$2,700 Reward Offered For Info On Strangulation Of Pregnant Cow

June 21, 2011

A $2,700 reward is being offered by a national animal group for information that leads a conviction in the case of a pregnant cow found strangled to death last month in Enon.

The owner of the pet Jersey cow found the animal dead in a pasture just behind his house on Highway 97-A Memorial Day morning as he checked on his animals. Thin twine — often called grass string –  had been tied several times around the cow’s neck and had apparently strangled the animal as it was dragged through the pasture. The cow was found on its side, with its head upside down and its horns pushed several inches into the dirt.

Authorities suspect the death could have results from a prank gone wrong since school was about to end and the cow’s owner is a school bus driver.

“Viciously killing a pregnant cow for an apparent prank is an inexcusably cruel crime and anyone who would do that can be capable of hurting people, too,” said Jennifer Hobgood, Florida state director for The Humane Society of the United States.  “We hope our reward helps bring justice in this horrible case.”

For more photos, click here. (Warning: Some readers may find the photos disturbing.)

The Humane Society of the United States is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­the cow’s death. The Junior Humane Society/United Humanitarians is also offering a $200 reward.

Anyone with information about the case is asked to call Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Investigator Frank Way at (850) 256-6196.

Pictured: An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office crime scene investigator photographs a pregnant cow that was apparently strangled to death in Enon. NorthEscambia.com exclusive photo, click to enlarge.


25 Responses to “$2,700 Reward Offered For Info On Strangulation Of Pregnant Cow”

  1. art on June 24th, 2011 2:59 pm

    you dont mess with a mans livestock. period. hundred years ago, these scoundrels would be hung from the nearest tree and that was long before the spca and animal protection folks ever come into existence. think about that, bama.

  2. 429SCJ on June 22nd, 2011 9:29 pm

    I hope I get called for jury duty on this one! Kevin you be patient, there will be plenty of work for you soon enough.

  3. David Huie Green on June 22nd, 2011 2:08 pm

    REGARDING $2,700 reward:

    If someone else knows who did the deed, the first to rat on them gets the money. Fools always brag to someone, so by now I would bet a few are in the know.

    Who goes first is the question.

    Good luck to the winner.

    David who’d tell if he knew
    (would actually do it without the reward,
    but definitely sweetens the deal)

  4. Kay on June 22nd, 2011 9:10 am

    @Bama….ok let’s take out the equation that kids who don’t value a cow’s
    life and torch er it could EVER kill and human.
    Let’s look at everything else….These kids had no value or respect for
    the fact this cow and it’s offspring belonged to someone else.
    How about that? How about respect for their neighbor, respect for
    his property, respect for his lively hood and that of his family?

    Do you really think that these hard hearted disrespectfully young people
    who are obviously almost grown into men would really learn anything
    from a slap on the wrist and saying no, no boys?

    I don’t understand YOUR anger about this, do you have a dog in this?
    We are all incensed because WE have a HEART.
    What is your excuse?

  5. Crystal on June 21st, 2011 10:23 pm

    I value human life above animal life; however, if a person can do this to a pregnant cow, then what is stopping them from doing this to a pregnant woman? When you research serial killers, you find that most of them start by torturing animals. It is a natural progression from animals to people. There is a difference between killing animals for food and torture. This looks like torture in my book.

  6. NWFLA Linda on June 21st, 2011 7:07 pm

    Dear bama, you’ve fallen into the generalized school of thought. Wondering if the HSUS shouldn’t be finding a cure for cancer or something instead of being a recognizable face in the fight of many of us against animal abuse. They have problems as most organizations do. But, there are other organizations out there trying to find cures for all sorts of diseases, saving starving kids, making the world a better place. Each one desperately needs the support and passion of folks who believe in their causes. Pick one. Support it. You don’t have to be “soft hearted” as most of us here must be in your opinion. Bless your heart. And, only those who were in that field that night know what went down. I don’t personally need to know the details – the pregnant cow was dragged to her death. The reasons, rationale, or method don’t matter a bit. The end result would still be the same for the cow and for her owners. Sooner or later, the”pranksters” will be caught and will pay.

    I also disagree with your comment “We as a society, do not have an overwhelming problem with people treating animals wrong. Its all about political correctness to the Hum. Society.” Spend some time at an animal shelter, do some ride alongs with a rescuer, check into police records of dog fighting, starvation cases, and atrocities too graphic to detail. I’m about as far from politically correct as you can get but if that’s the label you want to place on HSUS, I’d stand with them any day while they are exercising their political correctness with boots on the ground to save animals’ lives. Thank you for offering the opportunity for everyone here to declare their support for the defenseless and their interest in seeing justice done.

  7. wildcat on June 21st, 2011 6:53 pm

    our animals need to be protected just like people. a crime is a crime whether its a person or an animal. if i knew who it was i would turn them in in a heart beat if not faster. for the things that where done to the pregnant cow, this has to be a really sick, stupid and in my book i would not even classify them as a person, they are some kind of a monster. and i hope they get caught and are punished to the max

  8. rds on June 21st, 2011 6:42 pm

    to this bama person. if that were my animal i would shoot to kil if i saw them do it. animals are a part of life and they do feel pain. you must be a heartless person not to want these people caught. i would love to see them done the same way. i can tell youre not an animal lover so you need to keep your raw feelings to yourself. these people are hurting enough without your comment. the human society speaks for animals cause people like you dont care.

  9. William on June 21st, 2011 5:34 pm

    bama wrote “My comments did exactly what I thought they would do”

    You are right. You comment was deleted due to rule #4, specifically no vulgarity. (If you don’t know what they letters you used stand for, google them)

  10. bama on June 21st, 2011 5:23 pm

    My comments did exactly what I thought they would do. They have 99% of you posting comments here that don’t have a clue what happened or how it went down? For those of you speculating the suspect could commit Dahmer or Bundy type of acts since they killed a cow, you must know this person and how they act? There are many other reasons I could speculate the suspect killed this cow, but I won’t get into those so William will let this post stay up. I firmly believe the suspect need be punished, but I will admit I am not as soft hearted when it comes to animals as some of you that have posted seem to be. As for my comments about the Humane Society, do you not think all the money these clowns spend could be spent on curing cancer or something better. We as a society, do not have an overwhelming problem with people treating animals wrong. Its all about political correctness to the Hum. Society.

  11. charlotte lucas on June 21st, 2011 3:35 pm

    last sentence correction. Should read before I post.

    However, ( when) they are caught and punished this may be last crime they ever participate in.

  12. sick and outraged!!! on June 21st, 2011 3:35 pm

    I was watching last nights news when this story came on the air and I quickly went to another channel because I could not bear to hear what happened to this poor animal at the hands of another very, very sick and twisted animal. I strongly urge someone , anyone who has knowledge of who did this to get to the nearest phone and call the proper authorities with a name or possibly a lead as to who could do something this sick and heartless. If you know who this psycho or psychos may be and you do not turn them in, it may be your family member we read about the next time, and how would you feel knowing that you could have prevented this from happening. I say, poor defenseless animals today, poor innocent humans next time. PLEASE HURRY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN!!!.

  13. charlotte lucas on June 21st, 2011 3:31 pm

    If this was a prank by kids, they know better. Just because kids, who are probably old enough to drive, consider something as cruel as this fun does not get them off the hook for punishment of a crime. Maybe because we as a society tend to say things like Bama and do not hold all accountable for their own choices, we contribute to the lowering of our society’s standards. These people need to be held accountable and punished for this horrific crime. If they get away with out being punished then perhaps they will resort to doing the same thing to the human race. However, we they are caught and punished this may be last crime they ever participate in.

  14. David Huie Green on June 21st, 2011 3:01 pm

    “Would be bad if they were convicted of a felony over something like this. ”

    If they had stolen the cow, it would be a felony. Theft would even make more sense, since they would at least materially benefit from the theft. In this case their only benefit was that of causing suffering.

    Why would anyone want them to get away with torturing the cow first and then stealing it by killing it? This also includes the torture of the owners by making them live with the thought of the cruelty involved and the expense of dealing with the dead pet.

    At what point–if any–would you want them stopped and punished.

    David wondering at free rides
    and heartless people

  15. dad on June 21st, 2011 2:32 pm

    bama stated…Would be bad if they were convicted of a felony over something like this.

    Well this is a felony. Why do you want them to get away with a felony? So they can just escalate their crimes? I hope they are made to pay for their actions. I don’t believe in ’slap them on the wrist’ until they get worse.
    Also, I’ve never heard the HSUS state that killing an animal is worse than murder or rape. You must be a mind reader.

  16. RD on June 21st, 2011 2:01 pm

    This might not fall into the category of a very serious crime like rape or murder, but a fine and some community service doesn’t sound quite strict enough punishment. I’ve never thought that an animal is more important than a human life, but just to “have fun” and commit a crime such as this is very inhumane & whoever did this needs to suffer some just to know what it must feel like.
    You have to think that if they get off lightly for this, what might they do next “for fun”. If this is catagorized as a “prank” then I really must be living in a very unlightened state of existence. Whatever happened to just stealing a watermelon?

  17. Me..personally on June 21st, 2011 11:51 am

    It takes a twisted, sick and ignorant person to do this, period!

  18. unchaindogs on June 21st, 2011 11:43 am

    @Bama wrote “Would be bad if they were convicted of a felony over something like this.” The crime that was committed clearly falls under FELONY provisions for animal cruelty in the state of FL. Why would a conviction for this atrocity be a bad thing? Why would you defend criminal actions? Hmm…perhaps you might know something about this case. These criminals will go after your pets and/or family next.

    If standing up for innocent, helpless animals makes me an idiot, then so be it!

  19. OldMarine on June 21st, 2011 11:14 am

    they will grow into killing humans for fun if they escape justice.

    takes a cold , dark heart to do something like this.

    Hope they are caught and get the works in adult court..

  20. NWFLA Linda on June 21st, 2011 10:21 am

    I agree with Chris and Kevin. Further, those “Humane Society idiots” are only necessary because of the cruelty, negligence and ignorance displayed by humans in addition to offering assistance after natural disasters. To consider this as merely a prank and to hope the fine upstanding individuals who did it don’t get caught is a unique perspective. What sort of person thinks it would be super keen fun to tie twine around a pregnant cow’s neck and then drag her across a pasture till she stumbled and then continue to drag her til she couldn’t be moved any further ? Perhaps one whose indifference to the pain and suffering they inflict allows their actions to escalate to humans? They committed a crime. They should pay the price, both through jail time and financial repayment. Why should someone who has committed a crime be allowed to get away with it? And, that just addresses the legal, technical perspective. The pain and suffering inflicted on this animal is in and of itself to many people, cause enough for severe and memorable punishment.

  21. Kay on June 21st, 2011 10:15 am

    Berkowitz, Bundy, and Dahmer all loved to torcher animals as a kid,
    before moving on to humans and becoming a serial killer. Think again about this not being important in this community because it is just the life of a cow who was torchered and her unborn fetus killed — FOR SPORT IN THE DARK OF NIGHT.

    These kids will end up in jail— at least some day.

  22. My2cents on June 21st, 2011 9:17 am

    Bama I couldn’t agree more.

  23. bama on June 21st, 2011 8:14 am

    This is terrible, however if this were some kids pulling a prank I hope they never get caught, because the Humane society idiots seem to think killing an animal is worse than murder or rape. Would be bad if they were convicted of a felony over something like this. Now, if they were forced to pay for the animal and do some community service or something like that, it would be different.

  24. Chris on June 21st, 2011 8:09 am

    Why would someone do this? If someone killed one of my pets and I was lucky enough to catch them, I would certainly go to jail for my actions. Not a fan of HSUS because they’ve taken an anti-hunting turn, but I hope they end up giving that reward away and someone ends up paying for this.

  25. Kevin on June 21st, 2011 8:07 am

    Idiots!….In a perfect world, the government would hire me to deal with these people who do things like this. What can anyone possible gain from this kind of cruelty? I would definatly save tax payers dollars.