‘Mafia’ Defaces Bratt Park

June 11, 2011

Authorities are searching for the person or persons that defaced the Bratt Community Park with claims about the “mafia”.

Between late Thursday and Friday morning, someone used paint and permanent markers to leave graffiti on 13 picnic tables, the playground equipment, concrete and a covered shelter at the Bratt Community Park on West Highway, near Northview High School.

Much of the graffit references the “ICP”, “Wicked Clowns”, “Juggalos” and  “Hatchet Man Mafia” — all references to the music and personas of Insane Clown Posse, a hardcore hip hop duo known for their supernatural and horror-themed graphic lyrics.

“The hatchet man mafia rules you and the park,” a paragraph of profanity-laced graffiti reads on a children’s slide.

The graffiti at North Escambia’s newest park, which was completed last fall, is full of profanity on the picnic tables and children’s playground.  It also contains references to several names and even phone numbers — giving the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office several leads on the culprits.

Authorities said the person or persons responsible for defacing the park could face felony charges due to the dollar amount of damage.

Anyone with information on the crime is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


65 Responses to “‘Mafia’ Defaces Bratt Park”

  1. Michelle on June 15th, 2011 5:33 pm

    To BMR, I get so tired of hearing people complaining about Law enforcement not being out here in the North end. They are out here and what do you epect? You choose to live in an area that is way out and away from everything. I love living out here and I know that there is Law Enforcement in our area, just not as many because of where we CHOOSE to live… Stop Complaining or move somewhere else where there is Law Enforcement riding around everywhere. Find something to do …

  2. Missy on June 14th, 2011 4:02 pm

    I also walk this park. I have seen teens sitting in cars when I arrive. I think the county shoud clean up the tables and place cameras there to catch the culprits the next time. Also a neigborhood watch is not a bad thing. Some of the houses are close I am not so sure these were Bratt kids..

  3. mother on June 14th, 2011 2:52 pm

    the main point here is……people put their time and money to fix this park and these kids have no respect for it. They should have to do community service work where they put in thier own time to do something good for others….where the money comes from is their problem…momma and daddy ? At least if momma and daddy had to pay, they may keep a closer eye on their little “angels?????”.

  4. Angi B. on June 14th, 2011 11:11 am

    @ WOW
    wow just because kids wrote on this means there thugs. Im sorry but dont judge kids just by what they write because half of these kids i know and they make A’s and B’s in school, and half of them go to yalls churches.

    After reading your comment, it looks as if you know who did this crime. So please, if you do; then at least talk with them and get them to go fix back what they destroyed.
    Maybe they should be turned in and pay for such destruction.
    They do have paper, pencil or pen and paints for such if people want to draw, write and or do the graffiti… Get a life folks and quit messing up the stuff that us tax payers are trying to have nice stuff for you all…

  5. ProudArmyParent on June 13th, 2011 8:00 pm

    I couldn’t have stated it anymore clearer myself David! Well,said and to the point, if only other would relieze what was done was a crime, they could have written a love poem out there or painted a picture, it would still be a CRIME!

  6. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2011 4:54 pm

    “wow just because kids wrote on this means their thugs. I’m sorry but don’t judge kids just by what they write because half of these kids I know and they make A’s and B’s in school, and half of them go to y’alls’ churches – - – these kids are actually great kids who don’t get in trouble”

    You do what you are.
    You are what you do.

    It isn’t making certain grades which makes people thugs, it’s doing bad things.

    It isn’t what they write, it’s that they wrote it on public property, thus stealing from the enjoyment of the general public.

    It isn’t whether or not they go to church, it’s what’s in their hearts and souls which makes them thugs.

    If they are caught, they WILL get in trouble. They will get caught because their friends also seem to lack wisdom and tell them how “great“ they are for doing such things.

    David for smarter friends

  7. wow.. on June 13th, 2011 2:30 pm

    wow just because kids wrote on this means there thugs. Im sorry but dont judge kids just by what they write because half of these kids i know and they make A’s and B’s in school, and half of them go to yalls churches. You defintley wouldnt think its the kids that are doing it. Because thes kids are actually great kids who dont get in trouble.

  8. James Broel on June 13th, 2011 8:58 am

    These comments are quite interesting to read…between those that give support to the music and message of the artist as in no way shaping what happened at the park and those who feel it did contribute to what happened. Remember in the internet world you can post here and be anyone you want to be. Only those who can truly investigate web traffic and online search profiles will likely be able to find the guilty party. And it is correct to know the person or persons who did this can’t and won’t be able to just keep it to themselves. Music and tv does have an influence on you…good or bad…but as others have stated so does a home life or lack of home life with parental involvement. What can I do to clean up the park so the culprits realize we won’t just roll over and complain about it? I am happy to do something but I would like some help to clean up the park. It’s a great place and we need to show its value to the community.

  9. Meforone on June 13th, 2011 5:21 am

    Thank you Zacs mom , thats good to know. Now that I hopefully have an adults attention. Do you really want him to identify himself with these kind of persons ? I may not know him or I may , but I am old enough and young enough to know that following these kind of ideals are not healthy. I am glad school is good for him. It’s something that’s a must in this world. Maybe the two of you can do some homework together , Look up juggola on the Internet.

  10. brattgirl on June 12th, 2011 11:44 pm

    Yes, I had my two little girls’ birthday party there last weekend and I couldn’t believe all the nasty graffiti all over the tables, ground and buildings. It is such a lovely park but I was disgusted to see this. It is sad that our kids cant play without seeing horrible words all over the place. I did notice teenagers showing up at dark when we were cleaning up. I hope they catch whoever is doing this. It is such a shame.

  11. joe on June 12th, 2011 9:43 pm

    william is correct about the bragging. most people in general who do something “big” to get attention will almost always spill the beans about it. they can not stand the idea of others not knowing who is responsible. this is why they brag to get the credit. in this case let it happen and watch them get caught. and then hopefully get some community service to clean it all up!

  12. Zac's Mom on June 12th, 2011 6:22 pm

    Meforone, Zac has family and support at home! He has more support than majority of the kids his age. My child listen’s to all types of music! But my son is home each and everyday, my son does not leave home unless he is with a grownup. SO BEFORE YOU SAY SOMETHING U KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THINK TWICE!!!!!!!!

  13. William on June 12th, 2011 3:43 pm

    >>>The sad truth is, this is the kind of attention that these thugs crave. Maybe in the future, you can partially obscure any names or identifying markings and not mention any gangs by name, while still keeping the communities informed. That way, these thugs can’t brag how they got their crap in the news.

    But you would be surprised how bragging leads to arrests. And much of what was in the park does not appear here. Law enforcement likes stories like this. What we ran on this was encouraged by them.

  14. bigbill1961 on June 12th, 2011 3:27 pm

    Let me first say that NorthEscambia.com is always my first choice for news in this area. (get a clue PNJ)

    The sad truth is, this is the kind of attention that these thugs crave. Maybe in the future, you can partially obscure any names or identifying markings and not mention any gangs by name, while still keeping the communities informed. That way, these thugs can’t brag how they got their crap in the news.

  15. Angi B. on June 12th, 2011 1:48 pm

    How pathetic!!! You know, this world has gone absolutely insane!!! It seems that we can’t have anything nice anymore, due to hoodlums wanting to act stupid and destroy it all… Not only are these kids these days learning stuff from video games, but alot of these radio stations play such nasty garbage, and these kids are wanting to listen to and buy this garbage!!! I can not believe that they are letting them air such trash on the radio… I do hope these idiots are caught, and made to pay for and also work to fix all the damages that they have destroyed!!!

  16. 429SCJ on June 12th, 2011 12:02 pm

    Amen! Just Me, I wish those had been my first thoughts on this.

  17. Just me... on June 12th, 2011 10:41 am

    50 comments and opinions quickly appear as did the graffiti.
    How long will it take for 5 of the readers of this story that live in the area and use the park for free to come to the aid of clean up and repair.
    I have been to this park only once and at that time the grass was cut and the litter removed. It appears to be a nice place in the neighborhood. The people that want this place to stay nice need to help keep it up and the kids need to have supervision, after all they are kids still. A saying I heard recently…” Teenagers are treated like children and expected to act like adults” … the sad part is alot of adults seem to act like children…. just my 2 cents worth!

    “and this is why there is no longer a roadside park beside every branch and creek. vandals destroy or deface them” DH Green

  18. Thinker on June 12th, 2011 9:58 am

    We need a team of young artistic people assigned to modify the graffiti in such a way that it is meaningless or positive in its message. If you’ve been anywhere, you know that graffiti will happen in any park near any impoverished neighborhoods. Hello?
    They are probably reveling in these angry comments…it’s POWER!!. Another option might be to just put up an 4 x 8 piece of plywood and post a sign to place your graffiti here. Community standards are set by ALL the people whether we lik e it or not. That includes the graffiti artists. If they want a dialogue then give it to them. Oh…and by the way: for a good time call (deleted).

  19. Scobie Wilcoxon on June 12th, 2011 9:51 am

    I looked up ICP and went to Wikipedia for an answer (I usually don’t cite anything from Wikipedia, but it’s a good starting point). It seems that ICP has a couple of meanings, 1) Inner City Posse and 2) Insane Clown Posse. Neither are good as both were created by a couple of Detroit hip-hop thugs.

    Juggalos (sic) is a spinoff of the ICP and is some type of wrestling organization with ties to the ICP and it’s founders.

    Sounds like a bunch of thug wannabes are running around. If we don’t watch out, there’ll be a little gang of thugs running around creating havoc and fear in our community. Don’t fall for this ‘family’ garbage; that is the reason given for all gang type activities from street gangs to motorcycle clubs (1%’ers).

    I spent a long career dealing with bullies; nothing would pleasure me more than to see (or help see that) this group broke up before they get started.

    Word to the wise, stay away from this type of affiliation, nothing good comes of participating in it.

  20. S.L.B on June 12th, 2011 9:43 am

    To bmr:
    Just for the record, I live on Hwy.4 and have to state that I see law enforcement (2 at a time) back and forth on Hwy.4 everyday several times a day. So I don’t think that’s why it happened. As a matter of fact, the day my daughter and I were there walking the track, law enforcement drove by 2 different times.

    If the vandelism was done by children in the park, no-one is going to suspect children playing in the park at the culprit, when driving by it right?

    I personally was thinking that a clean up and maintenance system needs to be put in place by the county at least twice a week to stay on top of it. Neighborhood watch is a good thing, however when it reaches the level that someone is standing in their window with binaculars watching you the entire time your there…that is just plain creepy and makes me to report them for stalking!

  21. S.L.B on June 12th, 2011 9:31 am

    My daughter and I were there at the park walking the track the middle of this past week and I couldn’t get over how people are already trashing up the park with litter and graffiti writing on the concrete. At that time I did not see any of the writing on the tables, so maybe they may have came back and did that at a later time?

    However, on my way to leave, I observed a group of boys middle school age, sitting around one of the picnic tables and as I walked past them I asked them if they were having fun yet and they replied back saying, were just sitting here looking at this mess in the park. I thought to myself that I wasn’t expecting that response back from them, but now that I see the writing on the tables and remember how and where they were sitting, makes me kinda wonder if they weren’t the culprits. I do know that they were a group of young boys on their bikes at the park unsupervised by parents.

    I personally don’t think that Bratt has a “gang” issue. I think it’s young people with idle time making bad decisions because the parents let them roam freely for whatever reason.

    When something like this happens, it’s a shame because it puts everyone visiting the park under suspision.

  22. bmr on June 12th, 2011 9:19 am

    If we would have some law enforcement around this part of the county,things like this wouldn’t be so likely to happen as often, Take a hint Sherriff, we are just as important as Pensacola.

  23. Meforone on June 12th, 2011 8:31 am

    Zac , family ? You don’t have a support system at home do you ? So sad , your parents if involved should take a long look at themselves for the guidance you don’t have. Been reading up on juggola , what a lost cause you have identified yourself with. Quickly run along and grow up now if it’s not to late.

  24. Be Informed on June 12th, 2011 8:30 am

    To: Juggalo Hadley, You are making good grades and that is a key to a bright future, However you should not support the JUGGALO movement when you are searching for a college or job. Act and speak like the most of us and not represent a bunch of hulligans.

  25. Levan trull on June 12th, 2011 8:19 am

    I think that the Law should put whoever did this to the park away for a very long time ? Children go there veryday and play and how can children go to a park if people keep messing it up for everyone else?

  26. Jane on June 12th, 2011 7:56 am

    To start a Neighborhood watch group contact David Craig at the sheriff’s office:436-9281. If you want to come to the Mid-County Neighborhood watch it meets at Aldersgate Church at 6:30pm on the 4th Monday of each month. Do something pro-active…start your own or join this one…FIGHT CRIME!

  27. 429SCJ on June 12th, 2011 7:00 am

    Bad seed or bad parent tapes, who can say. Im no Dr Phil but this kid/kids need guidance. I can remember a time when the media was only allowed to present positive input for kids and adults, when you deliberately present doctrine to children, you know to be faulty, i.e. Insane Clown Posse, you have negative intentions for them. I have hope when I see programs such as VBS, summer camp, reading ect as show here on NE.COM. I would suggest parents research communication groups and the people that control them.

  28. huh on June 12th, 2011 6:21 am

    Its just some marker on the wood tables it seems, which i’m sure will fade. Just mark over it, no big deal. It doesn’t seem anything was destroyed, I would hardly call this vandalism

    Have you ever seen a wooden park bench without someones writing on it? Me either

  29. Master Yoda on June 11th, 2011 9:59 pm

    Foolish, these young ones are..

  30. Mom of 2 on June 11th, 2011 9:41 pm

    Look no further than the trailer by the park, I can almost guarantee that’s where the vandals are.

  31. Zachery Hadley on June 11th, 2011 7:24 pm

    oh and who ever did this is a disgrace to the Juggalos thank you very much good day

  32. Zachery Hadley on June 11th, 2011 7:21 pm

    Look not all Juggalos are like this. These people are just retarded. Look some Juggalos are some of the best kids you could know. I’m a juggalo and I make straight A’s in all my classes. And I don’t do anything wrong or anything like this. So please look don’t be pushing this on all Juggalo’s if you see them running around with a Hatchet Man necklace around there neck. And at …w… not everyone’s like that k. And another thing Juggalos are and never will be a mafia or a gang. We are a family. Put it like that and leave it like that.

  33. ...w... on June 11th, 2011 6:20 pm

    these people think theyre funny. most “juggalos” are stupid white trash punks who wear scarves over their faces and thinks its fun to do things like this. and have nothing better to do with their lives. its easy to find these kids repping “icp” or “juggalos” on facebook/myspace… btw they are not a mafia. they are nothing in that sort. obviously. ruler of the park and the world? haha thats why they have no lives so they draw on a kids playground.

  34. the man without the golden gun on June 11th, 2011 6:04 pm

    these people are crazy!!!! ninjas don’t vandalize property, they protect the public!

  35. The man with the golden gun on June 11th, 2011 5:53 pm

    Children in the dark cause accidents
    Accidents in the dark cause children

  36. jcellop on June 11th, 2011 5:52 pm

    lets hope that these thugs get caught REAL soon…so that they can enjoy some of this HOT climate in the crowded jail or on the sweltering road gang…they need a good taste of reality.

  37. bring it on on June 11th, 2011 5:37 pm

    I moved to Bratt about 6 years ago because the area i’m from was turning into the hood and was hoping for a place that took pride in their community.One of the most noticeable areas is Still road and Still bridge creek. This stretch of road has become a dumping ground and not to mention a place for drunks and drug addicts.So I am not surprised to see something good like Bratt park turned into something bad.My wife thinks that the handwriting on the slide was done by a girl.I hope they are caught soon and beaten within an inch of their life because in my day thats what would have happened to me. I hate to say it but maybe the people of our area should start a neighborhood watch. That’s sad!

  38. MOM OF 3 BRATT KIDS on June 11th, 2011 4:43 pm

    Does sound like kids being bratts however who knows if they are from bratt ! Not all BRATT KIDS ARE BRATTS ! IT COULD BE A BRATT FROM WHO KNOWS WHERE, either way I hope they are delt with, a brand new park and someone just dont respect other peoples property, ridiculous, Lord I hope I have rasied my 3 better than this !!!

  39. 429SCJ on June 11th, 2011 4:06 pm

    It takes a village to raise a child, but it only takes one idiot to destroy a village.

  40. 429SCJ on June 11th, 2011 3:24 pm

    Hatchets, I have to agree with you on this one D.H. Green. 429SCJ for monodexterity.

  41. Megan on June 11th, 2011 3:01 pm

    This is horrible. This a family oriented place. I competely agree with Tina. I would also like to think that this person/people are not really close to their family. My daughter has been there a few times and loves it! If this is the kind of world she is going to grow up in, God save us all.

  42. lms on June 11th, 2011 2:31 pm

    Sounds like a bunch of Bratt kids being brats! What a fitting name.

  43. Well on June 11th, 2011 2:08 pm

    i’m with joe .Bring your bad selves out in the light and we will see how well you RULE.


    OR DAY.

  44. Pineville PI on June 11th, 2011 1:44 pm

    They are THUGS that need leadership and direction, starting with a thick leather belt and a hard day of knuckle busting work. Then they would stay home and sleep at night instead of destoying what others have worked for.

  45. David Huie Green on June 11th, 2011 1:44 pm

    and this is why there is no longer a roadside park beside every branch and creek. vandals destroy or deface them

  46. Meforone on June 11th, 2011 1:33 pm

    Look close to the park. I know a few bone heads that stay around the area. It will not take long. I know, I will be watching the ones close to me that seem to be going down this dumb road. Be seeings you.

  47. joe on June 11th, 2011 12:43 pm

    I bet if some parents of teens did some searching of their childrens facebook friends they might get some leads as to who is responsible. idiots always like to brag!

  48. MarkNC on June 11th, 2011 12:40 pm

    I’m sorry that this kind of stuff is going on in your community. Trust me when I say, juggalos are not a gang. This group is your typical young wannabes that make the lifelong ninjas look bad. I have never defaced any public or private property. I hope you guys catch these little juffalos and deal with them appropriately.

  49. joe on June 11th, 2011 12:37 pm

    TO: Hatchet Boy Mafia loser,
    I can meet you in the park and we can see who rules what. the fact that you would vandalize a place for children and families tells me you are no real man but merley a little boy playing “grow up tough guy”
    there is no need to deface this new park, and we the citizens are sure not going to let any wanna be thugs take over our nice new park.
    GROW UP!

  50. pm on June 11th, 2011 12:20 pm

    Parents of North Escambia County, How many of your kids have laptops,X-Boxes, etc. – this is where these kids are getting this trash. Also, when was the last time you bought $300.00 worth of good books for your kids to read? Isn’t that about what an X-box costs? When was the last time you gave them some really hard work to do and made them finish the job. Do some of you know that your kids rule your household and not you the parent. This was the work of some bored kids that do not know the meaning of respect, discipline or the true joy of doing a good thing for their community. They lack supervision, impulse control or even their own sense of common dignity. My bet is that these kids made good grades last year, were model students, went to church most Sundays and their parents don’t have a clue where they were then this incident took place. A quick look at the printing indicates to me that at least one girl took part in this. I will not allow even my own grandchildren to do things here that my own children could not get by with. Too bad the young children have no decent park to play in until my and my neighbors clean this mess up with our tax dollars.

  51. tallyho on June 11th, 2011 11:56 am

    The kids that did this more then likely live withen walking distance. Maybe the ones tearing up the parking lot with there ATV’s. The problem here is the county is not baby setting this thugs and punks when school is out. Moma and daddy do not give a crapp as long as they are not in there way. If they find them then the parents are the ones who should go tho jail with the thugs. They know they are under age and will not be held accountable. And people see this stuff going on and they do not want to get involed and look the other way. And this means you approve of what is going on and your no better the punks.

  52. what?? on June 11th, 2011 11:52 am

    Are you serious?? GROW UP!! my son plays on this park, and you wanna say you ‘rule the park’? Show up while I’m there with my son, I promise you little kids won’t think you ‘rule’ anything anymore. You need to learn some respect! This park wasn’t built so that immature little kids could write crap everywhere.

  53. bamadude on June 11th, 2011 11:46 am

    Hey hatchetman…come see me, we will see who rules this place…LOL!!!

  54. Fairlane63 on June 11th, 2011 11:31 am

    Ugh, what a bunch of losers. Anyone who listens to that ICP crap ought to be gassed just for the common good.

  55. angry on June 11th, 2011 11:29 am


  56. Seth on June 11th, 2011 10:33 am

    I would bet that the parents of the kids who committed this crime can be found somewhere on peopleofwalmart.com

  57. ProudArmyParent on June 11th, 2011 8:31 am

    I truly hope the heathens are caught, and when they are let them face the next five years of their lives performing community service on weekends painting over, sanding out, repairing any damage in the community. Let them have to waste a perfectly beautiful weekend working. Then make sure they are either in school everyday during the week, (pulling decent grades,) or working a regular jobs bring home a paycheck so they can help pay for the materials that will have to be used to repair their thoughtlessness. Maybe if they actually had to do something worth wild for a sustained period of time they would get the message….Stupidity does not pay!

  58. Oak Grove Bud on June 11th, 2011 8:23 am

    ellenb –you are exactly right. Youtube insane clown posse and watch some of these videos of these clowns.

  59. ellenb on June 11th, 2011 7:25 am

    This is disgraceful. Do they not have anything better to do? I’ve been saying ever since the filthy music came out it will & does lead to juvenile delinquents, gangs & crime. Then again these punks could just be wannabees, but even they have potential to be hardcore criminals.

  60. Kim on June 11th, 2011 7:04 am

    This makes me soooo mad!!!! I hope they find the people responsible for doing this and make them serve a lengthy community service and pay a huge fine. More than likely they are a bunch of teens that the parents have no control over. This is such a lack of respect for the community.

  61. Tina on June 11th, 2011 7:04 am

    Now that is downright mean, inconsiderate, AND ignorant of anyone who would do such damamge! :(
    I’m guessing the one’s who did all this most likely DON’T work and pay taxes and is already living off the government in some form?
    I hope when this person or people get caught AND THEY WILL GET CAUGHT, the Judge will personally see to it that they are made to cover every inch of writing, paint, and made to work in the HOT heat until the whole park returns back to it’s original condition!
    Sad thing is when they DO get caught and go through the whole court deal, it will take months and months, and then they will get to pay $20.00 a month restitution……..sad…..sad…..sad…… :( …………BUT wait, maybe they will be unlucky enough to face one of our “tough” Judges hehehe

  62. mom on June 11th, 2011 6:51 am

    on a park where kids play….wth else is going to happen???

  63. RR on June 11th, 2011 6:26 am

    It is a shame that something this nice for the Bratt community is being ruined by some thug who thinks this makes them “cool”. All it shows is their lack of maturity and that they are headed for a career behind bars. Who would ever think in Bratt, FL that you would have to consider a security guard to keep a playground and rec area for family and kids safe?

  64. dad on June 11th, 2011 5:40 am

    Because that’s what we who rule the world do. We deface parks in the middle of the night. LOL

  65. Max Green on June 11th, 2011 4:42 am

    Man the kids that wrote this don’t know what they are talking about. There is no gang, mafia, or organized crime ties with ICP. Also us grown up ninjas don’t vandalize others property.