Truck Rolls Into House

May 26, 2011

Emergency crews responded to a home in Bratt Thursday afternoon after a pickup truck rolled into a house.

A surprised neighbor found that his unoccupied Ford F150 had rolled across a backyard and into a utility room at a his neighbor’s home, causing just minor damage. There were no injuries.

The Walnut Hill Station of Escambia Fire Rescue, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and Atmore Ambulance responded to the call. photo, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Truck Rolls Into House”

  1. Beegee on May 29th, 2011 10:19 pm


  2. the daughter on May 28th, 2011 1:48 pm

    I appreciate any and all who responded . They were informed by officals they did the right thing. No one was injured and to me this is the most important issue of all. May God Bless

  3. whitepunknotondope on May 27th, 2011 3:10 pm

    Realist: Your suggestion to William to “…erase this entire article and make yourself look like more of a respectable news source.” is ludicrous.

    This site reports on local events. That’s why I like it.

    If I or anybody else wants to see whatever it is you classify as “real news”, all I have to do is go to CNN, MSNBC or USAToday dotcom. What’s YOUR problem?

  4. 429SCJ on May 27th, 2011 1:12 pm

    Don’t let this ruin your day, we all have a simular tale to tell, as the old ecclesiasitcus said its happened before and it will happen again, to somebody.

  5. Realist on May 27th, 2011 12:07 pm

    It seems to me that if I got out there and realized it was nothing, that i wouldn’t waste my time reporting it. But seeing how rarely nothing “big” ever happens out that way they had to fill up space and allow for nosey people to put their two cents in. This is exactly what is wrong with the media, never reporting major things only hyping up minor ones. I suggest you erase this entire article and make yourself look like more of a respectable news source.

  6. adding 2 cents on May 27th, 2011 9:27 am

    This very thing just happened to a friend of mine in munson. he woke up and his truck had been rolled backwards into his girlfriends car. this wasn’t a daily driver truck it was a spare. very strange that vehicles are moving on their own now. glad everyone was ok in both situations.

  7. William on May 27th, 2011 8:49 am

    the daughter wrote “I am shocked and can’t believe that this made news”

    Well, we too rushed to the scene based upon the information given to the fire department that the vehicle was all the way into the house. That would have certainly been bigger news. Since we were there anyway, we took photos.

    I’m very glad it turned out well.

  8. the daughter on May 27th, 2011 8:44 am

    Beegee, don’t worry about it. Everyone is fine and no one is at fault here. It was just that…an accedient. Life happens. I hope Jack is doing alright. Mom and dad didn’t recognize the truck so they paniced ad dailed 911. I am shocked and can’t believe that this made news. Thank for you both being there for them.

  9. whitepunknotondope on May 27th, 2011 8:38 am

    The important thing is nobody was hurt, and the damage looks minimal considering.

    What kind of moron would whine about tax dollars in a situation like this? GEEZ!

  10. Beegee on May 26th, 2011 8:56 pm

    By the way,our automobile insurance is paying for the damage…..

  11. Beegee on May 26th, 2011 8:29 pm

    Listen folks…….this was my husband’s truck and it was clearly an accident!!!!
    Jack is very sorry about this!!!! He would never do anything to harm our dear neighbors….he is totally embarrassed about it,beyond what you can imagine!!!
    I agree with William,based on the information that was given at the time of the call,the response was appropriate!!!!

  12. michela on May 26th, 2011 6:30 pm

    well that was stupid….EPIC FAIL!!! >_<

  13. the daughter on May 26th, 2011 5:40 pm

    The pain truth is the truck was not secured when parked by the neighbor up the hill. It made a mad dash DOWN a hill and the only thing stopping it was my 80 and 82 yr old parents home The home owners insurance, paid by the home owner, only will cover this with an officail police report. That’s our tax dollars at work.

  14. William on May 26th, 2011 2:44 pm

    >>Looks like it probably costs more to run emergency vehicles to this than the damage could cost. Tax dollars hard at work. Must be a slow day out there

    Actually, based upon the info was provided by the person that called for help, the response was based on the truck had gone through the house and was either inside or had passed all the way back out. There was no complete information provided as to if there were injuries or fatalities in the house or truck. The response was appropriate based upon the information provided to emergency dispatchers.

  15. MM on May 26th, 2011 2:43 pm

    Looks like a total loss :)

  16. JanLou on May 26th, 2011 2:41 pm

    Looks like it probably costs more to run emergency vehicles to this than the damage could cost. Tax dollars hard at work. Must be a slow day out there.

  17. whitepunknotondope on May 26th, 2011 2:30 pm

    This happened to me many years ago. The reason was because I had left my car unlocked. Some late night party people thought it would be funny to release my hand brake and put the car in neutral!

    It ended up 40 yards down the parking lot smashed into another car rear-end first.

  18. William on May 26th, 2011 1:25 pm

    >>Was anyone driving the vehicle? I’m sure there’s more to the story…

    The story says “unoccupied”.

  19. Roy on May 26th, 2011 1:16 pm

    Was anyone driving the vehicle? I’m sure there’s more to the story…