Scott Signs Education Bills

June 18, 2011

Scott signed a pair of wide-ranging education-related bills on Friday.

The first, HB 1255, establishes a gift ban on school board members, revises testing requirements and requires districts to put budget information on their websites.

The second, HB 7151, eliminates a prohibition on requiring certain students to take summer classes at universities and includes a number of other Board of Governors priorities.

The bill also requires a study on the appropriate scores for Advanced Placement credits. The Senate companion of that bill at one point would have changed the minimum AP score a student needs to gain college credit from a 3 to a 4. But that was taken out with an amendment and not included in the final version. Both bills now become law.


3 Responses to “Scott Signs Education Bills”

  1. SW on June 20th, 2011 1:28 pm

    Remaining in state control encourages statist agendas and poor curriculum. We have all been complaining about the poor educational system; keeping it with the people who failed it and throwing more money at it certainly can’t be a good thing.

    I’m sorry, but I disagree. Keeping it local enables it to be more closely monitored by the community. Keeping it local also keeps the tax money in the community instead of redistributing it all over the state.

    I presume keeping unions in place would be a good thing as well.

  2. James Broel on June 20th, 2011 12:49 pm

    The reason schools can’t be turned to local control in my view would be because the local communities can’t run them as well. There would be far too much bias. We need this to remain in state control not by individual school systems or county government.

  3. SW on June 19th, 2011 10:09 am

    Why not introduce and then sign a presented bill eliminating the state board of education entirely? Why not turn schools back over to local control?