Fed Up School Bus Driver Takes Students To Sheriff’s Office

June 4, 2011

One school bus driver reached his last straw on the last day of school with disruptive students on a bus drove them directly to the  Sheriff’s Office.

The Escambia County School bus driver drove the bus to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Century Precinct Friday afternoon after reporting a disruption on the bus.

The driver told dispatchers that they were unable to control the children from Northview High and Ernest Ward Middle that were on the bus. The driver waited for deputies to arrive and restore order before continuing the route.

Further details were not available.


36 Responses to “Fed Up School Bus Driver Takes Students To Sheriff’s Office”

  1. David Huie Green on June 11th, 2011 1:53 pm

    so you agree there would be cause for concern if there was an attack, threats and destruction of school property?

  2. T.G/ on June 10th, 2011 8:57 am

    nothing really bothers my bus driver in less theres a fight nd so i dont know wat this bus driver was really thinking at all

  3. women of god on June 8th, 2011 9:40 am

    I agree what someone wrote before, and that was we were kids before and we were the same way the last day of school. But what i don’t agree with if there were fighting, throwing things,or even standing up out there seat playing, But if the kids was just too loud give them a one time break. I’m sure he has been around loud kids before or even a ball game were it is noisy. On a couple of bus stops to let them off and it would of been all over. Remember if it only was the noise envolved.

  4. T.G. on June 7th, 2011 4:44 pm

    If no one was hurt no one should get in trouble!!

  5. B on June 7th, 2011 12:27 pm

    Is the county still going to say they have had no incidents on the busses with high school and middle school together? It’s insane to have them together. Maybe, we need more bus drivers (and principals) reporting these issues to the authorities instead of trying to cover them up.

  6. abrykin on June 7th, 2011 10:45 am

    When i was those kids age all the driver had to say is “I am going to tell your parents how you acted.”That allways shut kids up.Too bad its not like that today.

  7. T.G. on June 6th, 2011 6:31 pm

    And its not that bad to get arrested or anything not that i have but it not bad!! And on the last day of school i got another referal!! And it was my choice well my mistake was not the referal all though i knew i would get in trouble!!

  8. T.G. on June 6th, 2011 6:29 pm

    Not to say these kids were not in the rong but i am going to 8th grade now and go to Ransom middle school and i have been suspended from my bus before for something so retarded and stupid!! And just about everydY GET IN TROUBLE AND OR GET THREATENED WITH A REFERAL and or get one!! not everyone that gets in trouble are bad and not all ways are parents falt we make our own choices cuz my pareents raised me right but i still get in trouble nd stuff. Its not there fault it s my choice to do that!!

  9. BrandiJeanine on June 6th, 2011 8:16 am

    Had there been an accident due to the disruptive children, the bus driver could have been blamed. Parents are so quick to point the finger at other people when it is them doing something wrong. When I was a kid, if we didnt’ do what we were told the bus driver would pull over and wait for the sheriff’s dept. deputies. I totally agree with the actions of this bus driver. It is such a shame that people think that because it is the last day of school that it is ok for these kids to behave this way. Under no circumstances is it ok for them to get away with this. If you give them an inch they will take a mile. They are kids. The learn from example and if the example is set that you can not get on a bus and behave this way then maybe they will realize this next year because they will remember. Having lost a few people in car accidents over the years, let me tell you..I would rather the bus driver take them to the sheriff’s department for a deputy to talk to them than have a sheriff come to my door saying there was an accident. You can’t take back death. So way to go bus driver. You did your job and you did it well…Also, spare the rod, spoil the child. I certainly don’t believe in spankings or hittings or whatever other kind of violence towards children, but if my daughter did this, she wouldn’t have the tv, video games or any other fun things to do for a while…She would have to think about why she caused this and we would come up with an adequate punishment for her to remember how bad it truely is. Thanks for letting me post my 2 cents.

  10. MLH on June 6th, 2011 6:38 am

    I agree with the bus driver’s actions, too. It is very refreshing to read about children being held accountable for their actions. It’s also such a pleasure and an inspiration to read all the posts in support of the driver. What a wonderful area I’ve just moved to. We have many children that need loving correction for their own good. I wonder (and know the answer) what is going to become of them if they don’t learn that they cannot live like heathens in society? If they don’t have an event like this one in their lives early on, there will definitely be one later – and it won’t be a caring bus driver, either. It may be something that causes them to experience a horrible event or makes their lives even worse. I say let us be free to correct with kindness any child we see who is behaving poorly – especially when they are causing problems for other children, our neighborhoods, or for themselves. Cudos to the bus driver, and to whomever pressed charges against the young lady who apparently started the incident. Shame on her – at high school age, she is certainly old enough to learn how to behave properly in public.
    I hope someone teaches her how, with kindness.

  11. bdh on June 6th, 2011 5:45 am

    My husband did that before and he never had any problem after that and he drove a century route… He would still be driving that route if he could have keep that route but he didn’t. He had a grandparent that put her grandson on the bus and would not let him move back, the best grandparent, Thanks I drive also and I had a parent come to my bus, because I called the mom and then dad meet me, it didn’t look good, but dad took care of it. I have the best parents, granparents and also children. Enjoy my job, It means alots when u have help, driving it not easy and if u would like to help out, do, r if u need a job apply. Have a Good Day

  12. Big Al on June 6th, 2011 5:16 am

    Gosh Folks. Lighten up. The Kids were on their way home on the Last Day of School. Do any of you remember that feeling.

  13. just sayin on June 5th, 2011 10:44 pm

    Terrible that the driver had to resort to this because kids old enough to know better could not behave themselves right. Now if the same adults would cheer as loud when school staff stop kids from fighting, cheating, destroying school property , – that’d be something.

  14. mom on June 5th, 2011 7:26 pm

    the problem….most of them have no parents that care..they are on drugs or worse and grandparents can not control them…..

  15. overit on June 5th, 2011 8:34 am

    When I was in school, The bus driver would pull over in route and wait for the sherrif to come on the bus. Children were expelled from the bus for bad behavior. Those of us who were bullied by other children were very greatful. Learning to live in society and be a team player starts in school. Tired of the distructive youth pranks too. Causes people to pay for something they have no money to pay out in the first place (example…mailboxes, trains, fences, plants.). Take responsibility now it will cost YOU dearly when you get older and prison is the only option. Parents stop covering for your children and let them suffer the less harsher lessons now so they hopefully wil learn it is not worth prison or worse later. Bus driver you Rock!!

  16. Jean Searcy on June 5th, 2011 8:28 am

    I can understand why this bus driver had to do this. I drive a bus, and have to deal with this kind of conduct myself. No help from the schools or parants anymore. The school just spanks their hands. They parents think the bus driver is just being mean. Try driving, while kids are screaming, jumping around, and fussing and fighting. What about the safty of the kids that do know how to behave????

  17. Betty H on June 5th, 2011 8:26 am

    If your child is disruptive and causes trouble on the bus,then let them walk or get the parents to take them. To get back the bus “priviledge” parents will have to pay a fee to the transportation dept. and they and their child take a manners class.. There need to be consequences for bad behavior..When I was a kid..not only did we get punished by the driver by being made to sit in the front “baby” seats but the school gave us detention and my parents whipped my hiney..I learned very young to respect adults and others.

  18. Teresa on June 5th, 2011 6:50 am

    I with ya ProudArmyParent: I think this bus driver should be given an award!

  19. Everett on June 4th, 2011 10:02 pm

    Expel the kid involved. Jail the parents (If you can find them). Why are we bussing middle school and high school together?

  20. just tired on June 4th, 2011 8:49 pm

    The commotion on this bus was started by one student (high school student) who has been bullying and picking on another student (middle school student) all year long and I know for a fact that this high school student’s parent was made aware of the situation months ago and the parent said that she would handle the problem. Since the high school student did attack the middle school student on the bus Friday, charges were pressed against her and i assume that she will be arrested at a later date. Maybe this will teach her to keep her hands off of other people’s children.

  21. Parent of 2 on June 4th, 2011 4:34 pm

    I agree with ALL the comments and let me add the parents should have to ride the bus with these kids!!!! But of course if they get kicked off the bus the parents will be yelling unfair treatment but if the driver had an accident then oh bad driver!

    We have got to put the responsibility back on the parents the schools can not raise your kids. I have read more articles where parents think Northview and Ernest Ward are too strict then you have this type of behavior. Good job Mr. Bus Driver and keep up the good work NHS & EWMS!!

  22. Glenda Singleton-Holcomb on June 4th, 2011 4:18 pm

    I for one am so proud of several comments that have been posted in support of our school bus drivers. I was a school bus driver for Ernest Ward Middle and Bratt Elementary School. I had to take off one day and the sub that just so happened to be related to me drove my route for me. One of my students decided to throw a spit ball at him. So he wrote him up and the student was suspended off my bus. Now here is the BEST part. My parent made her son ride his bike (7 miles one way) to Ernest Ward Middle for the entire time that he was suspended off my bus. So I in return radio all the drivers in the area to PLEASE keep an eye on my student. His mother made a lasting impression on this young man which has turned out to be a WONDERFUL adult. I don’t know if I ever told her how much I really appreciated the support that she gave me. I also appreciated all the other drivers radioing me to let me know where my student was at and when he arrived to school. We do have some wonderful parents that support not only our schools but our drivers too. So take it easy on the parents that do discipline their children when they misbehave. To all the parents who child rode my bus—- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!

    Glenda residing in Auburn, GA

  23. Joyce on June 4th, 2011 2:57 pm

    I went to scho ol in Walnut hill and I tell you back then we didn’t cut up on the bus or got our butts beat and then another one when we got home

  24. Agree on June 4th, 2011 2:38 pm

    Kudos to the bus driver! She did the right thing. I agree, the kids involved in this should not be allowed back on the bus. If these busses don’t already have them, cameras should be installed on all of them. Then there would be proof of who the unruly kids are.

  25. RB on June 4th, 2011 2:00 pm

    Disruptive students on a bus today, state prison tomorrow. Take their picture and post it so we can be on the look out.

  26. Kay on June 4th, 2011 1:47 pm

    Sit Down and Shut up is RIGHT. Also did they ever hear of acting like a lady or
    gentleman, or how about have some respect?

    I’m glad they took them to the sheriffs office, to bad they didn’t take them
    inside with the big boys for a while and let THEM scare them straight.

    Next year they should ALL WALK to school and I’m serious. Nobody should
    drive them either, not mommy or daddy. Time they learn how to act in public,
    and that the public isn’t mommy and daddy and we won’t take their bull.

  27. jcellop on June 4th, 2011 12:27 pm

    this story makes me livid!!…that wise bus driver was so smart to handle these out of control “children” in this way…and, im glad that this story was made public too!!…(thx william) i only hope that each parent of these “children” were notified of this dangerous disruption of order….i strongly agree w/the comments/suggestion of “HUH”!…there has to be a consequence for this BAD behavior, so that these poor bus drivers can do their jobs properly in the future and get your “children” home safely…

  28. brought up right on June 4th, 2011 11:48 am

    When I was a kid you got it trouble at school you got it when you got home!!! Probably the same kids that stopped the train. We have taken the rights away from the people who should have the authority to correct our kids And we have let our kids raise themselves and tell us what to do….so there are no consequences for thier actions. “Train up a child in the way he should go” even if you dont believe in the bible or God…its still good advice. ” Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child..the rod will drive it far from him…..good thing we dont live in old testament days…when they had done all they could and the child is still unruley…the took him to the gates of the city and stoned them….cruel as it sounds….they were given a chance. And it was a example for the rest and crime control…..now we put them in cushy prisons and cater to thier every need and say they have been punished.

  29. ProudArmyParent on June 4th, 2011 10:46 am

    It takes one disruptive student to cause a bus accident. Just one! How do we expect our bus drivers to drive safely when the students are acting like they have near been taught to sit still and shut-up. Yes that is blunt! My dad had a saying you get in trouble at school, you get in twice as much trouble when you get home, and don’t you ever be caught coming home in the backseat of a police cursier, at that point fear for your life! Maybe corporal punishment wasn’t so bad? My 2 brothers nor I NEVER found out what the inside of a police cursier looked like and we survived some good butt whoopings ….I’m just saying……time to bring back the paddle!

  30. Susan on June 4th, 2011 9:48 am

    They should be kicked off the bus AND the parents should be held accountable for their brats!

  31. Century parent on June 4th, 2011 9:32 am

    @huh, I’m with you. If they don’t know how to act on the bus kick them off. Parents control your children. The bus driver can’t pay attention to the road and your bad — child too. It doesn’t make sense at all to drive a bunch of teenagers to the sheriff’s office to get them to controll themselves.

  32. MQ on June 4th, 2011 9:22 am

    Way to go bus driver. More like you are most likely
    . Keep it up!!!!!

  33. xpeecee on June 4th, 2011 7:51 am

    Good for the bus driver!

  34. 429SCJ on June 4th, 2011 6:05 am

    Big daddy get the belt!

  35. huh on June 4th, 2011 6:05 am

    The bus is a privilege , If they don’t act right kick them off for life. And if they want to come back make them pay to use it

  36. EJ on June 4th, 2011 5:18 am

    GOOD FOR YOU. Now if they would just bring back corporal punishment. Apparently discipline is something not taught at home.