14-Year Old Charged With Carjacking SUV

June 14, 2011

A 14-year old Escambia County teen was arrested Tuesday for carjacking a sport utility vehicle.

About 12:20 this afternoon, Escambia County Sheriff’s  deputies were dispatched to the 8000 block of Pittman Avenue for the reported crime. They were told by the 17-year-old victim that his mother’s vehicle had been taken by two young men, one of which was armed with a handgun.

The victim stated that he was cleaning out his mother’s 2005 Buick Rendezvous when he was approached by the two suspects. One of the suspects, described as a young black male wearing a white shirt and black shorts, displayed a handgun before driving the vehicle away.
The other suspect, later identified as 14-year-old Montevious M. Broadnax (pictured), jumped into the passenger seat, before the vehicle was driven away at a high rate of speed.

“Responding deputies were circulating in the area when they found the stolen vehicle parked on Hope Drive,” said sheriff’s office spokesman Deputy Chris Welborn. “We deployed a K-9 and the suspected passenger was tracked to his residence at 1129 Hope Dr.”

The victim was able to identify Broadnax as one of the suspects; deputies are still trying to identify the second suspect.
Anyone with information about this case is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


12 Responses to “14-Year Old Charged With Carjacking SUV”

  1. A reason on June 18th, 2011 8:48 pm

    I have a child like this. I get calls almost everyday from the school I sit with him go to every meeting I can think of. I try very hard and to think Im doing all this so people can say I dont well maybe people should not always judge the parents. Not all parents are bad but after being blamed for our childs mistakes so much You do sometimes wonder why you are even trying so hard just to be the blame. I hope this child can get it together.

  2. David Huie Green on June 17th, 2011 11:26 pm

    “if a kid is this bad this young,
    NOBODY cared a fig where he was”

    We don’t really know how bad he is. Yes, he used a gun to steal, so we know he is an armed robber, most definitely a thief. Or to be accurate, his co-thief, use a gun to steal and he took part in the theft. What we don’t know is whether or not he fully understood why flashing a gun got victims’ cooperation.

    Maybe somebody cares but doesn’t realize how bad his friends are. Maybe he slipped off for the thrill of things. Maybe his loving father would have stopped him had he not been busy at work earning an honest living. It’s POSSIBLE–not likely but possible.

    Yes, he’d have to be sub-genius to not realize a gun can kill people–might well get him killed, but he’d have to be sub-genius to go into stealing as a line of work in the first place. Quite often you read where folks say, “Well, he didn’t shoot anybody so we shouldn’t be too harsh on him.” Those people aren’t any smarter than he is since they don’t seem to realize any time you pull a weapon, there’s a good chance someone will die as a result of it–you for pulling it or the one you pulled it on.

    We can’t hope to educate him by shooting him with a gun under controlled conditions but until someone does it for us, he probably won’t fully understand the danger involved.

    Maybe he’s as bad as what he did implies. Maybe he’s just dumber than a load of rocks.

    David for demonstrations
    and benefits of doubts

  3. 429SCJ on June 17th, 2011 3:09 pm

    I would imagine someone is missing a pistol. I am not for showing children executions, but I am not against showing them the gallows and explaing it’s reason and purpose. I do not think we have heard the last of these two. bad bussiness pulling a gun!

  4. babeeboi on June 15th, 2011 6:54 pm

    When it come down to it…yes its the parents fault…SORRY PARENTS…he is 14 and his life is off to a good / bad start…yes its the parents….you must know where they are and who they hang with..

  5. Kay on June 15th, 2011 11:27 am

    Well I don’t believe that, I believe if a kid is this bad this young,
    NOBODY cared a fig where he was, what he was doing, or who he was
    with for a long long time or possibly his whole life.

    Kids need proper direction by a proper role model and this age (2011 not
    1950) they need it 24/7 until they get it right. All these kids in these
    articles deserved a chance at a good life. Somebody dropped the ball.
    Probably half the neighborhood saw this coming for a long time.


  6. Atmore on June 15th, 2011 8:32 am

    Something has to be done.This kids are out of hand.Most of it is not the parents fault.We cannot watch our kids 24hours.This is just sad.What does a 14 year old need with a car,doing with a car,and most importantly,stealing a car.These kids need a good ole fashion whoopen..Spoil the child and spare the Rod!!!!

  7. mary on June 15th, 2011 5:27 am

    I’m w/joe…there should be a “gun charge”…I wonder where the parents of this kids are….14 yrs old..thats my youngest son’s age…I’m glad he stays on the computer if getting in trouble is the other option!!!

  8. joe on June 15th, 2011 1:24 am

    so under florida law he should be charged with a gun crime as well. Grand theft and armed robery will land this boy in the big house for some time. he should be tried as an adult as well!

  9. bigbill1961 on June 14th, 2011 10:59 pm

    I’m so glad that your son is ok YB. I’m praying for you and your family.

  10. outraged on June 14th, 2011 10:33 pm

    If they go to jail it will be like a college education for them! That is the life they want and they will have learned how to be “real gangsters” when they get out. I’m so disgusted with the way all these kids and wanna be’s act. These kids will probably get a very minimal sentence and be back on the streets with a jail house education in being a real criminal. I think they need the book thrown at them, no matter what their age is. 14 is old enough to know that you don’t flash a gun and steal a car. Too bad they guy who’s car got stolen didn’t have a gun of his own, then maybe the little punks would have gotten what they deserved or at least gotten the crap scared out of them. The whole panhandle area is getting out of control, the good citizens need to stand up and fight back.

  11. RMS on June 14th, 2011 7:25 pm


  12. 429SCJ on June 14th, 2011 3:40 pm

    If you try and take my car, all I ask is just do not insult me by screaming no mister please.