Century Awards Lighting Contract, Rejects Cheapest Bid

June 9, 2011

Century has awarded a $55,629 bid to replace lighting at three town buildings, rejecting a bid that was over $11,000 cheaper.

The energy conservation project will replace the lighting systems at the Century Town Hall, Agricultural Building and the former Helicopter Technology building with new, energy-efficient lighting.

The lowest bid received by the town was $44,361 from B & R Building Maintenance. That was bid was rejected, according to project consultant Debbie Nickles, because the company is not licensed to perform the work by Escambia County or the State of Florida. She said the individual that would have performed the work for the company does hold the proper license, but not the company.

The project was awarded by the Century Town Council to the second lowest bidder, D & T Electric for $55,629.

The following bids were  received:

  • B & R Building Maintenance, LLC — $44,361.00
  • D & T Electric — $55,629.00
  • F & M Electric — $56,726.26
  • Brown Electric  — $59,181.00
  • Hual Electric, Inc. — $62,623.00
  • Sylvania — $63,129.00
  • Bill Smith Electric — $66,393.00


4 Responses to “Century Awards Lighting Contract, Rejects Cheapest Bid”

  1. Kay on June 10th, 2011 12:29 pm

    Well one of the buildings is the FORMER Helicopter Technology building. Is that building now being used or rented, or is it just hoping to get used or rented if they spend thousands of dollars to upgrade. I am all for energy efficient as long as it
    will be useful and will save dollars. I am NOT however, up for just spending
    money because it is there in the proper slot. We don’t have any more money
    and it IS our’s after all.

  2. Electrician on June 9th, 2011 11:04 pm

    if we were to look at the specs on the bid you would see where the cost is they are upgrading to very high quality american made energy saving lighting. not just changing lights to change them. these lights will save alot of money over their life span, not to mention they are creating american workers jobs. also the local contractor and his men that will have work during this job.

    I feel like this is better money spent than rebuilding a country we have been bombing or ipads for administrators.

  3. Kay on June 9th, 2011 9:47 am

    It certainly is hard to believe what it costs to replace lights at three buildings now
    days, and here I thought we were ALL BROKE.

  4. Allen on June 9th, 2011 6:43 am

    Thank the Lord someone had the common sense to check the credentials of these contractors before they awarded the contract. The lowest bid is not always the best or safest way to go. Who ever did the research deserves the credit and having the guts to speak out. Way to be looking out for us and the city.