Jay High Cheerleaders Receive International Recognition For Helping Tornado Devastated Area

June 9, 2011

The Jay High School cheerleaders are getting a little international attention thanks to a story on NorthEscambia.com.

The varsity and junior varsity cheerleaders at Jay High School decided to “adopt” the cheerleading squads at Phill Campbell High School and send a personal care package to each cheerleader. Their efforts were featured in NorthEscambia.com story on May 11.

The NorthEscambia.com story is now featured on AmericaNeedsCheerleaders.com — a website dedicated to promoting positive contributions made by cheerleaders around the world.

Click here for the original NorthEscambia.com story and additional photos.

Click here for the AmericaNeedsCheerleaders.com story.

Pictured top: The Jay High School varsity cheerleaders created personal care packages for each member of a cheerleading squad in the town of Phil Campbell, Alabama, which was devastated last month by a tornado. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Jay High Cheerleaders Receive International Recognition For Helping Tornado Devastated Area”

  1. anonymous on June 9th, 2011 10:16 pm

    I believe this was a great way to show how caring our girls at Jay High School are. Not only did Varsity supply goods, the JV girls supplied an abundance amount of goods as well. I hope the schools can look around and see how gracious our JV and Varsity girls were. Way to go ROYALS!!!

  2. Robert on June 9th, 2011 2:42 pm

    It would be a great thing if these girls could actually meet face to face with the squads from PhilCambell when there lives get as close to normal as they can get again.

  3. Mom of Twins on June 9th, 2011 8:12 am

    They should get recognition for adopting the squad in northern alabama. I think more squads in the area should of done the same.. It was kind, sweet and thoughtful for this group of young woman to help a less fortunate squad that lost it all due to a tornado. Way to go girls…