Students Attend Rural Electric Tour In Washington

June 26, 2011

Three North Escambia area students represented Escambia River Electric Cooperative during the annual Washington Rural Electric Youth Tour.

Taylor Byrd from Northview High School, and Caristyn Golden and Meredith Owens of Jay High School were among 1,500 youth leaders representing electrical cooperatives from 41 states during the week-long tour. Byrd and Gold were winners of the EREC Youth Tour contest held annually for juniors in the EREC service area, and Owens was the Florida Electric Cooperative Association Youth Tour winner for children of cooperative employees.

During the trip, the trio met with Congressman Jeff Miller and visited the U.S. Capitol where they learned more about how government works. During the Rural Electric Youth Day Program, they had an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the history of electric cooperatives and their importance to the communities they serve.

Bryd, Golden and Owens also visited the World War II, Lincoln, Vietnam, Korean and FDR memorials; and Arlington National Cemetery. They had the opportunity to relax on the Potomac River during an evening boat cruise and visit many other places of interest. Youth Tour delegates also attended the opening night premier of “Wicked” at the Kennedy Center.

Pictured above: (L-R) Meredith Owens, Taylor Byrd and Caristyn Golden at the World War II Memorial during the Rural Electric Youth Tour in Washington. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


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