New Unemployment Numbers Show More Out Of Work

June 18, 2011

The latest job numbers released Friday showed an increase in the number of unemployed in the North Escambia area.

Escambia County’s unemployment remained steady below double digits — at 9.9 percent in May and April. While the rounded percentage held steady over the month period, there were 91 jobs lost, for a total Escambia County unemployment of 13,852 people. One year ago, unemployment in Escambia County was 10.2 percent.

Santa Rosa County recorded an increase— from 8.5 percent in April to 8.7  percent in May. Santa Rosa County lost 188 jobs during the period, with a total of 6,192  persons still unemployed. The year-ago unemployment rate in Santa Rosa County was 9.1 percent.

Escambia County, Alabama, had an increase in unemployment — from 10.5 percent in April to 11.3  percent in May. Escambia, Alabama, lost 126 jobs during them month-long period, with 1,534 still out of work.


Florida’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in May 2011 is 10.6 percent, the lowest since August 2009 when it was also 10.6 percent. This represents 980,000 jobless out of a labor force of 9,249,000. The state’s unemployment rate is down 0.2 percentage point from the April 2011 rate of 10.8 percent and is 0.7 percentage point lower than the May 2010 rate of 11.3 percent.

Total employment increased to 8.2 million, up by 14,900 from March and 39,200 more than April 2010.

“This is the fourth straight month of decline in Florida’s unemployment rate and the lowest rate in more than a year and a half – very encouraging for Florida’s employers and job seekers,” said Agency for Workforce Innovation Director Cynthia R. Lorenzo, in a statement.


Alabama’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, at 9.6 percent in May, was up from April’s rate of 9.3 percent and was slightly above the year-ago rate of 9.5 percent. Alabama officials blame the increase in unemployment on the deadly tornadoes that hit the state.


12 Responses to “New Unemployment Numbers Show More Out Of Work”

  1. SW on June 20th, 2011 9:53 pm

    Didn’t say there would be 200 deputies; may only be four.

    I am prepared for what I consider the ‘worst case scenario.’ Won’t be anything for anyone in Europe or the Middle East, I’m afraid. We’ll just have to tough it out here among friends and family; combine resources and survive. That’s what country folk do.

  2. 429SCJ on June 20th, 2011 7:18 pm

    Sw give me a holler when they squeeze the gold out of that turnip, I want to see that. I believe this storm is gonna be a little worse than you are anticipating. I guess the people with the resources and forsight to leave early, will head to destinations in europe and the middle east. My dread is to have to turn away friends with hungry children. I would start thinking about something for a rainy day.

  3. SW on June 20th, 2011 6:08 pm

    There will be money for LE (Sheriff’s Department) since it is a constitutional function; otherwise, we may be on our own. It will be up to us to take care of ourselves, our neighbors, our families, or our friends. What a concept.

  4. 429SCJ on June 20th, 2011 4:47 pm

    I wonder what is going to happen when there is no money for law enforcement saleries, no money to fuel the LE cruisers, no money? I am glad we are a harmonious, cooperative group of souls. 429SCJ for peaceful transitions

  5. what to do on June 19th, 2011 11:33 am

    The only difference in Obama and Scott politically is their party, they say they will create jobs but they only cut jobs. 99% of politicians are crooks and both fit that discription.

  6. Jane on June 19th, 2011 10:42 am

    No, he won’t focus on anything except the 2012 election….and he uses our tax $ to campaign!!! He flies around to all the union places by Aircraft 1…on OUR TAX DOLLARS!!!

  7. SW on June 19th, 2011 10:16 am

    The best thing the government could do is to allow capitalism and free market to operate and stop choking down the economy?

    I wonder how many of those jobs are energy jobs that this socialistic federal government has shut down-in defiance of court orders-for example?

    It is not the job of government, at any level, to create or save jobs.

  8. Mr. T on June 18th, 2011 11:20 pm

    US imposes big tarriffs on Chinese tires, Beijing
    By Douglas McIntyre
    Posted 12:00PM 09/12/09 Economy

    Comments Print Text Size A A A
    Print this page|EmailShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on DiggShare on LifestreamThe Office of the United States Trade Representative announced that it is imposing huge tariffs on Chinese tire imports. This move is certain to cause friction between the two countries. Already, Chinese officials have called the move protectionist and threatened similar penalties on US exports.

    The International Trade Commission had determined that China had produced products similar to tires made in the US and sold them at prices low enough to force some US plants to close.

    See full article from DailyFinance:

  9. Mr. T on June 18th, 2011 11:07 pm

    Yes there is things a President of the U.S can do about our situation,but he needs the help of congress to do it ..It’s called free & fair trade!! The U.S, companies and WORKERS can not compete with foreign made products
    that are made by cheap labor and no enviromental and safety regulations
    and offer no benefits…and subsidized by their goverment to flood the U.S. market
    with lower priced products. This has been going on for many years now and we
    we are just begining to reap what has been sowed !!!!

  10. huh on June 18th, 2011 7:32 pm

    “This is the fourth straight month of decline in Florida’s unemployment rate ”

    Rick Scott isnt doing anything to help other than cutting away more jobs . The high speed rail system would have offered plenty of jobs.

    In china, they build a lot of things, even things they don’t need at the moment to keep the economy going. Thats what the usa should do

  11. CW on June 18th, 2011 7:30 pm

    As much as I dislike Obama, there really isnt anything he can do about it. One man didn’t cause this, and one man can’t fix it.

  12. Thoughtful on June 18th, 2011 4:07 pm

    Perhaps when the Obamas finish vacationing for the summer, the President can focus on nonpriority issues–like the economy.