McDavid Man Charged With Dealing In Stolen Property

June 16, 2011

A McDavid man is facing charges for dealing in stolen property that he allegedly pawned and driving with a revoked driver’s license.

Jeffery Gene Brown, 30, of South Pine Barren Road, was charged with two felony counts of dealing in stolen property by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. A Molino man told deputies that he allowed Brown and his girlfriend to stay at his residence in July 2010. After his stay, the man noticed several items missing from his home, including a 10 karat yellow gold necklace, a camcorder and a digital camera. The victim did not file a report at the time.

In March 2011, the victim said he was told that his items were pawned at the Cash USA Pawn Shop on Pensacola Boulevard, and that is where he located his necklace. According to the pawn shop’s documentation, Brown had pawned the necklace twice, once for $200 and again for $300. A warrant for issued for Brown’s arrest.

Brown was taken into custody after being stopped by the Florida Highway Patrol earlier this week on Nine Mile Road. He was also charged with felony driving with a revoked driver’s license. According to the FHP, Brown has five prior convictions for driving with a suspended license.

In addition, Brown was charged with violating his probation in a 2009 case in which he was convicted of marijuana possession and possession of drug equipment.

He remains in the Escambia County Jail without bond.


11 Responses to “McDavid Man Charged With Dealing In Stolen Property”

  1. David Huie Green on June 19th, 2011 8:58 am

    “- – - – - the lovely ECSD tryin to make a dollar and that bad they should b ashamed of them self but that the ECSD for you like i said alway wantin a DOLLAR and that what bad – - – - – ”

    Can’t argue with that.

    Can’t even understand that.

    If I read it right, the Escambia County Sherriff’s Department is to be faulted for doing its job and the thieves are to be praised.

    Further, the writer seems to be judging all judgmental people and condemning all condemnatory people. Fascinating.

    David for punctuation
    and reason

  2. 429SCJ on June 19th, 2011 7:23 am

    by any other name, a rose.

  3. The Wootens on June 18th, 2011 10:05 pm

    you no people always talkin about other people they never give the right stories.. yes people have the thing they do but who business anyway to throw stones at someone when they have had the same thing goin on when they should had stones thrown at them jeff was a good person he loved my kid and they love him like family that a bunch of crap how people can just say the thing they do it a shame people have no respect for no one r there family and that what WRONG!!!!! on a last note HE WHO HAS NO SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE!!!!!!!! an to all yall that dont like it well get over it HE A GOOD GUY and this family will always love him and care for him no matter what happens r what any one dont like about it well dont read it cause you no this in not true he goes the lovely ECSD tryin to make a dollar and that bad they should b ashamed of them self but that the ECSD for you like i said alway wantin a DOLLAR and that what bad o well we lov you jeff if you need anything you tell your family r your old lady to get up with us were there for you BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. David Huie Green on June 18th, 2011 7:00 pm

    “Why even comment if you don’t know these people. – - – he just needs some help and ENCOURAGEMENT – - -”

    If all he need was some help and encouragement, then why did he steal from the one who tried to help him? (assuming he did as he is charged)

    Why not comment? It makes for a more impartial viewpoint if you don’t know the accused. It’s way more reasonable than the words of a friend who supports his illegal and dangerous actions.

    It’s reasonable to say it’s wrong to steal from someone who offers you hospitality. What’s fascinating is those who defend thieves because they like them or think their “hard luck” justifies stealing from those earning an honest living.

    It’s reasonable to say it’s wrong to drive down the road illegally. Those who lose their licenses do so for a good reason, usually involving endangering the lives of others. It’s reasonable to want to protect the innocent people on the road from those who drive carelessly and with no regard for the law.

    David for obeying the law whenever possible

  5. Tina Kinley on June 18th, 2011 6:39 pm

    Liars and thieves – I was never “on their LEVEL” like it appeared to decent folks.
    Once a TAKER … Always a TAKER. In my experience you be nice and compassionate to other peoples needs, help them out with whatever they need, just like the Bible says, after you have given them all you can, even doing without yourself to do for them, cause that is following the ol’ WWJD… that is when they take the rest of what you have and leave you with nothing but debt and debri. They laugh at you for being so nieve or just plain STUPID. The Police think you are the friggin Ring-Leader or something. They are all your good FRIENDS until it’s too late and you realize they were just Con-artists …. Actors, and very good at it. Girl don’t tie your heart to someone who just wants to use you up because they REALLY believe that that is “WHAT YOU ARE FOR”. Believe me it will leave you broken and bitter. I will live the rest of my days trusting no one, alone is not so bad after all I have been through. I prefer it. :) PS… another favorite quote from a TAKER …. “It’s good enough for WHO it’s for.” I like to ALWAYS do the best I can at whatever I’m doing. Soooo… good luck with that.

  6. 429SCJ on June 17th, 2011 2:55 pm

    Hello Afewyearsback. I admire your compassion, if we do not have law, we will have anarchy, now do you want that? I do not have anything personal against Mr Brown, its just that in my time and space, when someone in a position of authority tells you FIVE TIMES not to drive, do not do it. I have zero tolerance with thieves, sorry! I sincerly think it is good that Mr Brown has friends that care for him. I just want him to comply with the directives and authority of the Court, nothing personal.

  7. Afewyearsback on June 17th, 2011 9:26 am

    I really care about this guy & I think people should stop and realize that from time to time people need help and encouragement instead of this negative put down that I read everyday. Why even comment if you don’t know these people. I mean how can you write this crap everyday about these peole you don’t even know. Give people and their families some positive encouragement. These are people’s loved ones and no matter what, we should let GOD judge these individuals, not us. This guy is a good person and is very sweet. I honestly hate this happened, but he just needs some help and ENCOURAGEMENT. Jeff, your friends are thinkng about you and hope everything goes well for you.

  8. pm on June 16th, 2011 4:07 pm

    Please people who are using their first names – either use your initials or like another person requested use your last initial also. It bothers me a lot when people ask me if I posting your comments. Thank you for any kind consideration you give this request.

  9. Kay on June 16th, 2011 12:38 pm

    Drugs, Drug Equipment, 5 times driving with revoked license, stealing
    from friends who try to help you.

    Picture me shaking my head and saying, ” Bad, bad, bad”
    Time to go away for a long time so people are safe from your
    evil ways. This stuff is no accident, this guys just a no good
    selfish druggie theif.

  10. my2cents on June 16th, 2011 8:27 am

    Jeff & I used to be real good friends. He definatly chose the wrong road. Maybe this is what he needs to make him grow up a little. This is definatly not the Jeff that I used to run with. Gonna pray for him!

  11. 429SCJ on June 16th, 2011 6:19 am

    To accept a person’s hospitality and repay it with theft. I wonder what part of license revoked!, Mr Brown cannot comprehend? I should have went into corrections.