Redistricting Meeting Raises Concerns Between Urban, Rural

June 23, 2011

The separation between rural and urban was the center of discussion about redistricting Florida at a meeting in Pensacola.

Population shifts and growth have forced Florida to redraw district lines — the boundaries that divide equitable population areas between lawmakers .

Florida’s westernmost counties, including Escambia and Santa Rosa are currently divided with Senate and House districts representing the coastal and city populations and different districts for the northern, more rural areas.

The rural-urban division was clearly a battle line at a redistricting meeting held at WSRE in Pensacola.

“If the districts are put together we will lose our voice,” Brett Ward of Walnut Hill said, representing the Florida Farm Bureau. “Let us keep the district where the rural area is represented.”

Other speakers said that with a division, counties like Escambia and Santa Rosa lose fair representation.

At issue at a redistricting meeting in Tallahassee was the decision by legislative leaders to hold the public meetings before releasing proposed maps — something that citizens and activists attending the meeting said put them at a disadvantage when it came to trying to figure out what lawmakers might be thinking as they craft new districts for the state House, state Senate and U.S. Congress.

Rep. Will Weatherford, a Wesley Chapel Republican slated to become House speaker in late 2012, and Sen. Don Gaetz, a Niceville Republican scheduled to be his Senate counterpart, said no vote would be taken on a proposed map before a public hearing was held on the plan.

Weatherford also said the House and Senate would adopt a joint rule requiring a map to be made public for at least three days before a vote, and any amendments would be required to remain on the desks for two days.

“There’s going to be plenty of time for politicians to give their opinions, plenty of time for politicians to draw maps,” Weatherford said. “Now is the time for the people to have their say. We want the citizens of Florida to be dictating what these maps look like, not politicians.”

Gaetz largely brushed off the complaints.

“If I have to choose between a criticism of politicians didn’t get enough chances to speak enough or voters didn’t get enough chances to be heard, I’ll take the criticism that you just articulated every day and twice on Sunday,” he said.

Others complained that a redistricting process that might not produce maps until late winter or early spring, and then begin winding through the courts, could make it harder for voters — and potential challengers — to figure out which district they were in and set up an organization.

Deirdre Macnab, president of the League of Women Voters, said the timeline could create “chaos and confusion” ahead of the 2012 elections.

“Florida deserves elections where the people have time to understand their choices,” she said. “This timeline benefits only incumbents and is likely to diminish competitive elections and certainly the time our voters need to consider their choices.”

Marty Monroe, a former civics teacher, said the schedule “looks like an incumbent protection plan here.”

“I want you to stop the delays, I want you to stop the stalling, and I want you to get to work,” she said.

Weatherford and Gaetz responded that Florida often goes later in the process, and that nothing precluded lawmakers from voting on a plan shortly after the 2012 session convenes in January — two months earlier than usual.

Brandon Larrabee, The News Service of Florida, contributed to this report.


2 Responses to “Redistricting Meeting Raises Concerns Between Urban, Rural”

  1. Jane on June 23rd, 2011 8:33 am

    This is a tactic to prevent repeal of the septic tank inspection law, and anything that might be useful to Escambia and Asnta Rosa counties! Start emailing your representatives and the senators who refused to consider repeal of the septic tank inspection law, among other things!

  2. 429SCJ on June 23rd, 2011 6:41 am

    Amen Brett Ward and Marty Monroe.