Former Escambia Deputy, His Corrections Officer Wife Allegedly Steal From Elderly Couple

June 10, 2011

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office detention deputy and a former deputy have both been arrested and charged with stealing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from an elderly couple.

Sherry Marie Currie, 42, and Timothy Ralph Currie, 43, are both facing third degree felony grand theft charges. Sherry Currie is also facing a charge of larceny from $10,000 to $50,000.

The couple allegedly stole tools, a table, lawn chairs and more from an elderly couple that hired them to do smalls tasks around their residence.

Timothy Currie was a sheriff’s deputy from 2003 to 2010 before resigning for unspecified administrative issues. Sherry Currie worked as detention deputy from March 2010 until a week after the theft report was made.

Sherry Currie is free on $15,000 bond, while Timothy Currie is free from jail on a $2,500 bond.


30 Responses to “Former Escambia Deputy, His Corrections Officer Wife Allegedly Steal From Elderly Couple”

  1. Amber on August 11th, 2011 9:17 pm

    These are good people.. Im very surprised at the accusations against them. They had no reason to steal. They are both hard working indivuals. There has got to be an explanation..

  2. Employer on June 30th, 2011 5:01 am

    Tim and Sherry have taken care of our lawn for three years and have done a wonderful job. They have also mowed my Dad’s lawn for three years. What is so confusing is that my Dad leaves his shed unlocked, they know he is very elderly, and yet they have never tried to bargain with him, nor have they taken a thing from him or us. May Dad is precious and he would give the shirt off his back to anyone in need and never remember what he did. In fact, if he were told his things were stolen he would be very upset and probably call the police just because he did not remember giving them away. It takes living with your elderly parents full time to see things like this surface. If i were faced with this situation knowing what i know about my aging parents it would be very hard to destroy someone’s life, take them away from their children, possibly send them to prison over things…… just things! Why not have the items returned, and let them make some restitution? I am sure the daughter is well meaning and would be happy just knowing they got everything back and also received free services for a period of time. By the way some people smile the more nervous they get….It is a release!

  3. Kay on June 12th, 2011 8:13 am

    To infer that the old couple are senile and don’t know what they gave away
    and what they had stolen is no different?

  4. Kay on June 12th, 2011 8:01 am

    Everyone who is elderly is NOT senile. Thiink again. Some are smarter than a fox
    and catch criminals all the time. Stealing is all too common here and the elderly
    are always looked at as a good victim. Young people can always run circles around
    them and try make they LOOK stupid. All we can hope is the truth of this will
    come out. Maybe it will, maybe we will never know.

  5. you never know on June 11th, 2011 11:35 pm

    it’s awful that so many of you have hung these people before the facts are known. it is so easy to accuse someone. anyone can say anything they want about a person. i agree that the elderly couple may have given the items to this family in lieu of money. it’s a shame that these people are put through this before anyone really knows what the facts are.

  6. 429SCJ on June 11th, 2011 6:04 pm

    David I actually hope you are right and that I am wrong.! I would like to see the invoice for the service. I once operated a licensed grounds maintenance service myself, my weekend hobby when I was stationed in DC., I maintained detailed logs and kept invoices on file for my tax records and cost tracking. I am sure when they show the invoice to the prosecutor this will go away quickly. I wish I had though of that sooner, Im getting old too! So very sorry.

  7. 429SCJ on June 11th, 2011 3:39 pm

    Thank you David, I am no lawyer either but I would say, better take the deal on this one buddy!

  8. David on June 11th, 2011 10:24 am

    429SCJ, I never claimed to be a lawyer, so you probably shouldn’t hire me. There are a couple other people on here, that suggested the same thing I did, that you haven’t jumped on yet though. Just trying to give you a heads up there buddy. Wouldn’t want you to miss an opportunity.

  9. itfigures on June 11th, 2011 7:53 am

    I agree with Brianna even though I don’t know these people, I have seen this happen before with elderly people! My own parents (80+) can’t even remember what they have done or said the day before. Just because the “daughter” didn’t know about it, doesn’t mean a thing. To the daughter:: “Unless you are with them 24/7, don’t even think they didn’t give this stuff to those people, I’d hate to think you are ruining these people’s lives without knowing 150% what your parents REALLY told them”. My Dad is the biggest “giver away” in the world–and then swears he never said that……I have gotten to where I record anything important he (or my mom) may commit to. When older people are downsizing and getting rid of their life belongings they get depressed and just start getting rid of everything as fast as possible (been there with my parents) then they don’t remember getting rid of it. My advice to anyone getting anything from an older person–GET A RECEIPT!!!!

  10. dad on June 11th, 2011 5:53 am

    Well if it was the daughter of the elderly couple who called the police. Good for her for looking after her elderly parents. They may have been afaid to report it or may have been coerced. I’m glad they have her to look out for them.

  11. Brianna on June 10th, 2011 10:17 pm

    I cannot say I know all the details of this case, but Tim and Sherry have been cutting our lawn for years. These are good good people and a huge miscommunication has taken place. The Curries started their lawn service business to help pay for their daughter’s college expenses…. The elderly couple in this case were moving and probably wanted to get rid of some of their belongings that they wouldn’t need in an assisted/retired living community, and that they either were going to have to sell or pay to store or pay to move it. They probably arranged to pay for the lawn service through trade. It’s interesting that the Porters were fine with the items being gone; it was their daughter that started the legal battle. Hopefully, this matter can be resolved quickly. Good Luck, Currie Family.

    And about the smile in Sherry’s mug shot….. that’s who she is. I’ve never seen her without a smile.

  12. billy on June 10th, 2011 8:13 pm

    Prison?…….ha………it wont happen. Judges dont even sentence killers to prison sometimes.

  13. rms on June 10th, 2011 4:59 pm

    Was that her glamour shot?Say cheese you ugly devil. By the way she looked like she won the lottery smiling like she is!!

  14. Patriot on June 10th, 2011 11:38 am

    Apparently there is some confusion, they are NOT law enforcement. He quit prior to the alleged crime and she is, (or was) a Corrections Officer.

  15. Dan on June 10th, 2011 11:04 am

    I’m with “huh” .

    They both deserve HARSH sentences if convicted !!!!!!!!

  16. 429SCJ on June 10th, 2011 9:51 am

    David if I need a lawyer, I will not call you! I bet that old judge will not forget to throw the book at them! I wish we still had the dunking chair and I was the operator!

  17. Trish on June 10th, 2011 9:25 am

    This is also elder abuse !!

  18. David on June 10th, 2011 9:12 am

    I do not know these people or anything about the case, other than what we all read here. Is it possible that the elderly couple told them that they could have this stuff as payment for the work they were doing and then forgot they made that arrangement?

  19. neighbor on June 10th, 2011 8:42 am

    No surprise here to anyone that knows her. . Hopefully this will discredit all the lies and gossip she has said about some good people.

  20. TET on June 10th, 2011 8:42 am

    She sure has a big smile. Must be the fisrt time someone wanted to take her picture.

  21. Rjo on June 10th, 2011 8:42 am

    This makes me sick to even read. Its bad enough to steal but to steal from a elderly couple. That is horrible. They both should be locked up and they need to stay there for awhile. Especially with the grins on their faces like they have. They swore to protect people with their jobs and they are doing the opposite to me their punishment should be harsher. Sick People!!

  22. rweei sanders on June 10th, 2011 8:37 am

    I learned the hard way several years back that only a select few law enforcement officers are honest or have any intedrity.Used to be we could count on the to be honest,fair and above reproach.Not any more.The same goes for preachers,politicians and anyone else in authority.What a shame! We have very few heros any more.

  23. 429SCJ on June 10th, 2011 8:27 am

    Im sure the jury and judge will give them what they deserve. I can see Timmy in prison, when he is asked, what are you in here for?

  24. RD on June 10th, 2011 8:02 am

    Pathetic….if a person has a decent job, why steal? Especially from the elderly.

  25. Bob on June 10th, 2011 7:58 am

    Ask any thief. Stealing sure beats the heck out of working for a living. It happens every day, whether you cheat on your time card or pick up various tools that belong to your employer, it is still stealing.

  26. Neighbor on June 10th, 2011 7:44 am

    Why does she have that big goofy smile on her face? Does she think it’s funny to take advantage of the elderly? Looks to me like she’s enjoying the attention. SHAME ON BOTH OF THEM !!

  27. Disappointed Again on June 10th, 2011 6:58 am

    Due to greed and loss of integrity, these two have been arrested and will loose their jobs which is rightfully so. It floors me on why folks do this kind of stuff and think that they can get away with it especially when they swore to uphold the law.

  28. dad on June 10th, 2011 5:53 am

    What pieces of trash. Stealing from old people that were paying them to help. Hope they get some harsh sentences.

  29. huh on June 10th, 2011 2:26 am

    They should get double the time, because everyone law enforcement should be held to a higher standard. Also the smiling pictures won’t help them

  30. fyi on June 10th, 2011 1:40 am

    Modern day Bonnie and Clyde huh?