Florida To Begin Testing Welfare Recipients For Drugs

June 1, 2011

Florida will begin testing welfare recipients for illicit drug use following action Tuesday by Gov. Rick Scott that will link the state’s temporary cash assistance program to tests critics say have already been ruled unconstitutional.

Following up on a campaign promise, Scott signed the measure during a Panama City visit that makes Florida the only state in the nation to test all applicants for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families before they can collect benefits, according a Washington-based public policy group that says other states have narrower testing requirements.

The new law (HB 353) requires recipients to pay for the tests and periodically be retested at their expense to continue receiving benefits. Recipients will be reimbursed if the tests, which cost anywhere from $10 to $70, depending on who is estimating, come back negative. Backers say the law will help ensure that taxpayer money goes for helping the family get back on its feet and not used to fuel a drug habit.

“While there are certainly legitimate needs for public assistance, it is unfair for Florida taxpayers to subsidize drug addiction,” Scott said in a statement. “This new law will encourage personal accountability and will help to prevent the misuse of tax dollars.”

Beginning July 1, recipients who test positive for drugs would be denied benefits for a year. A second failed test would result in a three-year ban. Recipients who complete a drug rehab program can re-apply in six months.

In two parent households, both adults would be tested. Benefits to children could be awarded to a third party recipient, who must also pass a drug screen. The law will not affect the federal food stamp program.

Critics including the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida and Florida Legal Services, which say they will decide in the coming weeks if they plan to file suit challenging the law, a version of which was struck down in 2003 by a federal court in Michigan.

During debate, opponents pointed to a pilot testing program in Florida that was shut down in 2001 after it showed no significant difference in drug use between welfare recipients and the population at large.

“The wasteful program created by this law subjects Floridians who are impacted by the economic downturn, as well as their families, to a humiliating search of their urine and body fluids without cause or even suspicion of drug abuse,” Howard Simon, executive director of ACLU Florida in a statement Tuesday.

Federal law allows states to screen for drug use under the TANF program, which provides a maximum of $300 a month in cash assistance to needy families. The program, which replaced traditional welfare in the mid 1990s, has a 48-month lifetime cap on benefits.

Other states have studied the issue and decided that testing all recipients was not cost effective, the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Legal and Social Policy wrote in a study released in January. Most states conduct drug assessments but do not require across the board urine or blood tests. Some require drug tests from recipients who have been convicted of felony drug crimes.

By Michael Peltier
The News Service of Florida


37 Responses to “Florida To Begin Testing Welfare Recipients For Drugs”

  1. jonesgirl83 on June 11th, 2011 10:04 pm

    I jusr moved back to florida from missouri, while I AM married, both my husband and I work, and support all 3 of our children, we still found ourselves struggling pay check to pay check. Mean while there DO seem to be several ppl out there that DO work less and get more…sure they could be doing odd and end jobs, (and while this is clearly just my opinion) chances are, that odd job invovles something with drugs…I don’t think its such a bad thing, they give u a drug test, you pass, you get to put food on the table for another month!! I don’t get the big deal, if your not doing anything wrong to begin with, then there’s nothing to worry about, besides the cost of the test, that you’ll be reimbersed anyways….I mean, how many of us spind that $ on something we should of waited to buy later, anyways!? Did we REALLY need that new shirt, pants, pair of shoes that was on sale, and couldn’t pass up. Give me a cup to go in everyday if it’ll help put food on the table for my babys!

  2. Halo1978 on June 7th, 2011 5:47 am

    Im not making excuses….But heres my take on it. My 2 children receive Medicaid. I was on medicaid but recently I was able to get Medicare. I only received Medcaid do to me having stage 4 breast cancer,and my husband only receives “Share of cost” medicaid. No facilities accept “Share of Cost”,why?? Because Medicaid NEVER pays the bill,even when its it OVER your share of cost. They basically give you this to ease your mind of not being able to get medicaid. I have 2 children,I receive only $600 a month on disability,and my husband only makes $11 hr (full~time). Money is so bad (as im sure it is for lots of people). How can my family afford to take this test? I mean,its says that they would reimburse you if you pass the test,BUT they dont pay there bills,AND THAT IS LITERALLY killing people who cant see a doctor since our goverment dont pay there bills. I cant she’ll out between $10-$70 (a piece for my husband and I),to NOT get it back,or to wait for it for MONTHS!! We DONT receive temp cash assistance,just the kids medicaid and food stamps.

  3. amanda on June 4th, 2011 11:15 pm

    All i can say is ……THANK GOD! And pharmacytech….you are exactly right!!

  4. pharmacytech on June 4th, 2011 10:40 am

    If you don’t believe some people on welfare are driving new (caddies) cars then drive on down to your local welfare office & sit outside & watch them. They drive in & park them new cars up front & proudly get out & go inside for their appointment. I think all who receive assistance of any kind should be tested. Even food stamp recipients. They sell their food stamps for drugs. I’ve seen it happen at the local Wal-mart. People hang around outside & beg to buy groceries for someone if they give them the cash. They even go so far as to knock off $20 on the cash. The ones that really need it are not able to get it cuz the funds just arent there cuz of people like this that need to be tested. I was a single Mom of 3 (divorce) & left with nothing & I got assistance but only long enough until I found a job. I know it’s not easy to get a job nowadays, but these girls keep having babies just so the state (taxpayers) will keep paying them to sit on their butts & let their baby daddies get away with taking their assistance & using it for drugs. While the babies go hungry or get abused cuz the daddy gets aggravated with Mommy.

  5. alice c on June 3rd, 2011 8:53 pm

    While testing all these people lets put camras in the prison towers and drug test the COs maybe they wont sleep on duty and really 1A your at a prison wake up! Its funny how people look down on welfare people the way they do I thought we was to treat others the way we would want to be treated. This is nothing but evil treating parents in need like dirt. why not spend all this time making deadbeat parents pay…O wait that is because they cant.

  6. molino jim on June 3rd, 2011 12:57 pm

    EAB- I’m with you on this. Most of the Cadillacs are older models and the small lots (buy here-pay here) have a field day. The car may be clean and all but they most time are not new. There are people who will abuse any “system”, there are a lot of people who are trying to get BP money and the real shock will come when they are investigated and charged with fraud. I understand that the people receiving BP checks will be matched against their last years tax return. Like the lady who filed because she was unable to work on Feb. 30 and 31 because no one was coming into the store where she worked.

  7. eab on June 2nd, 2011 11:19 pm

    Far be it from me to doubt any of the folks who post on here but I can’t help but wonder….Could any of the people who talk about welfare recipients driving Cadillacs and assorted new cars please post some evidence of this? I have personally never witnessed this phenomenon as far as I know.

    By evidence, I don’t mean an old country and western song or saying something because someone you know knows someone who knows. I mean can you prove that this ain’t just something some folks dream they will witness some day to prove their other beliefs? For example the belief that some of us have that poor people have brought it on themselves or that the disabled should do without or that because someone is unemployed they should move.

    I can’t help but wonder if some of the mean spirited folks here aren’t sitting in church on Sunday morning weeping for life’s unfortunate ones and then grinning about folks hurting.

    Yep. These welfare Cadillacs are something some people long to see but never have and never will.

    Now if you can bilk Medicare to the tune of a 1.7 *billion* dollar fine, the way Rick Scott did, then don’t stop at Caddy’s. Lay in some Jags and Maserati or two. Sure enough, that boy was on *welfare*!

  8. alice carden on June 2nd, 2011 10:24 am

    its about time for someone to do something about people living on welfare and driving these new cars ,i think they need to be drug tested cause they r out there bragging on being on welfare and doing drugs r maybe selling them and taking away from people who really need it,i agree with gov. scott and i think all states should be drug tested to all people that r on welfare,cause u will see how many people that r doing drugs and collecting welfare,so those that disagree r guilty ones,i used to live in milton,fla. now i live in n.c. and hope they do drug test here to cause there is alot of people here for sure that r on welfare and doing drugs and driving nice cars and etc,u go scott

  9. ArmyCptswife on June 2nd, 2011 8:11 am

    This is a great thing!!!!!!! I have been on welfare before, for a very short period, after my first husband walked out on me and our 2 small children. It was less than 6 months. I was treated like scum, but needed the help. I would have gladly took a drug test with no issues whatsoever. Anyone contesting in my opinion has something to hide. This is from someone who has been there done that! These programs should be designed to help people help themselves, not live.
    Oh, and I was looking for a job the whole time, from Pensacola to Brewton and Atmore. I was willing to go anywhere to get a job. lol

  10. whodat on June 2nd, 2011 7:56 am

    Welfare was intended to assist people until they could get back on their feet. I know women that spend more time on their back instead of their feet, so that their check will get increased, while the deadbeat dads pay nothing toward the childs support. Besides drug testing, I wish the state would pursue the dads , and make them pay up. Also, the mothers should not be allowed to have more children.

  11. PJC on June 2nd, 2011 6:17 am

    HIGH TIME! That should knock a great percentage of those scamming the welfare system.

  12. eab on June 1st, 2011 4:41 pm

    This is not unreasonable. The only issue I can see with it is that people will have to come up with the money up front. How can a person who has to apply for welfare afford the cost? Maybe a better system would be to give them the test and then make the determination as to eligibility. But bottom line is, if we of the private sector are tested then why not people who receive government benefits?

    Or for that matter, let’s test everyone who gets any kind of government license or benefit.Driver’s, hunting,fishing, etc. That would nip a lot of drug and alcohol abuse in the bud. If you use facilities or participate in activities the taxpayers help support, you should be willing to be tested. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to bait a hook with a drug crazed madman fishing near me.

    I do wonder about the children as well. Will we let them starve just to be vindictive or to punish the parents? Does it matter if the parents are to blame if we let the children do without? Would that be the Christian way? Yes!

    Certainly we should also agree as well about people being tested for tobacco. Smoking with children in the house is tantamount to child abuse. Jail is too good for someone who would do such a thing!

    If we taxpayers can band together with Rick Scott leading the way, we can get rid of all the poor, the disabled and unemployed that are in the way of the American dream! It’s been said before but we should remember that Rickie only get’s paid a dollar a year. These folks should be able to get by on that too…

    Let ‘em eat cake!

  13. M on June 1st, 2011 4:16 pm

    Kathy sounds like she’s trying to make excuses already.

  14. dad on June 1st, 2011 4:11 pm

    Maybe we should do the same for food stamps too and test for tobacco use as well. I have a family member who brags about getting $700. a month for food stamps and her and her husband both smoke like chimneys. If they can afford cigarettes, which are not cheap, they can buy food. They also don’t care about smoking around their young children.
    I know this is harsh I just get sick of hearing her brag. She should be ashamed but some people you just can’t shame I guess. She also begs us and others for diaper money and such but always has her cigarettes and mountain dew. No priorities.

  15. 429SCJ on June 1st, 2011 3:23 pm

    I do not really care for Scott, but I must give the devil his due on this one. WELL DONE!

  16. The Dodge Man on June 1st, 2011 3:14 pm

    Give em Hell Gov. Scott. You said you would do if you got elected and you did. Great job!!! I would happily pay $40.00 for a drug test to get $300.00 in return. Next we need to drug test the obama supporters cause they have to be on something to think this unqualified KENYAN hasnt hurt our childrens future. But then again if your kids are gonna live off the state like the parents then they wont have to pay the debt! VOTE HIS BUTT OUT IN NOVEMBER !!!!

  17. whitepunknotondope on June 1st, 2011 3:10 pm

    “…Let’s just stop giving out free money. If there are no jobs here
    they need to move where there are jobs. Why should I pay so they
    don’t have to grow up, move out of mom and dads, go somewhere
    and get a job, and pay for their own children.”

    Yeah, you just got to love the COMPASSION of people in these parts. Love thy neighbor and whatnot. NOT!!!

  18. joe on June 1st, 2011 2:43 pm

    This might be the best piece of legislation passed this year or ever!!!
    Yeah Gov. Scott!
    Now if we can work on the food stamp fraud…….
    Just seems odd to me to see a person pay for food with food stamps and go to the parking lot and get into a $50,000.00 Cadillac, kind of makes you wonder……

  19. t52 on June 1st, 2011 1:56 pm


  20. people-r-crazy on June 1st, 2011 1:46 pm

    I love this!! I’m all for helping those who are in true need. I have to be able to pass a test to get a job and one to keep it. If people are so worried about losing their free cash then they need to STOP DOING DRUGS!!! Im tired of people thinking that they can get a free ride and be lazy. (again, not all people do this) Having to pay up front is fine, from what I have heard and have read only the folks who pass the test will be reimbursed. I’M ALL FOR IT!!!!

  21. jcellop on June 1st, 2011 1:08 pm

    well, everyone who qualifies for and feels that they will be affected negatively by this new law has ONE month to clean up!..this is will be, for some parents, a “reversed tough-love” situation, of sorts…the state is giving TOUGH LOVE to parents…there is NO excuse for any parent (welfare recipient or not) to test positive on a drug test…if youre recieving welfare benefits, then…make it your PRIORITY to stay clear of any illegal “smoke” or illegal drug substances….its not brain surgery- ITS CHOICE….so, stop whining and be forewarned that if you temporily loose the ability to provide for your family, that consequence lies directly on YOUR shoulders….NOT THE TAXPAYERS OR THE GOVT…and, for those responsible, legitimate welfare recipients, you should have nothing to fear..you should not feel that your right to privacy has been invaded, whatsoever…..you should be thankful that finally, the abusers of the system will be weeded out and dealt with accordingly……this law has been long overdue……. btw, bear in mind, muffins w/poppy seeds has been shown to make one test positive on a urine drug screen.

  22. molino jim on June 1st, 2011 12:46 pm

    Kay: Where are all of these jobs? A number of “hot spot cities” such as Vegas, Atlanta and many others have had to set up tent cities for the people who moved there looking for work and found NONE. They are having to live in their cars or tents or under bridges. If you have a job today –keep it is the normal advise today. Some have no choose but to move home with parents. When a job fair is offered there are long lines of people trying to go to work. If the call center in Santa Rosa county closes and moves what will happen to those folks. When some stores are bought out or closed the people working there have to apply at another store in the chain just as if they had just walked in off the street This is happening at the K-Mart store on Airport in p’cola, it happen when Publix bought out Albersons and on and on.

  23. bob on June 1st, 2011 12:32 pm

    Oh, if only you could figure out who needs it or not. The amount of people who have ebt and then turn around and get their hair done, nails, tan, have designer clothes and purses. Frankly, food should be more important than your appearance. And a ridiculous amount of people will buy birthday cakes that cost up to a hundred dollars, with ebt. sodas, all that stuff.
    I don’t have welfare, and I hope I never have to, but if I do, I’m certainly going to buy healthy things.

  24. UD Better Belive it on June 1st, 2011 11:52 am

    When is Bama gona start this ?

  25. Kay on June 1st, 2011 10:30 am

    I have an answer to complaints about us paying for the drug tests.
    Let’s just stop giving out free money. If there are no jobs here
    they need to move where there are jobs. Why should I pay so they
    don’t have to grow up, move out of mom and dads, go somewhere
    and get a job, and pay for their own children.

    Everyone knows the difference between REAL NEED or GRAFT
    and Corruption.

  26. Atmore G on June 1st, 2011 10:18 am

    I am totally in favor of drug testing for anyone getting welfare.. I do not wish to contribute in any way to anyone using illegal drugs.. An addict will ALWAYS buy dope first and food for the kids last..

  27. molino jim on June 1st, 2011 9:13 am

    I know people in this area who receive help in the form of welfare because of job cut backs and in some cases companies closing down. With out this help they and the family would not eat or have a roof over their heads. There are dead beats that abuse the system–but why paint every one with the same brush. If you are on welfare and have to pay for a test that cuts into the little amount you receive and then how long will it take the state to pay them back? I understand the concept but some times the short term answer does not solve the problem. I hear the “they need to go to work”, but have you looked at the job market in the last four (4) years. I am NOT on welfare and have never been—but I have seen hunger.

  28. Kathy on June 1st, 2011 8:50 am

    The disabled unemployment has averaged 80% for many years. When your unemployment rate was 4% ours was 72%. I love how people assume and think, although not a bit of intelligence involved. The mom on welfare feeds her children and provides housing with a meager allowance and assistance from Medicaid. Mom may have been at a party where pot was smoked and maybe she even took a hit, drug tested, now the kids won’t eat or get medical care. You will pay double because these children will end up in state care. Your willing to give billions in welfare to the oil companies who charge you outrageous amounts for gasoline to get to work but $275.00 to a welfare mom is disgusting to you? Its like my orange pop story I was going to polio clinic traveling over dirt roads in 90 and 100 degree weather no air conditioning at the age of 3, sat from 7Am till seen at 11AM and then tortured with spinal taps and such on the way home my parents weary and exhausted would stop for a bite and I got an orange drink that left a little mustache, my brothers and sisters screamed and yelled for hours and pinched and beat me because they thought I got something they didn’t. GROW UP!!

  29. MJ on June 1st, 2011 8:41 am

    This is the only good thing he’s done!

  30. barrineau on June 1st, 2011 8:38 am

    I am totaly pro constitution and by definition this is unconstitional . But…..I also tend to look at it like who ever gets the money should be tested to get the “free money” that we as tax payers supply.

  31. Tracy on June 1st, 2011 8:21 am

    There are ALOT of folks on all kinds of Government Assistance that shouldn’t be…Food Stamps, Social Security, Disability…people that could be working and contributing to society…..as my Dad says “If you can’t shame a person there is no hope for him”. Somehow the cycle of laziness has to stop! But, I have no idea how to do it. Maybe this is a start…

  32. 429SCJ on June 1st, 2011 7:48 am

    Can’t clean up, though they know they should!

  33. M on June 1st, 2011 7:29 am

    Don’t worry “huh” our tax won’t have to pay for many.I don’t know about you ,but I really don’t think 80% CAN pass a drug test so we should end up with extra money until they find a way to cheat….which in time they will.Blood tests can’t be cheated…..just sayin’

  34. Mike Murphy on June 1st, 2011 6:49 am

    Good for Florida, if I have to take a urinalysis to keep my job they need to take one for the money I worked for. If it is unconstitutional why do I have to take one. What is good for one is good for the other.

  35. hmm on June 1st, 2011 6:49 am

    I guess it’s a step in the right direction (maybe), but until welfare is totally eliminated, you haven’t solved any problems.

  36. The DOER on June 1st, 2011 5:50 am

    Finally, this is great news. Those standing there waiting for handouts will have to show they’re drug-free. Let’s do the same for food stamp recipients as well! Good job, Florida! I have heard many other states are planning on following our lead.

  37. huh on June 1st, 2011 3:11 am

    “Recipients will be reimbursed if the tests, which cost anywhere from $10 to $70, depending on who is estimating, come back negative”

    That Reimbursement comes from florida tax dollars, so the state of florida gets to pay for each person being tested. That price is going to add up quick