Meeting To Discuss Future Of Langley Bell 4-H Center

June 19, 2011

Gulf Coast Agricultural and Natural Resource Association (GCA/NRA) will hold a public meeting Tuesday evening about the future of the Langley Bell 4-H Center in Beulah.

Escambia County could sell the 240-acre Langley  Bell 4-H Center in Beulah to Navy Federal Credit Union to grow its customer service center campus.“As an organization whose focus is on the 4-H and FFA youth in our area, we want to be sure the future is bright for those members interested in pursuing livestock projects and programs,” said Jack Livingston,  GCA/NRA president. “If the sale goes through as everything stands at this moment, there may be no educational facility such as the Langley Bell 4-H Club Center to promote livestock programs such as hogs, cattle, poultry, goats and such.”

During Tuesday’s meeting, attendees will be invited to share their ideas on how the GCA/NRA can work to ensure that there is a place for 4-Hers and FFA members to pursue their goals in a livestock project or program.

“Agriculture, and livestock in particular are very important to the development of our economy and in the development of the leadership skills in our youth,” Livingston said.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. at the Langley Bell 4-H Center, 4810 West Nine Mile Road.

4-H supporter Dr. M. Langley Bell, Jr. donated 400 acres to Escambia County for the Langley Bell 4-H Center. The center, which is now 240 of the original 400 acres, is used for events such as 4-H camps, retreats, timber projects, livestock projects, and as a meeting site for extension agents. The Langley Bell 4-H Center comprises about 240 acres of the original 400 acres. Four cabins, a kitchen, meeting hall, nature trails, forestry and livestock educational areas, barns, pastures, a 5-acre lake, and a campfire circle are part of the 4-H center’s learning environment.

Pictured top: This group of students took part in the GCA/NRA Spring Livestock show last April at the Langley Bell 4-H Center. file photo, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Meeting To Discuss Future Of Langley Bell 4-H Center”

  1. marcus on June 22nd, 2011 7:07 pm

    get a clue – all money from the sale would go to the 4H Foundation and would insure that 4H will be alive and well for future generations. What a wonderful legacy!

  2. david lamb on June 21st, 2011 11:32 pm

    To Why850,
    As a retired AF Tsgt. I owe no allegience to Navy Federal or any other Federal credit union. They uise the word “Federal” but are not a govt entity. they are not funded by the govt. They are a private ,for profit institution. They are no different than a pawn shop outside a military gate. They have no connection to military other than loaning money to soldiers,sailors, airmen and marines. Making a threat to move out of Escambia County makes me say “Sure gonna miss you, or “Thank God and Greyhound your gone”.
    To gulf coast: and tori, Do you realize that back when my sister ,brothers and I were in 4-H the extension office had 2 men foe boys 4-H and 2 women for girls 4-H. They also had the Home Economics agent(Edwina) and the County agent (Narvo). Almost every night J. Lowell Loabholtz was out in the county at 4-H club meetings, or after school taking us livestock judges to farms to judge livestock. I would guess that he never was home before 10-11PM. He has a wonderful wife (Dee) Tori ,as a former 4-Her I forgive you, Now work toward mending your mistake byy doing ALL you are able to prevent the full sale of the rest of the Center!
    To sue Showers , Sometimes money is not the answer, “The root of all evil is Money” Sound familiar. A religious belief is one thing that J. Lowell Loadholtz incubated in me.

  3. Me..personally on June 21st, 2011 12:17 pm

    I have was never invovled in 4-H, but I do work with horses. Thru my adolescence
    years, horses kept me out of a great deal of trouble that I am sure I could have been invovled with if I would have the free time…. I think this is very sad indeed if the land is sold.

  4. tori on June 21st, 2011 7:44 am

    First of all I would like to apologize to the Bell family and the Escambia County 4-H for voting to approve the original 160 acres to Navy Federal. I was 16 and was a member of the County Council at the time, and its a decision that I regret everytime I’ve been to the 4-H center.

    The Langely Bell 4-H Center has been such a important part, of not only my life, but so many other 4-H and FFA present and former members. In our family (The Hardins) there has been 2 generations of 4-Her’s that have shown livestock at the 4-H center. My stepfather showed there when he was growing up, I showed steers there when I was at Northview H.S. with the FFA, my sister has shown goats, and both of my brothers currently raise market hogs to be shown (on of which won Grand Champion this year, Go Wesley!). And I know we aren’t the only family like this.

    The Langely Bell 4-H center is not only at the center of the county 4-H and FFA livestock programs but it has also been where the 4-H archery club and gun club had their events, the Escambia County Beekeepers has held meetings and demonstarations there, numerous award ceromonies and banquests are held there every year, and above all else it’s a great place for children to see nature in the ever growing city of Pensacola.

    I hope the county does not vote to sell the 4-H center this evening. It will not only be a great loss to the 4-H and FFA organizations but to the whole county. Think about the youth that will miss out on so much if this wonderful piece if property is one.

    I wish I could be there at the meeting but I live 4 states away, but I hope someone will be at the meeting to stand up for what’s right and not what’s going to make a quick buck.

    Thank You,

    Victoria Greenwell (Roach)

  5. diane enfinger on June 21st, 2011 1:48 am

    I want to know whats wrong with taking up a little of the vacant flight training field also right next door to the left of Navy Federals buildings? Why do they feel the need for taking away from kids. Kids already have very little to do in this entire County that doesnt cost a fortune. I don’t think anything costs as little as this or offers anything like this. If this property was donated for this purpose who made the decision of selling it? How is it legal to do this? I disagree with this sale and think it should stay the way it is!!!!! But who am I?

  6. sue showers on June 20th, 2011 8:47 pm

    Think about how many jobs will come maybe lots of peoples dreams will come true by getting welfare people jobs,

  7. sue on June 20th, 2011 5:51 pm

    As a former 4-H’er and current participant in the Extension service, I would like to voice my objection to the sale of this wonderful facility. It is my understanding it was donated for the good of the young people of this area, to enhance and encourage the 4 H’s to be an active and deliberate asset for the overall development of young hearts and heads! I would not be the person I am or have the character I have without the influence of the 4-H clubs and their sponsors. My parents were active leaders for a while, and were also championship winners of cattle and swine during our time. I treasure my experiences and the invaluable impact 4-H had on my life….and I am still raising chickens!! (That was usually my project) I wear my 4-H t-shirt with pride, and refer many people to the services the Extension Office provides. Let’s not let dollar signs rule our hearts…..If we want our kids to become better people, KEEP the location and property and LET it be used for what it was intended!!
    And the threats of “going else where” for Navy Federal fall on deaf ears!
    by the way…”David” is my oldest brother! Excellent comments, bro!!

  8. gulf Coast on June 20th, 2011 9:31 am

    Do you really think Navy Federal is going to help the 4H in any way shape or form.. I saw the VP of Navy Federal personally invited to the livestock show multiple times at the first public meeting. Did she show up? I think you know the answer to that question but for everyone else it was NO she did not show up..

    The extension service isnt greedy but they arent the most motivated bunch in the world, they would rather go to a public school classroom and sign up 20 kids they will never see again rather than work with 2 or 3 on a REAL 4H project. It is win/win for them lots of “4H members” without alot of work. Looks good on the forms they send to the state. The real problem with selling it lies at the state level they dont want it.

    LEARN BY DOING is the 4H motto, kinda hard to do something in a classroom.

    Why is the media not pressuring the Navy to sell land to a credit union for Navy personel. The 4H owes nothing to Navy Federal Credit Union.

  9. 429SCJ on June 20th, 2011 6:01 am

    If these carpetbaggers are allowed to grab this land, I doubt if anyone ever donates as much as a handful of sand to ESC again. If we are supposed to be a multicultural society, why does our culture keep dissappearing? Cancer!

  10. David Lamb on June 20th, 2011 12:43 am

    I love to read N. ESC. .com. The Air Force took me away from Escambia County, FL 40 years ago. I have lived in Cass County, NE and raised 7 kids here, however my heart is in Escambia County. I was a 4-Her from 1959 until I joined the AF in 1968. Escambia County 4-H program was one of the top , strongest programs in Florida during those years. I and many other Escambia County 4-Hers took most of the State awards. I am proud to be a part of that heritage and wish I could have been a part of the program over these past years. I am passoniate about the Langley Bell Center because of what it has meant to me and so many others over the years. I find it hard to hold my comments to 300 words and hope North will indulge me to some degree.
    Obama had a campaign slogan”FIRED UP, READY TO ROLL”. That is how I am about the proposed sale of the 4-H center.. A friend on Jacks Branch Road says thet the “good ole boys” have already struck a deal and that they are only going thru the motions required before making it public. He also says that the published price is far below what the actual land value is. That land all around there has sold for much more per acre. SO>>> Does any official, Extension Office person,county commissioner want to comment?
    i could mention so many Escambia County families that have benefited from the 4-H camp/center and that their families have been blessed by Matt Langley Bell’s donation. PLEASE LETS PRESERVE THAT LEGACY. THE CENTER IS WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN A CASH VALUE. LOOK AT THE LIVES THAT HAVE BEEN AFFECTED BY ITS EXISTENCE. Sadly there is one young man that lost his life in the lake. i never will forget that day. I was there! Cant remember his name but can relive every moment! Thank you N. for your watchful eye.

  11. David Lamb on June 19th, 2011 11:17 pm

    Wonder if Navy Federal wants the 4-H center for their own picnic area for employees and families,? Dr Bell donated the land for 4-H and it should remain as such, regardless of all the so called jobs and “How wonderful “Navy Federal is! Sell the center and I have very strong reason to beleive that there will never be another one built or it will be so small no camping or activities will go on. Such an underused lake, because those responsible are restricting the use of it in the name of “LIABILITY’. Where are the Lamberts, Gindl’s and other 4- H families. If I wasnt so far away. I would be there screaming up a storm!
    J. Lowell Loadholtz,, Narvo Stephens, Edwina J Robinson would never have allowed this to deteoriate to where it is now!
    What is wrong at the Extension office? Greed?

  12. my2cents on June 19th, 2011 4:02 pm

    I hope everyone that has a comment on this subject will show up at this meeting. I know ill be there. I agree they need to sell the land for development but how much could 4-h sell it for it they busted it up in smaller sections. I am sure alot more than it would if sold all together. Bottom line 4-h should get the most possiable and then take that money and purchase 100 acres to build a state of the art facility. That includes everything the 4-h center currently has and more. We also need to have this in north escambia not off 9 mile rd where the powers to be would like to see the new facility. I hope everyone that reads this article will show up at Tuesday. Night.@@

  13. me on June 19th, 2011 1:38 pm

    There is plenty of land to grow on to the west, and who knows in 10 years the military might just change their mind and be willing to sell some of the flying field land west of Navy Federal, which would be better for developing anyway as it level and does not have any wetlands.
    Navy Federal is coming across as “very land greedy” to say the least. The comment was made by their local top exe that if this land deal did not go through she would hate for them to have to move out of the county! And you can bet which way the Commissioners are going to vote – because it will mean more revenue as they will gain 240 more acres that they can collect taxes on. Unfortunately, it’s all about the money, no one cares about the legacy, the natural habitat, the beauty, the new 4-H Center (building) or the many many 4-H families who are against this sale. Very sad! Another interesting note is now that Navy Federal’s Building #4 is complete, Navy Federal is only at half capacity.. At the current rate of hiring (120 per year) it will be 7-10 years before they are at capacity in the current location. Maybe the real reason Navy Federal is trying to purchase the land now is because it is cheaper now than it will ever be in the future. I also don’t get why they are calling their corrent location a “campus” instead of what it really is, a business park for a credit union.

  14. 429SCJ on June 19th, 2011 1:06 pm

    Why 850, I am looking at the big picture, all 240 acres of it, this is a credit union HQ, not a super collider.

  15. Why850 on June 19th, 2011 12:24 pm

    This is all so true, but what about the economy growth. Navy Federal Credit Union would bring so many jobs with good pay to the area. If many parents would take the video games systems and TV away or limit time spent, our children could be smart, less lazy and could be taught the importance of livestock and garden to help our with every day life. Its more than just a piece of land, its opportunities. Navy Federal Credit Union is much more than just a credit union, its about assisting our military member and families in every way possible. Those Military members our out there protecting the country so we can have a freedom of speak, teach our children valued skills, and to be an American and free. Look at the big picture! Maybe w/ Navy Federal Expanding they could have a program to teach our young children how to manage money, be responsible, learn the value of a dollar. I agree our children need more activities to learn and develop importance skills, such as farming but other opportunities are just as important for many reasons. – Think about it -

  16. AL on June 19th, 2011 11:59 am

    The county gets no funds from the sale, it all goes to 4H.

  17. 429SCJ on June 19th, 2011 8:56 am

    Dr Bell donated this land in good faith to enrich the lives of our children. I am curious as to what became of the 160 acres from the original 400. I am amazed that operating a credit union would be so land intensive. I hope the commissioners choke on thier 30 pieces of silver.

  18. horsedad on June 19th, 2011 7:47 am

    So, Dr. Bell, Jr. donated the land to the county for a 4-H center. If the county no longer can afford to maintain the property – or as is true Escambia county fashion – wants to make a buck, they should either return the land back to the family, or allow 4-H to take care of the property. Why should the county be allowed to make a profit when they received the property for a specific purpose? I say, we need to replace the politicians!

  19. tlad on June 19th, 2011 6:47 am

    Let’s all be there to show support for our kids’ futures!