Summer Reading Programs Continue In Century, Molino, Flomaton

June 28, 2011

There are two summer reading program this week in the North Escambia area.

The Molino Park Elementary School Library will be open Wednesday from 9 a.m. until noon for students and their parents. Students are encouraged to dress in red, white and blue to celebrate the Fourth of July a few days early. There will be guest readers along with activities related to the stories that are read. Parents and students can check out books, and students can take Accelerated Reader tests. Parents are required to stay with their children.

The summer reading program begins Thursday at the Flomaton Public Library. Programs will be held each Thursday through August 4 from 10-11 am.

Pictured: Students and parents enjoyed story time on June 15 at the Molino Park Elementary School Library. file photo, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Summer Reading Programs Continue In Century, Molino, Flomaton”

  1. jane on June 28th, 2011 4:17 pm

    We really need reading programs like this one! My son did not read until he was 9 years old because he did not like it. Then one of his teachers discovered something he was interested in and started giving him books to read after he finished his class work (usually sooner than anyone else). He graduated top of his class and had begun taking college classes while a junior in highschool thanks to this great teacher! He graduated from college with a 3.95 average (out of 4.0). Let them read…anything they are interested in…just READ!!!