Century Names Architectural Review Board

June 13, 2011

Century has appointed an architectural review board to oversee building changes in the town’s historic district.

Consultant Debbie Nickles said the board was needed in advance of any possible Community Development Block Grant awards that would lead to housing rehab in the historic district.

Three residents of the historic district, Edna Earle Barnes, Lina Showalter and Rose Wilson were appointed to the board, along with council member Gary Riley and contractor Russell Peacock.

The board, which has not held a meeting in many years, will schedule future meetings as required, Nickles said.

Century was recently awarded a $650,000 CDBG grant to rehabilitate substandard housing in Century, estimated to be enough funding for nine houses. At least one of the applicants resides within the historic district.


2 Responses to “Century Names Architectural Review Board”

  1. Kay on June 14th, 2011 10:46 am

    We pay to restore their homes AND we pay them to oversee it.


  2. 429SCJ on June 14th, 2011 9:36 am

    I was wondering, does Century have zoning laws? I cannot tell where the historical district begins or ends. The town does not appear to have changed much since the struggle.