Gulf Power, West Florida High Honored

June 29, 2011

STEMflorida has recognized Gulf Power and West Florida High School’s Gulf Power Academy as a recipient of the 2011 Best Practices Award.

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. It was created in 2009 by Workforce Florida and Enterprise Florida to create a business-led statewide council to focus on strengthening the STEM skills of Florida’s students to address the increasing demand for jobs requiring strong foundations in these areas.

“We are honored to be recognized by STEMflorida,” said Jennifer Grove, Gulf Power’s Workforce Development coordinator. “The Gulf Power Academy has long been recognized nationally as one of the first to help develop future workers in the energy industry.”

The Gulf Power Academy, approaching 10 years in existence, provides students with a curriculum to learn the fundamentals of electricity, the energy industry, and about various careers in the energy industry.

The best practice award that Gulf Power and West Florida received was the Excellence Integrating Emerging Needs of a STEM-enabled Industry into Engaging Academy Education award. The honorees were recognized June 24 at the ThinkSTEM meeting in Orlando.


2 Responses to “Gulf Power, West Florida High Honored”

  1. Doyle Weaver on June 29th, 2011 3:40 pm

    The Gulf Power Academy is a great learning tool for students wanting a job in the energy industry. Both my sons attended WFHS & the Academy, and both now work at Gulf Power. One as a lineman and the other at Plant Crist.

  2. mary on June 29th, 2011 6:45 am

    Thats what my son is going to get into..he starts WFHS in Aug.