I think you know what she was for and against and she would probably tell you Annie I’ am sure , NO, I don’t like that or this but she would be kind in her words. Pray all goes well for you as you take this seat and know that we are all praying for you and the council members and for the Mayor, God bless you all.

  10. concerned citizen on July 19th, 2011 8:28 am

    this is no surprise….certain people have been trying to get her on the council for awhile…just another yes vote for the mayor, hope the voters in Century remember this when they go to the poles to vote in October

  11. Felicia McCaw Jones on July 19th, 2011 7:34 am

    I can’t think of a better person to fill my mothers shoes! Mrs. Annie is a wonderful Christian woman who has nothing but goodness in her heart…… Love you to pieces Mrs. Annie, but be careful—-the political ring is nothing pretty, no matter how much good you do, you have those who constantly stab you in the back. It broke my heart to see my mom pour her heart and sould into trying to make Century a better place to have so many be so mean, ugly and downright hateful to her for trying to make that place better…… Be careful, pray a LOT, and watch your back.

  12. WOW on July 19th, 2011 12:59 am

    This is going to be interesting!!!!!