UWF Approves Tuition Hike

June 8, 2011

Tuition at the University of West Florida is going up.

The university’s board of trustees voted Tuesday to hike tuition by 15 percent. That equates to about $21 per credit hour more for in-state students. The increase comes as the school’s funding from the state will drop eight percent as of July 1 due to cutbacks.


6 Responses to “UWF Approves Tuition Hike”

  1. Summer on August 11th, 2011 2:22 pm

    I am a grad student at UWF with a 4.0 and guess what, I learned absolutely NOTHING at this school. Waste of money, and I am in a position to say that.

  2. Curtis Magurtis on June 24th, 2011 1:51 pm

    It’s okay, because not only has tuition gone up but Bright futures has cut the assistance to students also, paying for only $101 per credit hour (and that’s “100%”). Not saying that it is not a decent sum of money and assistance, but with the combination of getting financial aid cut and having to pay more for tuition, that’s more pressure on the students, such as myself, and I feel like we are likely to see a decrease in students attending college.

  3. Jane on June 10th, 2011 6:51 am

    So if we want our kids to go to college we get to pay more money so they can build athletic things! Great. We will be a third world country if we don’t educate our young. China gives their kids free college IF they get good grades. That is why they are rapidly replacing us as a world leader. It isn’t just the government that needs to be changed!

  4. joe on June 8th, 2011 11:27 am

    that extra 7% will go to the new stadium they want to build. they need the funds from somewhere to pay for it so it may as well be from the students………..
    do I agree with this practice?
    NO, I DO NOT!
    school is already so expensive for students, this will only make it worse.

  5. THE DOER on June 8th, 2011 7:22 am

    So let’s do the math. At a $21 per credit hour increase for in-state students, that is an increase of $63 per course. To be full time, a student must take a minimum of 4 classes. That is an additional $252 for the semester. I guarantee that fees, books, labs, and everything else along with it will go up too.

  6. Math Wiz on June 8th, 2011 6:35 am

    Trustees hike tuition by 15% while state cuts funding by 8%. When I attended UWF I learned this equated to a 7% increase in padded pockets.