State To Give RX Drug Help To Released Inmates

June 7, 2011

The Florida Department of Corrections announced Monday it will offer prescription drug discount cards to newly released inmates and those on probation through a partnership with a company that specializes in helping former offenders get medicine.

The cards, which will be provided by Recovery Health Network, will offer up to 75 percent discounts on prescription medications, certain tests and some imaging services.

The discount cards will be provided for free, and DOC said in its announcement Monday that they are recognizes by more than 54,000 pharmacies nationwide. The card has no expiration date or limits on numbers of prescriptions and DOC says it will work for “all physician-prescribed” medications.

“One of our reentry goals is to match inmates and offenders with needed resources,” said Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Edwin Buss. “Putting these prescription cards in the hands of offenders on community supervision and inmates right when they are released will help with the costs of the medications they need.”


24 Responses to “State To Give RX Drug Help To Released Inmates”

  1. billy on June 9th, 2011 10:14 pm

    Wow…….reward inmates…….I need to commit a crime…..hehe.

  2. 429SCJ on June 9th, 2011 6:08 pm

    I checked Ed Buss out and he has accomplished some good things, prohibiting tobaccoa use by inmates was the one I liked the most. I do not think the tax payer should be responsible for the cost of prescription drugs, for released inmates.

  3. eab on June 9th, 2011 1:23 pm

    Another tempest in a teapot. The Miami Herald reports that the *free* cards are already given to anyone who has no insurance, is uninsured or has high deductibles.

    I expect some of y’all ought to feel a mite silly. But perhaps you could line up and kick the inmates in the butts as they leave to satisfy your need for retribution.

  4. SW on June 8th, 2011 12:44 pm


    If not, then who? It says a partnership. Okay, define the partnership. Ease our concerns.

    If some charitable organization wants to give them cards for free everything, that’s fine. If so, give us the dope (pardon the pun).

  5. Polythenepam on June 8th, 2011 12:05 pm

    The state isnt paying for this.

  6. Bill in Wonderland on June 8th, 2011 8:55 am

    The article stated that the cards would be valid for any Dr. prescribed prescription. So that means that an elderly sex offender could get free prescriptions for Viagra, what has happened to this state and country?

  7. SW on June 7th, 2011 8:39 pm


    No. We (the people) can’t afford it. The state (us) owes them nothing. They have been in prison for a reason-to pay a debt based on a criminal conviction. They get out; they have a record; most won’t be able to find gainful employment as a result-as if there were any jobs in FL anyway; many will revert to the lifestyle they led prior to the incarceration-check the recidivism rates.

    Hopefully, the DOC won’t be releasing convicts that have mental health issues; nothing good would come from that.

    If these people want to turn it around and lead legitimate productive lives, they should be like the rest of us and carve one out for themselves. Don’t do it on my (our) back. We have already taken care of them during their stay at the DOC-education, medical, dental, vision, creature comforts, etc.

    No, I’m sorry, I just can’t buy into this liberal junk. The governor just signed in a bunch of budget cuts (including cutting DOC staff) and now this?

    No; just no. Governor, put a stop to his NOW!

  8. Karyn36502 on June 7th, 2011 7:11 pm

    I think this is great, people should be glad that this is being done. Think of all those inmates that are released that have mental health issues and when they are released into the free world with out their medications it would be bad for others. Also those with other helth problems should be given this chance too try to do things right for a change and stop self medicating with other drugs. There are ways for people who need medications to get it for free or for cheap, you just have to find the right doctors who know places that will provide them for free. Go to the health department or a doctor based on your income. My mother lives in Alabama and she gets her medication based on her income. Everybody sins some just get caught, nobody is perfect and everyone deserves to be forgiven and start their life over, it would help if these people were given more counseling before being released though. Also, some people who are able to work and take care of themselves need to be doing more for themselves like going to school to get training for better jobs if there current job doesn’t suit their needs and stop looking for a handout, so those who really need it can get the help.

  9. Linda Hel on June 7th, 2011 4:26 pm

    I want to know where the state is getting the money to fund this

  10. CRIME OR NO CRIME THAT'S THE ? on June 7th, 2011 3:45 pm


  11. FDOC employee on June 7th, 2011 1:08 pm

    Doesn’t surprise me. They get a 30-day supply of all medications upon release.

    What’s really messed up is we officers have NOT had a raise in 6 years, we now have to take 3% out of our pay to put in our retitrement, & the inmates are worse behaved & more dangerous than ever!!!!!

    Welcome to the Great State of Florida !!!!! I thought Scott was a Republican. He’s doing things that are reminescent of past Democrats, the bleeding-heart variety!

  12. rukiddingme on June 7th, 2011 12:30 pm

    How stupid this is. As far as they need help when they get out comment. They should have thought of that before they went in. The elderly can hardly afford the medicine that they HAVE to take on a daily basis. No insurance people can’t get any at all. What a joke this is. Makes me ill. Oops, maybe I can get a card. LOL

  13. 429SCJ on June 7th, 2011 11:50 am

    Who?, said crime does not pay., we should give them a drug card, a food card., where is this Ed Buss from? Scott this is one GOAT DRIVE you need to nip in the bud.

  14. SW on June 7th, 2011 10:53 am


    Only if they are former convicts.

    See post by Becky.

  15. KDN on June 7th, 2011 10:37 am

    Can we get a couple of these cards for the elderly population who are having to decide on whether to pay the light bill or get their medicines this month? This is the craziest, most asinine thing I have ever seen.

  16. Bobby on June 7th, 2011 10:11 am

    If it doesn’t cost the state a penny then ok. But I have a better idea. Lets provide these cards to people who have chose to do right and then worry about criminals.

  17. SUNSHINEGRL on June 7th, 2011 9:54 am

    So first we give them food stamps so they can eat now we give them a drug card so they can get their drugs for free and then turn around and sell them cuz they are too blasted lazy to get a job…who would want to work if everything is handed to them for nothing at the taxpaxers expense…what a joke florida DOC

  18. Becky on June 7th, 2011 9:49 am

    My mother has worked at the same low paying job for 30 years and doesn’t have health care. When she is ill she goes to the clinic on Palafox. Something isn’t right here.

  19. Becky on June 7th, 2011 9:48 am

    Cool…..maybe I should convince my 59 yo uninsured mother to rob a bank so she can get her card too.

  20. Alice Harris on June 7th, 2011 6:25 am

    No. This is a sensible and prudent thing. Many inmates come out with nothing and nobody to help them get a fresh start.

  21. SW on June 7th, 2011 6:02 am

    Well, the poor unfortunate fellers need all the help we can give them so they can stay healthy during their break between prison stays.

  22. mary on June 7th, 2011 5:14 am

    Let me guess..the “tax payers” will be footing the bill”!! WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!

  23. mother on June 7th, 2011 2:27 am

    Great state of Florida. Break the law in Florida you get discounts on medical bills.What about the people that has worked all their life and can not get any help with medical bills.

  24. joe on June 7th, 2011 12:26 am

    Wow, we can provide discount medication for criminals upon release from prison but families that work hard and still can not make ends meet are forced to pay full price for medication? There is something wrong with this picture, the law biding citizens are now the discriminated class as the criminals have more rights and benefits it seems.
    Here is an idea, convince more young people to commit crimes so they get incarcerated, then they can get a college degree for free, free medical care and now a rx plan upon release! They can put their degree to work while saving on medication! This is wrong on so many levels…..