First Candidate Prefiles For District 5 Commission Seat

June 16, 2011

Sam Archer of Cantonment prefiled Wednesday for the District 5 Escambia County Commission seat held currently by Kevin White.

Archer, a resident of Archer Road, is the first candidate to announce for the seat in the 2012 election. He is a political newcomer in Escambia County and prefiled to run as a Republican.


23 Responses to “First Candidate Prefiles For District 5 Commission Seat”

  1. trust on February 9th, 2012 9:54 pm

    Kevin is to be commended. After ignoring my calls and emails for the last several years, my road has been repaved. The potholes were gulleys, and traffic was.down to one lane. Thanks Kevin, I will remember your help at the polls.

  2. Ronnie on August 30th, 2011 7:22 pm

    Im glad to see we have a good candidate for District 5 finally running! Go Sam! Best of luck to you! !

  3. Jason on August 18th, 2011 2:30 pm

    429SCJ Wow you couldn’t be any farther off. The tree isn’t even the same species. Good luck with this one. Altough with all his toys he probably will get the roads paved up here,……. well at least as far as Gonzalez. Maybe I should rethink this.


  4. Keith on June 20th, 2011 8:56 pm

    Hey Molino Jim,
    I am still gonna vote for Archer because he was my coach. Have a great day.

  5. SW on June 19th, 2011 9:57 am

    Before we vote for anyone, we need to discern their intentions. Ask the tough questions. Find out where these candidates stand on individual freedoms and liberties. Find out where they stand on fiscal responsibility. This is true from city council to county commission, to state legislature to congress and everything in between.

    Don’t just vote against someone; the one you get may be no better than the one you had. Find candidates that are seriously dedicated to public service and not just there to gain power or position. We have to hold their feet to the fire and demand accountability. If they can’t or won’t be true public servants, don’t put them there.

    So, Mr. Archer, you want to be a county commissioner. Tell us why you deserve our vote. What are your intentions, sir?

  6. North End Resid. on June 18th, 2011 8:52 pm

    Kevin White ran for the seat in Dist. 5 for county Comm. He was supposed to represent the people in the north end of the county. He has done the poorest job at this assignment, that I can remember in the past 40 yrs. He has let the county Engineers make all the decisions for the county. And He dose not seem to be interested in helping to improve the citizens of the North End of the County, way of life at all, Only his personal career. I would definitely vote for Mr. Archer.

  7. molino jim on June 17th, 2011 8:51 pm

    It’s odd that some people are willing to vote for someone just because his father was a judge or they remember the person from when he was a coach at their school. I would like to know more about Mr Archer and what he feels he can do for district 5. I have called Comm. White several times over the years and he or a staff member has returned my call in a timely manner. I am not pro-White or anti-White. I have been to board meeting where the member of the commission were yelled at and language used toward them that I felt was uncalled for. No matter what the commission does is going to make some one mad. Maybe we can hear Mr Archer out and then decide.

  8. Stephanie M on June 17th, 2011 3:45 pm

    Anybody has to be better then White – he never comes out to the north end of the county and has no idea what even goes on out here. The person who made the comment about White helping with the road department obviously must have contributed to White’s campaign because he sure hasn’t helped my neighborhood road problem any. I have to also agree with Bubba Ray – White does seem to have taken over Whitehead’s role of being a “jerk”. I can’t even get him to call me back when I try to contanct him directly. It’s definitely time for a change and I am ready to back up anybody that is ready to replace White. He has let the politics go to his head and forgotten completely why he was put in that position to help District 5 not downtown Pensacola.

  9. 19856 on June 17th, 2011 12:03 pm

    Sam Archer comes to the north end of the county all the time. He has alot of relatives,friends,and buisness associates from the north end. His dad graduated from century . He’s going to be the best man for the job.

  10. Kay on June 17th, 2011 9:40 am


    I would vote for Mc Mouse and do better just to get WHITE out.

  11. Kathy on June 17th, 2011 9:03 am

    Kevin White is a good man and has tried hard to be fair to the north end of the county. If you were in his position and put up with this crap you get an attitude too.
    He has been there to help out when you need him. We had terrible problems with the roads department, Kevin White was able to settle it out and worked for the residents. I am supporting Kevin White.

  12. tallyho on June 17th, 2011 7:57 am

    Where can i find out more on Sam, Archer. I wonder if he has ever been to the north end of the county. The one we have now has not. We need someone who fights for the whole district.

  13. Tribal Sue on June 16th, 2011 10:27 pm

    Yeah! I am very excited to read this. Sam Archer is a great candidate with true integrity. Just what we need in District 5. I will be voting for him, no doubt!

  14. Don on June 16th, 2011 8:59 pm

    Yup been time for White to go back to his garage and leave us be…..

  15. xpeecee on June 16th, 2011 7:17 pm

    @ Bubba Ray

    I’m with you!!!

  16. Bubba Ray on June 16th, 2011 3:25 pm

    I lost all respect for Comm. White when he caved to the Scenic Hills crowd instead of looking out for his constituents in District 5. Instead of helping us build another route North from I-110, he decided to vote against a project that would have benefited all of us North of 9 Mile Road…

    Also, If you go to the meetings at the County Commission he is rude and obnoxious, especially if he disagrees with you. He has picked up where Mike Whitehead left off in the jerk dept….

    I will be voting for Mr. Archer….

  17. Northend on June 16th, 2011 12:37 pm

    Good. We need someone up here that cares. White acts like he’s too good now, when he was just a grease monkey. Only reason he was voted in was because it was a vote against Terry Smith.

  18. Keith on June 16th, 2011 10:42 am

    I will vote for my former Elementary School Physical Education coach Just on what I remember of him from way back then. He is a very good man and he treats people very well. Made such an impact on my life way back then , that I have never forgotten him. Sam Archer 2012!!!!!!

  19. Well on June 16th, 2011 8:11 am

    You all should not vote for Mr. Archer.

    You still won’t be happy and

    You will no longer like him and have to threaten to vote against him later.

    You know I voted you in i’ll vote you out.


  20. 429SCJ on June 16th, 2011 7:29 am

    I remember when I was a child, Judge Archer was held with high regard and respect by all, I bet this acorn did not fall far from his tree. I just want to be shed of the pothole king. I have had to replace the whole front suspension on my old car, from driving across these mine fields.

  21. Bill on June 16th, 2011 7:19 am

    Went to school with Sam, hope he has the common sense that I remember. We need some one who will look at the best intrest of the growing district 5. We need the representation to overcome the irrational political downtown crowd.

  22. xpeecee on June 16th, 2011 6:44 am

    I hope Mr Archer has not yet learned how to doublespeak with a forked tongue…

  23. juju on June 16th, 2011 6:25 am

    Yeah Sam, Tate grad Sam. Get it done! We need someone good on our end for a change.