500 To Keep Their Jobs At Clearwire

June 2, 2011

About 500 employees at Clearwire in Milton will keep their jobs, although many of them will now work for a new company, according to the company.

Clearwire notified employees Thursday of an agreement that will transition parts of their customer care operates to TeleTech, a company with which Clearwire currently holds a partnership agreement.

About 700 employees, including 380 in Milton, will transition to to TeleTech, the company said, with TeleTech managing day-to-day customer care services for Clearwire customers.

Clearwire will retain approximately 180 personnel, including nearly 120 in Milton. Those employees remaining with Clearwire are responsible for a variety of back office activities,
including operations, workforce management, process management and vendor management.

“The agreement will help Clearwire increase efficiencies and reduce costs in the company’s customer care organization by leveraging the global resources of a leader in care center support,” Clearwire said in a news release.

Clearwire also began steps Thursday to return $2 million in incentive payments from the state. The money was received from the state in advance of an expansion that will no longer occur.


2 Responses to “500 To Keep Their Jobs At Clearwire”

  1. huh on June 3rd, 2011 2:00 am

    Also side note, Sprint used clearwire for 4g services on several phones but sprint is going to drop clearwire and switch to LTE , (some other company that provides LTE) sprint will slowly stop the funding for clearwire as well, news as of today


  2. huh on June 2nd, 2011 6:32 pm

    Google also refused another round of funding for them, plus they had multiple lawsuits. I think if I were a clear employee, I would be search for a new stable job about now before the whole thing goes under

    Clear employees will tell claim that all is well, but the above is proof that it is not. They will outsource the whole thing in time