U.S. Marshals Bust Sexual Battery Suspect At Nine Mile Rd. Restaurant

June 23, 2011

A wanted sexual battery suspect was arrested at a Nine Mile Road restaurant Wednesday afternoon by a U.S. Marshals Task Force.

The U.S. Marshals Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force arrested 25-year old Daniel Brooks, wanted by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office for sexual battery by physical force.

On June 4, Brooks allegedly became enraged when his wife denied his sexual advances and used force to sexually assault her. He was arrested at Chili’s on Nine Mile Road and booked into the Escambia County Jail without bond.


16 Responses to “U.S. Marshals Bust Sexual Battery Suspect At Nine Mile Rd. Restaurant”

  1. Juslilme on June 30th, 2011 6:39 pm

    The truth will always set u FREE!!!!!!!!!

  2. Toni on June 29th, 2011 1:49 pm

    I’m unsure of how exactly one would expect an incarcerated person to publicly deny any charges. I, too, have been in contact with him since this unfortunate series of events, and I wonder that you haven’t heard a denial. As for what he may have told his other friends and family, I cannot speak to that since I am not privy to those conversations.
    The only person for whom I can speak is myself, and until I am convinced otherwise with undeniable, legal proof, I will continue to believe in his innonence and offer my full and continued support to both him and his family.

  3. heartbroken on June 28th, 2011 11:01 pm

    toni you say innocent until proven guilty then why has he not denied these charges? any man that didnt do it would have surley told at least his friends and family that much! this coming from a good friend of his who has known him many many years and talked with him since this. i wish the best for him and all other friends and family that are affected.

  4. shocked on June 27th, 2011 12:40 pm

    Wow, i am sure he is in need of a good defense team toni. I think you would do a great job representing him. You should Check into that. You know you are so quick to defend his character… What about his wifes character? I would be willing to bet you don’t even know her… Ultimately justice will prevail and the truth will be told. So i guess we will all find out soon whether or not this man is guilty of the crimes he has been accussed of.

  5. Toni on June 27th, 2011 11:57 am

    “He would not be in jail had he not committed a crime.” You can’t honestly believe that…. Sometimes, people actually ARE arrested, held in jail, and put through trials only to be found ‘not guilty’.
    Perhaps you aren’t familiar with exactly HOW someone can be arrested without actually being guilty of the crime of which they’ve been accused. It’s called “non-adversarial probable cause determination”. Basically, that means someone can be arrested WITHOUT a warrant, based simply on hearsay testimony. Then, ex post facto, they issue the arrest warrant. Crazy, huh, since hearsay testimony isn’t even usually allowed as evidence in an actual trial!!

  6. shocked on June 27th, 2011 10:17 am

    Its reAlly sad to think of all of the defenders here. He would not be in jail had he not committed a crime. Instead of arguing about his character you should be putting forth your energy into praying for his family, and that his wife and daughter overcome this… You dont need to pick a side, i am sure he is a good man. You should instead think what an unfortunate thing to happen. Can you only imagine what his wife is experiencing? I myself have never gone through anything like this but it seems sad that everyone would automatically assume she is being untruthful. If he is innocent i truly hope that everything works out and his name is cleared, if he is not i truly hope that his wife can pick up the peices and move on with her life. Dont pick a side. Pray for everyone involved.

  7. Sad on June 27th, 2011 9:18 am

    I honestly can’t believe this. Having known Daniel for years, I could never fathom him being able to commit the acts they have against him. I agree with Toni. What does it matter that it is females defending him anyway? I’ve only known this young man to treat every person he knew with the up most respect, female or male.

  8. Grew up in an abusive home on June 25th, 2011 3:11 pm

    For the defenders,

    As a child, my father abused every one of us, including my mother, not sexually, thank God, but physically and emotionally. He denied us support despite having a well paying job because he spent it on his booze and women. He stayed gone for weeks at a time. We lived in a perpetual state of fear because we didn’t know WHEN he would be there and what would happen when he did. When my mom tried to get away from him and went to DCF for help, we were refused because they had to talk to him first and he told the worker that my mom could come back and he would “treat her just the way he always had”. My mother said, “Yeah, that’s the problem! He’ll keep beating me, keep beating the kids.” The worker told her that she couldn’t understand WHY my mother would leave such a sweet and loving man……
    How many times do we see that someone is arrested for a heinous crime or horrible abuse of their family and friends and neighbors all say, “He’s a wonderful man, so nice and caring, involved with his kids. We just can’t believe it”? All the time.

    Knowing this man in a work setting or even in a social setting doesn’t tell you anything about what life is like in his household. Do you have any idea how many sexual assaults go unreported because the women (and men in some cases) fear the same reaction that the defenders are displaying here? About the same number that actually ARE reported. Isn’t that sad?

    If he is innocent, then I sincerely hope and pray that his name and reputation are cleared. If he is guilty, then I hope his wife receives justice and HER name and reputation are cleared.

  9. Toni on June 25th, 2011 12:53 pm

    “it would be helpful if people who have not LIVED with him did not stick up for him just because they know his family or worked with him.” While I feel that it’s awful that you had to deal with an abusive spouse for 11 years, I feel that it would also be helpful if people who DIDN’T know him wouldn’t project their personal experiences and feelings onto him and this particular situation. That’s completely unfair.
    You say that you believe in “innocent until proven guilty”, but follow that with “I would bet dollars to donuts that he is not.” Those two statements are contradictory of one another, and I would hope that, if indicted of these charges, the people serving on his jury do not hold that same contradictory viewpoint.

  10. Debster54 on June 24th, 2011 8:43 am

    This is why so many women end up homeless or in shelters. Abusers are almost ALWAYS loved and respected OUTSIDE the home. That’s their COVER. Why else would it be so hard to prosecute them? My EXXXXX-husband beat me silly every time his team lost, he had a bad day at work, or he had a bunion, starting when I was pregnant with his daughter. For eleven years that’s all I heard when trying to get help: he’s such a nice guy!! NOT. I am all for innocent till proven guilty, but let’s just be sure the dude really is innocent. I would bet dollars to donuts that he is not. Of course, it would be helpful if people who have not LIVED with him did not stick up for him just because they know his family or worked with him. My EXXXX’s work buddies would call me and ask me why I had him locked out of the house, he was CRYING at work. What a fake! No one ever came to my house to see the bruises he put on me. Let’s all get real. If every abuser looked and acted the part outside the home they would all be locked up by now, not getting everyone all riled up with sympathy (undeserved). Just sayin….

  11. Toni on June 24th, 2011 7:24 am

    I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be taken as derogatory or not, but I should think it would speak more to our positive opinion of his character and our sadness that a good friend and fellow co-worker is having to go through something like this than anything else….

  12. Jack on June 23rd, 2011 10:34 pm

    Does it seem strange that the two defenders are female?

  13. Lynn on June 23rd, 2011 7:12 pm

    I have worked with him for years and he is one of the nicest guys at work, def not a punk by any means… There are always two sides to every story and just because someone says this happened to them dosent always mean it’s true. Please have respect for daniel, his friends, and his family in this time and refrain from the judgement and name calling. He is innocent until proven guilty.

  14. Toni on June 23rd, 2011 4:59 pm

    It’s such a shame that divorce can sometimes turn so ugly as to lead to, what I believe to be, false accusations. People shouldn’t jump to conclusions about what may or may not be the truth. “Innocent until proven guilty” is how our justice system SHOULD work, although that isn’t always the case. My prayers and full support are behind Daniel and his family as they try to get through this.

  15. 429SCJ on June 23rd, 2011 1:54 pm

    It is far less costly for a divorce as opposed to a criminal defense. I hope children are not involved, I think this is one for Dr Phil, or Rev Phil.

  16. littlerainy on June 23rd, 2011 1:27 pm

    Guess he did realize even a wife hats the right to say no. Looks like a punk anyway.