Kids Force Train Into Emergency Stop

June 4, 2011

A CSX freight train was forced into an emergency stop in Century Friday evening by a group of kids.

A CSX Transportation engineer reported that as his train approached, the kids did not clear the railroad tracks near McMurray Park on East Pond Street. He was forced to make an emergency stop just before 7 p.m. as the train neared the group of children.

The train engineer told Escambia County deputies that the kids pelted the train with rocks once it came to a stop.

There were no injuries reported.


22 Responses to “Kids Force Train Into Emergency Stop”

  1. Eylene on June 7th, 2011 9:11 pm

    I read a lot of comments but never have responded to one of them. This time I have something to say. Children act very stupidly these days because many parents are using stupid concepts raising their offsprings. If there is no real punishment, then the children have no motivation to change their behavior. It would be a good thing if parents would teach their children to love other people as much as God loves each one of us.

  2. well on June 5th, 2011 3:50 pm

    I suppose this was after they got off the bus haven learned such a good lesson at the S/O.

    HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Bam on June 5th, 2011 1:32 pm

    @ Kim – never used “time out” for my kids, they did something wrong you can best believe they knew what a belt felt like. Weather they were 8 years old or 12 they should know better and should face the consequences. Sounds to me then need some kind of constructive actives to keep them busy and out of trouble. Scouts in the area run year round.

  4. G-parent on June 5th, 2011 11:50 am

    What we are seeing today is the culmination of the opinions that began with parents in the seventies “not my child!” Spankings became child abuse & so on and so on. No discipline. Now go to a youth ballgame & see how many parents are actually fighting (literally) over the game. I would be at a loss as to what the answer is anymore, well, except for the Bible & The Lord, but parents/children will have to accept this principle for even that to work. For the kids, parent’s & our country’s sake, I hope it’s not too late to bring some kind of disciplined structure back to our society.
    The kids are fortunate that were on that train track. The train must not have been going too terribly fast because most of them can’t stop like that, not in a short distance anyway.
    There are camera’s and black boxes on trains now, like the ones on airplanes. Not sure they are on all trains, but do know trains now have them.

  5. Overit Again! on June 5th, 2011 8:49 am

    If someone were to get hurt the person responsible would no doubt have a hard time forgetting the nightmare of it. Train engineer, sorry you had to stop, but glad you did. Kids sorry your brains were temporarily on pause. Someone could have been badly injured or dead today. This is as frustrating as people walking after dark with dark clothes on! can’t see you, don’t press charges if you get hit. Use some brain power people. Parents, what’s it going to take?

  6. Kim on June 5th, 2011 6:01 am

    This is what so called “Time Out ” has caused of course these kids probably don’t even have responsible enough parents to even do that. I grew up in the 70’s and early 80’s and we had “time out” while mama or daddy broke a switch from the yard or got the belt. That was before a parent could be arrested for spnaking their child.I don’t in any way support abuse of a child but these kids need to know that you do something like this and you have a price to pay or they will end up with a number on their back in our overcrowded prison system. .They put not only themselves in danger but the crew on the train in danger. Parents watch your children and be responsible!

  7. csxman on June 4th, 2011 9:59 pm

    not only could they get arrested for trespassing they could get charged for delay of the train and attempt to damage equipment

  8. Bob on June 4th, 2011 7:11 pm

    I am sick and tired of hearing ,we can’t control the children. Being a parent myself I can tell you ,if I were arrested because my child called the police,guess whose butt is gonna get it again as soon as I am released. We are raising monsters people and it is gonna get worse.

  9. Molino Man on June 4th, 2011 6:00 pm

    Sounds like these punks were playin chicken. Although I’m glad the train had enough time to stop…maybe the next time it will not. I hope all the punks involved will be “ratted out” by one of the kids that were there. It might even be on a cell phone cam & on Utube now… good luck next time !

  10. Kay on June 4th, 2011 2:04 pm

    Were these the same brats that didn’t know how to act on the school bus.

    Fine job parents are doing these days huh.

  11. Duke of Wabeek on June 4th, 2011 12:18 pm

    Any of these children named Butch or Sundance? scary!

  12. paul on June 4th, 2011 12:05 pm

    Don’t trains have dash cams now? If they could film the Punks maybe they can catch and charge them, throwing deadly missles is a serious offense.

  13. Susan on June 4th, 2011 11:21 am

    If anyone had gotten hurt, the parents would have blamed CSX and the train operator. CSX should find out who the kids were and sue the parents for putting the train operator in danger. There should be hefty fines for parents whose children commit public nuisance crimes.

  14. just sayin on June 4th, 2011 9:55 am

    9000+ tons of freight train versus a group of 100-150 pounds brats throwing rocks. FULL STEAM AHEAD and protect yourself. They are all old enough to know better. To bad they weren’t throwing the rocks at a moving train and had one ricochet and hit em, then have to go explain to mom or dad how it happened.

  15. Polythenepam on June 4th, 2011 9:54 am

    Stopping a train is surely aganst some sort federal law. It could be considered an act of terrorism. They should be arrested. What is wrong with these people? The parents dont have any control, the police should have arrested them and this stories needs to be followed up.
    As for the people walking in the street, in bigger cities thats what they do , when you slow down they bring you to a complete stop then get you out of the car and beat and rob you if not worse. The police need to get busy on this stuff. Maybe these people are just plain being rude, but they sure will holler when someone doesn’t “get” that its rudeness, and just keeps driving without slowing down because they think its a robbery set up.

    Just got back from Detroit……

  16. mee-mee on June 4th, 2011 9:53 am

    Doyou know where your kids at after dark the engineer cant do his job beat those kids then the parent goes to jail those kids should be locked down and taught a lesson……

  17. MQ on June 4th, 2011 9:25 am

    Kudos to the train engineer. Stupid to the kids. They should KNOW better. The ones on the track ….. DUMB AS ROCKS. Someone could have gotten hurt – the train engineer or the kids – glad no on did.

  18. tell them NO on June 4th, 2011 7:33 am

    spare the rod, spoil the child

  19. To be Expected on June 4th, 2011 6:39 am

    Must be the same fine citizens that walk slowly across Hwy 4 every night and expect oncoming vehicles to slow down for them lol. Glad I don’t live in Century:)

  20. mom on June 4th, 2011 6:28 am

    they should be taken to jail if nothing was wrong

  21. huh on June 4th, 2011 6:06 am

    Train shouldn’t have stopped, would be a hard lesson learned

  22. EJ on June 4th, 2011 5:21 am

    Next time don’t stop. You could have been harmed by one or more of those projectiles. Protect youself.